I need help.
(And I had to put this in the conspiracy thread cuz I think that is where it belongs.)
Well, actually I don't need help, someone else does. More important many, many people need help.
I've come to find out that my boss is a Young Earth Creationist. Here is the hard part. He really is great guy(like that is going to go far). He is genuine, compassionate, and reasonable(seemingly). I feel bad even writing this, but am unsure of how to act and respond.
It seems Darwin has created quite a monstrosity. And science had even further enraged the discussion, with truth no doubt. Anyway my boss thinks we lived with the dinosaurs, evolution is a hoax, Neanderthals are a hoax, all of our dating techniques are wrong, the fossil record is misrepresented, we can't find a transitional form, the Grand Canyon was formed in a thousand years or so, Continental drift is a hoax, and so on. And on, and on.
So to humor him, I've looked into the arguments, and come to find, they are abysmal. They are embarrassing. Now, to my understanding lots, thousands, tens of thousands, and more believe this rubbish. Can you believe that recent Roper polls suggest that 40-50% of the people (not sure sample size, etc) believe that the Bible is the literal word of GOD ??!!
WHY?? (It's sort of a rhetorical question)
Despite what you believe, whether atheist or theist, what can you make of this situation? I'll have to say at this point I think that a god does exist. There are so many questions that beg a creator in whatever form you like. I suppose as many questions beg a creator as they beg no creator. It depends on multiple factors and arguments. I'm not a christian or of any denomination, but I think that there are some valid reasons to believe in a creator.
But this????
It is this type of philosphy that continues to wedge the compatibility of faith and science. And I'm not saying that we can prove or know of an apparent god because of science, but that the two do not have to be incompatible. It just requires an understanding of what we know like evolution, big bang, geology, cosmology, DNA, to be in complete awe of what we observe.
I don't see how our understanding of our world precludes the existence of god (for lack of a better term, maybe "force" would be better) Yet people like the YEC are incredibly frightened by worlds colliding.
I just have a hard time with seemingly reasonable people discounting or completely disregarding the brilliant works of scientists in the past and present. What is it about literal belief in the Bible that attracts so many??
Thanks, I just had to get this off my chest. While on one hand I would like to completely wreck every argument put forth I don't know if it is in my interest to do so. He doesn't seem to be harming anyone, so far as I can tell. He is adamant about it, but not in a particularly filibuster manner. Yet he would like to discuss such matters.
This puts me in a paradox. I shouldn't have the discussion because it may enrage him(someone I may need a reference from) and break down his own paradigm into a sensible one(unlikely). I should have the discussion because I'm right and the truth, as far as we understand it, should be known and misperceptions should be cleared up. This is because the children of such families grow up with a disadvantage that will hinder their potential as intelligent, reasonable, objective human beings.
Any comments or advice??
BTW I'm nearly through a book right now that is perhaps the most sensibly framed book in describing the potential compatibility between science and religion. It really strikes me as insightful and is written by the former head of the Human Genome Project , Francis Collins. It's called "The Language of God" and is a great book in my opinion.
(And I had to put this in the conspiracy thread cuz I think that is where it belongs.)
Well, actually I don't need help, someone else does. More important many, many people need help.
I've come to find out that my boss is a Young Earth Creationist. Here is the hard part. He really is great guy(like that is going to go far). He is genuine, compassionate, and reasonable(seemingly). I feel bad even writing this, but am unsure of how to act and respond.
It seems Darwin has created quite a monstrosity. And science had even further enraged the discussion, with truth no doubt. Anyway my boss thinks we lived with the dinosaurs, evolution is a hoax, Neanderthals are a hoax, all of our dating techniques are wrong, the fossil record is misrepresented, we can't find a transitional form, the Grand Canyon was formed in a thousand years or so, Continental drift is a hoax, and so on. And on, and on.
So to humor him, I've looked into the arguments, and come to find, they are abysmal. They are embarrassing. Now, to my understanding lots, thousands, tens of thousands, and more believe this rubbish. Can you believe that recent Roper polls suggest that 40-50% of the people (not sure sample size, etc) believe that the Bible is the literal word of GOD ??!!
WHY?? (It's sort of a rhetorical question)
Despite what you believe, whether atheist or theist, what can you make of this situation? I'll have to say at this point I think that a god does exist. There are so many questions that beg a creator in whatever form you like. I suppose as many questions beg a creator as they beg no creator. It depends on multiple factors and arguments. I'm not a christian or of any denomination, but I think that there are some valid reasons to believe in a creator.
But this????
It is this type of philosphy that continues to wedge the compatibility of faith and science. And I'm not saying that we can prove or know of an apparent god because of science, but that the two do not have to be incompatible. It just requires an understanding of what we know like evolution, big bang, geology, cosmology, DNA, to be in complete awe of what we observe.
I don't see how our understanding of our world precludes the existence of god (for lack of a better term, maybe "force" would be better) Yet people like the YEC are incredibly frightened by worlds colliding.
I just have a hard time with seemingly reasonable people discounting or completely disregarding the brilliant works of scientists in the past and present. What is it about literal belief in the Bible that attracts so many??
Thanks, I just had to get this off my chest. While on one hand I would like to completely wreck every argument put forth I don't know if it is in my interest to do so. He doesn't seem to be harming anyone, so far as I can tell. He is adamant about it, but not in a particularly filibuster manner. Yet he would like to discuss such matters.
This puts me in a paradox. I shouldn't have the discussion because it may enrage him(someone I may need a reference from) and break down his own paradigm into a sensible one(unlikely). I should have the discussion because I'm right and the truth, as far as we understand it, should be known and misperceptions should be cleared up. This is because the children of such families grow up with a disadvantage that will hinder their potential as intelligent, reasonable, objective human beings.
Any comments or advice??
BTW I'm nearly through a book right now that is perhaps the most sensibly framed book in describing the potential compatibility between science and religion. It really strikes me as insightful and is written by the former head of the Human Genome Project , Francis Collins. It's called "The Language of God" and is a great book in my opinion.