In the US Reps and Dems seek to undermine each other. States try to out compete other States. In the EU, countries are constantly bickering over fishing quotas, trade agreements, agriculture and national sovereignty. Within several of those countries are regions that want independence. Some countries have large demographics that want out of the EU altogether.
Eastern Europe and Russia have breakaway regions. Smaller former Soviet countries are in serious conflict with Russia. China has issues with Taiwan. Korea with North Korea. The Middle East can't get on with their neighbors and their populations are in religious divisions. S. America is no better than any where else.
Historically, hasn't the world of geopolitics always been that way? My considered opinion is that NWO conspiracies can't see what's under their noses. They simply can't see it and point at Alex Jones, Denver airport, dollar bills and groups of self-serving billionaires as evidence. FEMA death camps? Chemtrails? Depopulation? It's BS to me.
The NWO believers tend to exhibit a US or Euro centrist perspective that overlooks the other 70% or 80% of the world. I genuinely think there'll be future studies and histories written about conspiracy hysteria in the same way we look back on witch hunts. It's like a social psychological illness contracted from gaudy websites and guys that make their living from it. And what really pisses me off about a lot of the followers is the way they dismiss anyone with a different opinion as sheeple and lemmings!
This is probably my last comment on NWO as the positions are intractable