Chuckleberryfinn said:
I was a bit short with everyone on this thread. Forgive me, the last 3 days of my life have been perhaps the most stressful and trying that I've ever had.
..No skin, dude, that's cool.
..In my life, I have nearly drowned under ice twice, been struck by lightning, lost two homes to fire, been shot at, stabbed, beaten down and beaten up, molested as a child, been responsible for the death of my favorite pet, loved and lost, and more.
..Currently I'm a route salesman with about 830 customers I call on over the course of ten days; in the fourteen months I've had this job, I've had 39 customers die.
..I have Asperger's Syndrome, a highly functional spectrum of Autism, which affords me 20% more sensitivity in every physical sense and started me off in the world with obsessive-compulsive tendencies, manic-depression and paranoid schizophrenia. Today you'd never know I grew up like that if you met me in person.
..In short, I have suffered and learned from many different situations. And in my experience, everything happens for a reason. When something bad happens, something good comes from it. I hate to resort to religious terminology as there's so much baggage attached to it all, but simply put, everything that happens is part of God's plan.
..My mantra is as follows; At all times, everything is as it should be. If I'm in disagreement with current happenings, it's time to change my perspective.
..Oy, rambling. time for sleep...