Skilled Investigator
Dr. Mack was very interested in the alien abduction phenomena, and was especially interested in the stories young children told. The reason for his interest, in part, was the idea that a child’s mind was not locked into our reality, or overly populated by media, especially in some of the African areas he went too in order to obtain these experiences first hand from young ones. From my own experience at the age of 5, and discussing other peoples experiences as young children, I think that there is a wealth of material to draw from, that might aid us in understanding this phenomena. I realize that the debunkers will rake us over the fire for using the stories of very young people as being unreliable, and full of fantasy, but in my experience, there are many stories where several children saw the same apparition, and can be individuality interviewed in order to separate fact from fanciful. A case in point:
When my brother and I were 5 and 7, we shared a bedroom with two individual beds. Our beds were separate from each other by about three feet, and we shared a night table. One night we had just been sent to bed, and were laying on our sides talking to each other. While the light to our room was off, we could see very well from the light that spilled in from the hallway. We were propped up on our pillows chatting, when all of a sudden, a “monster” hand of some kind just “plopped” on my mattress. This hand had long thin fingers, grayish with what looked like pock marks on the top of this hand. I cannot remember how many fingers this thing had, but it was more than three, and less than 6. Both my brother and I screamed our heads off, and my dad came dashing into our room, and flipped on the main light. The hand instantly disappeared, and we never seen it again. To this day, and its been over 50 years, both my brother and I know what we saw, and no one can tell us that we were dreaming or asleep. Needless to say, I have spent some time attempting to collect childhood stories of this kind, and found many. Something about how our minds work at that tender age lets us see things that “go bump in the night’ until we reach an age where we are convinced that we cannot be seeing what we once knew was there. pb<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
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When my brother and I were 5 and 7, we shared a bedroom with two individual beds. Our beds were separate from each other by about three feet, and we shared a night table. One night we had just been sent to bed, and were laying on our sides talking to each other. While the light to our room was off, we could see very well from the light that spilled in from the hallway. We were propped up on our pillows chatting, when all of a sudden, a “monster” hand of some kind just “plopped” on my mattress. This hand had long thin fingers, grayish with what looked like pock marks on the top of this hand. I cannot remember how many fingers this thing had, but it was more than three, and less than 6. Both my brother and I screamed our heads off, and my dad came dashing into our room, and flipped on the main light. The hand instantly disappeared, and we never seen it again. To this day, and its been over 50 years, both my brother and I know what we saw, and no one can tell us that we were dreaming or asleep. Needless to say, I have spent some time attempting to collect childhood stories of this kind, and found many. Something about how our minds work at that tender age lets us see things that “go bump in the night’ until we reach an age where we are convinced that we cannot be seeing what we once knew was there. pb<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
