Is Yoga a key to opening other so called dimensions /portals of the Brain and the Electronic Magnetic Field around the body/Ora. Furthermore, is it another form of channeling abilities or just a resting exercise? Also does it increase visions or illusions. It seems work for some and not others is that the same with clairvoyants? When we die is that the end of us or do we channel or EMP to next dimension?
The reason why I ask this question is a friend in the USA was very ill and I had only managed to speak on the phone a few weeks prior to his death. Anyway this is how the true story goes a few years back . I saw my ill friend in a dream his loud voice was telling me everything was OK and then my friend reach out to shake my hand after this I managed to get back to sleep. I got up in the morning and decided to check my emails after breakfast their was a email waiting from my friends family in USA which had informed me my friend in the USA had died (one day behind in the USA
The reason why I ask this question is a friend in the USA was very ill and I had only managed to speak on the phone a few weeks prior to his death. Anyway this is how the true story goes a few years back . I saw my ill friend in a dream his loud voice was telling me everything was OK and then my friend reach out to shake my hand after this I managed to get back to sleep. I got up in the morning and decided to check my emails after breakfast their was a email waiting from my friends family in USA which had informed me my friend in the USA had died (one day behind in the USA