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X-Files of Soviet Defense Ministry Exposed

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[This intriguing article was sent toJack Sarfatti's list. George Knapp commented in a followup post: "The story out of Russia mentions General Savin as being the head of the study. I happen to know this to be true. In 1993 when I traveled to Moscow to work on a UFO documentary project, I interviewed Savin at length, and also conducted interviews with members of his staff of trained remote viewers. They told us that contact had been made. I broadcast a tiny sliver of the info in a report for KLAS TV but most of what we brought back from Savin has never been made public. His primary concern back then was that the techniques he had developed---and information obtained--would be taken over by KGB (or its successor) and never see the light of day. he wanted to share it with al mankind for the good of the planet. Might sound corny, but that's what he told us then and I found him to be a pretty sincere guy." Interesting claims by the author of the following, to be sure —chris]

Article HERE:

By Svetlana Smetanina 21 Feb 2013

In Soviet times, the Ministry of Defense was working on a secret project aimed at creating a superhuman with paranormal abilities. Under this project, a group of scientists managed to get in touch with a foreign civilization. The head of this top secret project shared some details with reporters for the first time.

On a regular winter day in Moscow, in the comfort a room with a fireplace, journalists were given a real sensation. A senior retired official of the Ministry of Defense, lieutenant-general in reserve, PhD, a fellow of the Academy of Natural Sciences Alexey Savin said that in the late 1980's a group of researchers from the Expert Management Unit of General Staff managed to make a contact with representatives of another civilization. Interestingly, none of the journalists were particularly surprised but, rather, relieved with the "confession."

Vasily Yeremenko, a Major General of FIB in reserve, academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement, was the first to speak to the press. In Soviet times he served in the KGB and supervised the Air Force and development of aviation technology. Among his assignments was collection of information by the Air Force of the facts of appearance of unidentified flying objects. According to Vasily Yeremenko, by that time there was an ample amount of such information.

Missile units were even given a directive in case of detection of UFOs. The main task was not to create opportunities for reciprocal aggression. In 1983-1984 at the testing grounds of the Academy of Sciences by Vladimirovka, the Ministry of Defense and the KGB organized a large-scale study of paranormal phenomena. The military training site was not a random choice. Experts have long come to the conclusion that UFOs inevitably appear in places where military equipment and weapons are tested.

"We can say that we learned to summon UFOs in Vladimirovka. To do this, we dramatically increased the number of military flights and movement of the equipment. If the intensity on our side increased, UFOs appeared with the probability of 100 percent," explained Yeremenko. After six months of tests the authoritative commission came to three main conclusions.

First, modern science was not yet able to identify such phenomena. Second, it could be reconnaissance equipment of the U.S. or Japan. Third, it could be an impact of an extraterrestrial civilization. "The UFO topic today is ubiquitous. Precisely because of its scandalous nature serious scientists are not willing to identify their position on this issue. Pilots often see such objects, but they have a veto on this topic, so do astronauts. In confidential conversations they talk about their experiences meeting with UFOs, but they are afraid to speak publicly about this," said Vasily Yeremenko.

He believes that this subject requires a serious approach because it is a security issue. Yet, it is still a closed topic both in the U.S. and in Russia. Lt. Gen. Alexey Savin proceeded to reveal some aspects of the engagement of the Ministry of Defense. He headed the Expert Management Unit of the General Staff, whose task was to examine various unusual phenomena.

The main project of the unit was a state program on the discovery of intellectual human resources. The goal of the program was toidentify ways to make the human brain work in a special regime of super-powers, making a person a superhuman. The Scientific Council of the program was led by an Academician Natalya Bekhtereva, who until her death served as a scientific director of the Institute of Human Brain of RAS.

Over two hundred highly skilled professionals from across the country participated in the program. "In the process of research, we came to the conclusion that a human was an energy and information system that receives information from outside. This is precisely why a human can manifest paranormal abilities," said Alexey Savin. In order to identify this external source of information, three groups were created. One group was formed from scientists, another - from military, and the third one was composed of women.

The group of women made the most significant progress in the research. Savin explained that they "wanted to make a contact with representatives of other civilizations. And we did it." According to him, a special method has been developed that allowed the humanbrain to tune into a contact. "We had to tune energy-contour of the human brain to a particular wave, like a radio," Alexey Savin explained.

No hypnosis, drugs, or other similar methods were used in the course of the experiment. A special system of testing was also developed to separate the incoming reports from hallucinations and insanity of the experiment participants. The experimental results were impressive: six participants were given a chance of physical contact, and two of them even managed to visit an alien ship.According to Savin, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations revealed themselves gradually, giving away the information as they saw fit.

In particular, they talked about their government structure and education system. No information on the military could be obtained.The only thing they agreed to share was a scheme of the equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The head of the experiment explained that humans were like small children to them. "Our civilization is too young to be of interest to them as asubject for a dialogue. Because we are also a part of the universe, we may harm ourselves and other civilizations with our foolish actions, so they are looking out for us. "

The program of communication with extraterrestrial intelligence had been developed for several years until politics intervened. In1993, the study was stopped and the unit disbanded. According to Savin, he was able to retain only a small number of documents, most of them, including photo reports, are still in the archives of the Ministry of Defense. Incidentally, the unique method for thedevelopment of the phenomenal abilities of an individual, until recently, was used in the Academy named after Gagarin until it was disbanded by the former Defense Minister Serdyukov. Yet, the core of the research team was preserved.

