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Why world domination? Why 'alien' agenda? Why satan..?

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I'm with you all the way. The next challenge is how do we devise a means of trading goods and services when the whole world realizes that the economy is big paper bag inflated with fart.
Let the banksters have all the gold. You can't eat it.
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i barter all the time.
i barter all the time.
I don't believe I have traded more than $2000 worth of federal-reserve paper-dollars in the last 3 years. I refuse to pay for further oppression of my people. It is such a fucking stupid game. We are all rich when we decide to be free.
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My questions are (partially) ansered.

I just finished reading Robert Monroe' book Journey out of the Body. He suggests that astral projections can be the most powerful power, becos one could pinch a world leader in the head to cause a rupture. Or, posess a human to let him do all kindsa strange things.

Robert Monroe experimented extensivley with the aforementioned

On a cosmic scale, what advantage does "Satan" or evil have, on prying on Earth' energy? Isnt the universe limitless?

In my Christian upbringing Satan was blamed for all wrongs in life. Later on

Robert Monroe pholosifies that, say a group of people very very good at OBEs manages to bands together they could easily influence world affairs. Not to mention use religion as a means to achieve their sinister goals. In fact, he even reports to have been "probed" by alien life forms. Read his book. It opens your eyes!

Robert Monroe allowed himself to be a lab rat in order to verify the existance of OBEs.

He says OBEs can be detected using conventional machinery, and an electrical field by household electricity is impenetrable by an astral projected soul. SDuring testing he was put into a electrified cage, and while astral he could not pass the electrical field. He even posessed a person and "helped" him.
So imagine, a world leader being posessed, or the idea of using Astral Projections to get in to Area51, but they somehow protect it with a electrical forcefield. Therefore keeping out psychic/astral spies.

Maybe David Icke isnt a nutcase after all?
Maybe the NWO is a definite possibility.

Question is. Why? Whats the ulteriour goal of this whatever NWO/whatever-it-is?

I have to experience astral projections myself.
I don't believe in conspiricies. The attack on USA on 09/11/2001 was a direct result of previous American governments involvement to secure and maintain an Empire in the Middle-East.

In answer to the poster's original question,
The book by Dr Lisa Randall: "Warped Passages" would answer your question about everything being connected. In the book she discusses different theories and multiple dimensions, 12 dimension physics, different quantum theories, superstring theory. There is no forumlae in the book, all text and diagrams. True excellent work, but before you read this I'd advise starting with some introductory 'lighter' reading like Michiu Kaku's "Parallel Worlds".

Although she didn't say it in the book, to me it seems that if there was a 'big bang' then everything in our universe are all interconnected as a particle can be multiple places at once, a particle is a wave, and a wave can be (unknown) light years in length. VBasically. My interpretation of the theory is that if the theory can be proven that everything in our universe is interconnected and part of a singularity.
Dr. Randal projected that technology to prove the existence of multiverse and multiple dimensions may be proveable within the next 30-40 years.

You can get a good introduction of why the world is run as it is, by banksters on Wall street always winning, money and credit, how the world is really run by a select few, the role of the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs & AIG relation, The Rockefellers, the bond bubble, the Treasury bubble, the housing bubble and the demose of the dolllar and America's overseas Empire.
Jim Marrs wrote an excellent book called "Rule by Secrecy". The book is factual. If you know anything about Austrian Economics and Libertarianism then Marrs's book would ring familiar bells. If you don't know anything about TRUE economics (Which is Austrian offcourse, with people like Murray Rothbard, Hayek, von Mises) then reading Marrs's book would be a good start.
Another great book on this would:
David Rothkopf's "",
Peter Schiff's "".

And just to add to my message above,
A small group will use their knowledge and cleverness to manipulate and control the masses.
I am from South Afdrica but currently live in the UK. Back in my school days in SA we learned the world map and I bet I can name and show you just about every country on the planet on a world map, plus a tiny bit of background from that country.

I have met people (seriously) who don't even know where Russia or Canada is on a world map, never mind Africa or USA. I don't say that is the general pop but goes a long way to show how people can be manipulated.

What dumdstrikes me is that 'investors' and markets believe (or pretend to believe) evry word Ben Bernanke says. I think the smart money knows how to profit from Bernanke's stupidity

You wanna kow about power and cronies ? Watch this:

My own opinion of this "New World Order" is somewhat based upon history. I don't think "they" (the so called elites) had mapped out a plan, I think they stumbled into it, gaining control of the treasury, learning how to manipulate markets and then dumbing down the USA (which is nothing new, in my opinion it started in the 1950's.) The rest just kind of came natural: exploitation of a free market economy to gain wealth.

Where does "Satan" come from? He comes from that old superstition that we hold on to for whatever reason. I mean, hey, if it works, use it. Why not throw a smokescreen up and blame "Satan" for all the ills of the world. Heck, while you're at it, blame hurricanes on human behavior and illness on sin as well.

