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WTC 7 tell me what you think of this video

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Al Qaeda is it not the enemy of the United States? Isn't it accepted Al Qaeda members killed 3,000 people on 9/11 and a war was started because of it!

Now the confusing part

Nato supported Al Qaeda in Libya and is doing so now in Syria? Why would Nato support an enemy? Did Al Qaeda announce a truce or ceasefire? When does an enemy become a friend all of a sudden?

Anyway my take on 9/11...

Two planes crashed against the twin towers on 9/11 and everyone watching tv that day saw that happen. Shortly about half hour to an hour later one of the towers came crashing down.

I saw one commercial airliner crash into the building, go inside, and not come on the opposite side. Fires were ablaze in a matter of minutes, and the fires were mainly confined to the top floors of both twin towers. Both collapses started from the top and made their way to the bottom.

Coincidence this top down collapse occurred exactly were the planes hit? Would fires not have triggered demolitions prematurely?

For me WTC7 is more interesting because the damage to that building wasn't severe and only small fires were reported inside the building. Why it came down like it did is a mystery. Finding prove this was brought down by explosives or whatnot however i think is going to be an impossible task. Lastly the Pentagon. Plane parts were found that day and photographed and eyewitnesses saw a plane hit the Pentagon. A plane hit the pentagon would be my view currently. However if something else hit the pentagon good reason as any it would be covered up.
At the end of the day, even if the top of the towers, from crash point up, collapsed - it does not explain where all the steel structure went or why it just seemed to disappear? I won't argue over whether the falling speed was freefall or not but christ it was so quick, the only explanation was that there was nothing stopping these upper floors from heading downwards?

How on earth can the 9/11 report completely fail to mention WT7? That is a smoking gun of the first order. I don't know exactly how all this was carried out but the report is as much use as the Warren commission.

And on that point, I cannot understand why people in the USA today are not demanding a reopening of the Kennedy assassination! Does anyone still believe Oswald acted alone and fired all the rounds?

What say you 'Skeptical Enquirer' readers or JREF - likers? I am not trying to pick a fight over anything but does the skeptical community buy the official version of JFK's death? Surely not?
It is my understanding that the legislation that enabled the "9/11 Commission" was carefully worded to limit the scope of the investigation to the time frame "BEFORE" the collapse of WTC 1 & 2. This prevented the Commission from digging into questions about WTC 7 and the cleanup of the WTC site. I have not dragged out the legislation to check this out but I have heard the allegation multiple times.
For me it's all about disappearing metal and a badly pulled off Pentagon job.

If there was nothing to hide we would see all the CCTV (originals) from the area round the Pentagon. Case closed - there is some kind of cover-up.
we would see some mention of building 7 and the Norman Mineta testimony in the official report as well. But when you spend more on blow job investigations than you do on a 9/11 attack that is what you get.
Rikki said: "this settles it in my mind that no exposives were used"

I do not understand how you can come to that conclusion. As I see it, if explosives had been used just below that corner, inside the building to remove supporting structure, the corner would have fallen "in", just as it did.
It's not the manner of fire or temp that really bothers me. If we understand that from the impact floor up - things went to shit and fell apart - that just does not explain how the steel structure beneath all that just seemed to utterly fail as if turned into paper.

Experiment - build a replica of the towers' steel frame with something approximating the relative weight of concrete and building contents relative to the size of the metal used for the replica. Meccano would do. Anyway, light a fire 4/5 of the way up, loosen all the bolts etc and I'll bet you cannot make all the metal underneath just give way. This supposedly strong building's interior just seemed to fail utterly.

AND, most importantly, when on earth do police just cart away primary evidence of a mass crime? In the most powerful nation on earth? Go ask a CSI or structural engineer if they would authorise removal of all the steel before an investigation can take place? I know it might seem an awful lot of stuff to store but hey, the US is a big country. It was evidence, evidence and evidence and it was treated like trash? Not a good look at all.
It may be a moot point but my figuring is this. Those fire fighters were professional and especially working in new york have probably had plenty of experience fighting fires in high rises if there was ANY expectations of a collapse even if there was no previous scenario to match it against the heads would not have been so quick to send those men to their deaths and set the department back years. I'm sure they would have a pretty good grasp on the situation and deemed it safe (loosely speaking) From what I heard many fire fighters reported the sound of explosions and likely have heard the sounds of collapsing floors enough times or have seen and heard transformers blowing out enough times in order to discern the differences between then and another reason. Also I'm sure they had worked enough fires where explosions.were a factor to be able to pick those out as well. You could probably set off a charge in a controlled situation and a well trained fire fighter could tell you what substance was set off and the size of the blast contrawise pick up a charred/melted piece of structure and with a little detective work determine the substance and accelerent used
Can you imagine carrying all that heavy equipment upstairs for 50 floors, knowing you have loads more to go? Add to that the fireman's fire-proof clothing and you have a sweaty, tiring and hot maximum physical effort experience on the way to do your job, watching everyone else escape down the stairs past you.

No-one has impressed me as much in any line of work in my memory. Just for these guys, let alone all the other victims I feel it an obligation for an administration to take the enquiry far more seriously. As has been pointed out, the cost was far less than political campaigns. The worst single terrorist incident ever?

The steel and concrete seems to disappear yet you find a hijacker's passport? Whatever....
And you know that they need to take out plenty strong points for it to work. How did all those top floors fail at the same time and then everything beneath. I would expect it to be soo much more messy. Isn't that the whole trick to demo? Using a little to bring down a lot - get it wrong and it's actually hard to bring them down in pretty much their own footprint. I just can't see 2 separate towers coming down so 'perfectly.'
And you know that they need to take out plenty strong points for it to work. How did all those top floors fail at the same time and then everything beneath. I would expect it to be soo much more messy. Isn't that the whole trick to demo? Using a little to bring down a lot - get it wrong and it's actually hard to bring them down in pretty much their own footprint. I just can't see 2 separate towers coming down so 'perfectly.'
2 separate towers?!? dont forget about WTC 7... it is easy to overlook, even the official 9/11 commission overlooked it. 3 steel and concrete towers all exhibiting failures from fire that had never been seen before in the history of mankind... amazing huh?