A couple of points on this excellent example shown by Angelo here:
A true and realistic answer for the "inverted" pentagram stained glass window:
Oh how easy it was for Ryan to put this in the classification of "Evil".....The funny thing is, if we were to automatically assume that an inverted pentagram is evil, we would have to call every Metal of Honor winner evil, or backed by an evil organization as well:
2. And most importantly, Ryan should have done his homework before he exclaimed that the window was "Evil" or used for "Evil purposes".....
Because if he did he would have known something about an international humanitarian organization composed of wives whose husbands were advanced Masons. They use an inverted pentacle (or pentagram which is synonymous) as their symbol. Essentially all "Eastern Star" members (which they were called by) in North America are Christians and it is well known that during the time this prison was built, they could have easily used the star as a decoration/proudly displayed symbol of their influence, as they happened to do throughout North America, in both windows, doors, and many other masonic built apparatus.
Excellent job Angelo showing just why a show like this should be taken lightly or for "entertainment purposes" only!