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Women's World Cup 2015

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And it's over - a well earned win, but Japan was just not up for this game - very inconsistent play from them. France/Germany was so much more exciting. Wish this was a tighter game, but overall the entire tourney proved that women's soccer is absolutely exciting soccer and continues to be on my list for must watch sporting events along with Men's World Cup soccer, the Briar and International 9-ball.
I am a casual soccer fan and my wife can count the number of times she watched it on one hand. But I found her sitting right next to me watching the US play and really getting in to it. Maybe it is just me but I find the Women's World Cup much more compelling than the Men's. I would be interested to see where the experts rank this team compared to some of our championship caliber teams in the past.
Congratulations on a fantastic victory USA, I am very happy because I wanted them to win, and overall they have been the best team throughout the tournament.

I think it has been a great world cup, but I think the standard of referees was too low, some very strange and awful decisions were made, but I really admired the effort from the players, and the games were played in a fair spirit.

The highlight for me was Henry's goal for France, what a strike! but Norway's free kick, was also top quality.
As to be expected, given the success of the uswnt in the just finished world cup over next couple of days there will be discussions about the difference between popularity...and by extension...the salaries and benefits between the men's squad and women's squad.

As we come down from our national high it is likely there will be plenty of discussions about a professional women's league that will either just as quickly fade away or against all odds come to fruition and die shortly afterwards.

The first 9 and a half minutes of this program touches on why this happens this way. I include it because near the end of the program(50:54) when they do listen feedback someone you guys may be familiar with weighs in on the matter with a point I thought was valid...if not naive and simplistic...and was received with limited enthusiasm.

Money in Women's Soccer, Shark Week and the Chamber of Commerce — Press Play with Madeleine Brand — KCRW
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