Skilled Investigator
musictomyears said:paulkimball said:musictomyears said:Nick Pope... Hmmm.........
You guys are aware of his professional background - right?
Umm... so what does that have to do with the question of whether he is an informed and reasonable commentator on UFOs?
That's a bit like asking "What has the fact that Dick Cheney used to be CEO of Halliburton have to do with Halliburton getting governmental non-bid contracts?"
Until 2006, Nick Pope was a full-time MoD employee. The nature of his work (see his bio at his own web site ) makes it abundantly clear that he made a career out of unquestioningly serving the political and military establishment. He talks about the horrors of war in a detached tone, as if they were a mere intellectual exercise:
Listening to Nick Pope tells us what the MoD wants the public to know about the subject: Next to nothing.
I think you are right, but exaggerating a little. (as we all do to try and make a point)
However, as someone who has been in the military and worked in research and development, let me say this: The difference between Dick Cheney and Nick Pope is (I'm guessing here) is quite a chasm. You can either use your connections and training and experience to leverage yourself into better connections and more control and more power, or you sometimes realize that, like a religion, you just don't believe in that dogma any more, and you want to find out why you don't feel right doing it.
Nick Pope has a distinguished career, with a lot of conditioning that goes with secret work. It is hard to jump from being a guarded, emotionally controlled piece of the System into being an individual who questions everything.
Unless a person inherits a lot of money or strikes it rich someplace, then they have to maintain a certain level of respect for the experience that brought them to where they are, just in case they might need to get a job again.
It is also hard to step outside of the accepted societal norm and embrace a community of people who, by necessity or psychology, are paranoid, introverted, unbathed (from weeks of watching Area 51 lights), untrained, or in other ways extraordinary (hearing voices, seeing bigfoot behind every tree..).
On the other hand, someone who has spent their life being abducted, probed, examined, and humiliated would probably excel in the government's dungeons of secrets and lies, especially considering that they would at least get paid for it now, and keeping things secret would be a patriotic and trustworthy sacrifice.
For me, the jury is out on Mr. Pope. I don't know him, and what I have read in the past was not remarkable enough to remember over and above other writers. Perhaps his meeting with people at the X-Conf will stimulate some additional courage to burn more bridges and tell us things he was afraid to tell. Otherwise, it looks like we've gained another intelligent person who is willing to at least discuss and debate within the Paracast tendrils. If his job is to spread disinformation, then the stories will be unremarkable and left behind in the fray. If his contributions bring up new insights to how the government handles information, then we gain. At this point, the only threat someone would pose to true investigations is to compile a list of people and turn them over to the Scare Department, and even that would tell us something. Disinformation works mostly on the large number of people who know little about the big picture and are just poking around. The knowledge seeking part of UFO's doesn't require a majority, unless you expect to get the government to form another commission, in which case, you go in circles again, regardless of how many people call their legislators.