Why would someone explain "aliens and reptillians" in biblical terms? It's the easiest solution. Take any set of current events and compare it with your own mythology. Something goes bump in the night and you have sleep paralysis: it has to be a demon or demon inspired. Watch an Alex Jones video and all of a sudden Congress is worshipping Baphomet.
In the US Reps and Dems seek to undermine each other. States try to out compete other States. In the EU, countries are constantly bickering over fishing quotas, trade agreements, agriculture and national sovereignty. Within several of those countries are regions that want independence. Some countries have large demographics that want out of the EU altogether.

Eastern Europe and Russia have breakaway regions. Smaller former Soviet countries are in serious conflict with Russia. China has issues with Taiwan. Korea with North Korea. The Middle East can't get on with their neighbors and their populations are in religious divisions. S. America is no better than any where else.

Historically, hasn't the world of geopolitics always been that way? My considered opinion is that NWO conspiracies can't see what's under their noses. They simply can't see it and point at Alex Jones, Denver airport, dollar bills and groups of self-serving billionaires as evidence. FEMA death camps? Chemtrails? Depopulation? It's BS to me.

The NWO believers tend to exhibit a US or Euro centrist perspective that overlooks the other 70% or 80% of the world. I genuinely think there'll be future studies and histories written about conspiracy hysteria in the same way we look back on witch hunts. It's like a social psychological illness contracted from gaudy websites and guys that make their living from it. And what really pisses me off about a lot of the followers is the way they dismiss anyone with a different opinion as sheeple and lemmings!

This is probably my last comment on NWO as the positions are intractable;)

I hope it is not your last comment because while I disagree with you on the majority of what you said, you seemed to at least speak from logic though I do think it is with a bit of hubris to it.

I think you misidentify the views of people in large that are included either questionable information at best (the preverbal “Grey Basket”) and absurd issues that the MAJORITY of people who are well-read and informed on Geo-Politics don’t think have validity to a lot of those points.
I study those who shape the world from the outside as best I can, their own writings; instead of just relying on the assumptions of others who project what they think is the direction of the world. Understanding basic history outside of your own country and Geo-Politics goes along way. Everything you said in those regards to various countries disagreements is very true. Tribal warfare is something that will never go away. What I think you fail to address and simply write off as “BS” is the direction the leaders of society and finance in those various countries gravitate towards.
While you seem to mock the “New World Order Believers” when it’s the actual term of those who support globalization and NOT the term of “Conspiracy Theorists” on it’s face. The debate between conspiracy and ideology can take place, but not the false debate that many people who are powerful share this view. I don’t have enough time and energy to explain that in a few words or even paragraphs in any detail to be fair. I don’t have a single “video” or book to explain that in any kind of lucid manner, it’s a long process of reading and making sense of bunk to valid points.
I would love to see a link or source with your “70-80%” claim. I think you are wrong there, my friend. I’m not looking for witches myself, just a fair, democratic manner that free people of ALL countries deserve. The “conspiracy” or ideology of a few don’t represent the masses. ALL countries deserve their own sovereignty if they CHOOSE to live in that manner. History will look back on society that laughed their way to losing their own freedoms because they were so “smart” and full of themselves. That, or not. We shall see. I draw a clear line in the sand in those regards, but don’t think you are a lemming. I just don’t agree with you.
There's no evil in nature and humans make their own decisions and create their own environments.

I'm curious what you mean when you say "there is no evil in nature"?

Are you saying that evil doesn't exist?

Man is part of the natural world so if there is no evil in nature then mankind cannot behave in an evil way.
The NWO is simply an excuse for people to blame others instead of taking responsibility and self accountability for their own lives or situations. It's a conspiracy theorist happy meal. Religion blames Satan and the paranoid blame the NWO.
Are you saying that evil doesn't exist?

In my opinion, I've yet to be convinced that evil exists. By evil, I mean evil force or personification of that evil force. Demonic and suchlike. There are human actions that are described as evil (Rwanda is one that deeply affected my perspective on human life), but I don't blame those actions on a 'force,' I blame those actions on people.
I hope it is not your last comment because while I disagree with you on the majority of what you said, you seemed to at least speak from logic though I do think it is with a bit of hubris to it.

It's my last comment. I'm not shying away from a debate or unsure about my position. I'm posting a reply because you took the time to respond and it'd be inconsiderate to ignore that. Debates between people that favor NWO explanations for political events and those that don't seem to me like swimming in a tar pit...very messy and neither party gets any further forward.:rolleyes:
I don't believe in any UFO/Satantic/Reptilian version of the NWO. But I sure as hell believe it's an ideology of globalization and world-wide socialism ruled by elites through methods such as global reserve banking. Those elites would impose many restrictions and regulations on the lives of normal individuals while at the same time be excluded from those laws themselves. In their "grand vision" the sovereignty of countries and their respective human rights documents such as the Constitution would be superseded by various global mechanisms and treaties "for the good of the people"

I've seen this quote many times before. I'd like someone to verify the validity of it, because if it's real it pretty much sums up my above statement.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great
publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion
for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if
we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more
sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty
of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination
practiced in past centuries"

--David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting
in June of 1991

What more is there to say?