"Four years ago we tried to repeat the experiment, and we were successful," said Alexey Savin. According to him, today this workcontinues, and the "brains and talented people are still present in the defense industry." Answering the question of Pravda.Ru why it was decided to announce it to the media Savin replied: "Why hide something from people? Instead, they need to prepare for new challenges."

He believes that there are two global challenges today: climate change and shortage of drinking water. Russia has a special role inthis process. "When we pass the point of bifurcation, people from all over will run to us. How will we meet them, with weapons? Of course, we will have to negotiate." Maybe all this is a puzzle from the "text book" for young civilizations? Perhaps, aliens havearranged an experiment to see how we would handle it.
The head of the experiment explained that humans were like small children to them. "Our civilization is too young to be of interest to them as a subject for a dialogue.

Interesting quote, and while it implys a biological paradigm, it could also apply to a transbiological pov.

ie: being biological sentience makes us "young" from the perspective of the inevitable trend to sentience as destined to evolve to a non biological substrate

However, Seti searchers have mostly still worked under the assumption - as a starting point for a search of the entire cosmos - that ETs would be "alive" in the sense that we know.

That has led to a hunt for life that is bound to follow at least some rules of biochemistry, live for a finite period of time, procreate, and above all be subject to the processes of evolution.
But Dr Shostak makes the point that while evolution can take a large amount of time to develop beings capable of communicating beyond their own planet, technology would already be advancing fast enough to eclipse the species that wrought it.
"If you look at the timescales for the development of technology, at some point you invent radio and then you go on the air and then we have a chance of finding you," he told BBC News.
"But within a few hundred years of inventing radio - at least if we're any example - you invent thinking machines; we're probably going to do that in this century.
"So you've invented your successors and only for a few hundred years are you... a 'biological' intelligence."
From a probability point of view, if such thinking machines ever evolved, we would be more likely to spot signals from them than from the "biological" life that invented them.

BBC News - Alien hunters 'should look for artificial intelligence'

Aliens could operate through thinking robots, astronomer says - Telegraph
I tend to agree but i read this is Brins great silence yesterday

(aversion to an idea, simply because of its long association with crackpots, gives crackpots altogether too much influence .All options should be considered) pg 229 the Great Silence

The brain is a transmitter

With an ordinary radio set for an amplifier, a young scientist at London is measuring brain waves. A fairly regular electrical wave emanates from the human brain during normal thought, but the waves diminish during sleep. The intensity of the waves is measured on an electric meter, enabling research men to study the relative intensity of thought processes.

Brain Waves Are Measured with Radio Amplifier | Modern Mechanix

A 'mind-reading machine' that can display mental images is a step closer after scientists decoded brain signals related to vision, it was claimed today.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1388268/Could-mind-reading-machine-soon-reality-Scientists-decode-human-brainwaves.html#ixzz2M8pf2JYK

With a chilling hint of the not-so-distant future, researchers at the Usenix Security conference have demonstrated a zero-day vulnerability in your brain. Using a commercial off-the-shelf brain-computer interface, the researchers have shown that it’s possible to hack your brain, forcing you to reveal information that you’d rather keep secret
Hackers backdoor the human brain, successfully extract sensitive data | ExtremeTech
Mind control over computers becomes a reality

A machine that allows people to play computer games using just the power of their thoughts

Mind control over computers becomes a reality - Telegraph

Mind-reading program translates brain activity into words

The research paves the way for brain implants that would translate the thoughts of people who have lost power of speech

Given the right technology, its possible to do the reverse, so while channeling does have strong crackpot associations, It is still possible a technologically advanced entity could use brain to brain communications

Synthetic telepathy is on the cards....

Vocal cords were overrated anyway. A new Army grant aims to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. No need to type an e-mail, dial a phone or even speak a word

Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’ - Technology & science - Science - DiscoveryNews.com | NBC News
Imagine a species that has perfected synthetic telepathy, reverse engineering their brains to the point of being able to communicate not just language, but direct experience itself.

Its quite likely that just as Skype has replaced snail mail, this would replace the outdated and biologically limited vocal method.

They encounter evolutionary "children" like us who still use the native protocols of voice/hearing to communicate.

Even with an ability to handshake and interface with our brians, we still think of voices in the head as being related to crazies and crackpots........

Computers use "trust" as part of their comms protocols

(1) In directory services, a trust is the passing of the rights of one group to another. See trust relationship.

(2) A computer system that is secure. See trusted computer system.

(3) The belief that a document or message has not been tampered with and that it is coming from the person indicated and not forged in any manner. See digital signatu

But since we dont "trust" voices in the head, we may have a situation where a species with such advanced technology as mind to mind comms..... cant communicate with us.

Offtopic but this reminds me of a kind of funny story about an aspergers patient. At age 8 the shrink asked her "do you hear voices ?" . "Yes" she replied and was diagnosed a schitzo and spent 10 years in an institution.

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