Those were the only things i got that panned out. The sea monkeys were a total bust - didn't look anything like the pictures. no crowns, no nice family settings and picnics or scenes from the Jetsons as I was expecting. i know i should have got that giant sized Frankenstein, but i knew my parents would freak.

The soldiers was the first order placed, scrawled in my own hand and the envelope loaded heavy with nickles, dimes and lots of pennies. Somehow they still managed to arrive - go figure. Who knew mail order was so easy? my six year old self asked with great confidence. Countless hours were spent in the sandbox with these soldiers, waging wars with conscripted spiders, grasshoppers and the occasional large caterpillar. Then there were the explosive fire battles with the matches I stole from my dad's drawer and the boxes of caps I bought from the corner store. Oh and the devil was there too, back in the early beginnings of the young arsonist, for I knew I was doing satan's work. Gotta love the kid brain that's been steeped in Catholicism. That's when the real delusions begin.