Sounds good but it's not quite true. It's science to say "this is the best data we have for the development of biological life on earth" But, to say "therefore all reality everywhere can be put into this box." Well not so much. Acually, I think religion is self correcting. Just takes longer.

By the way what you described is "adaptation" not evolution. Still, I'm not anti science. I love science. I'm anti "meatbot." I have spoken to "Christians" and Muslims and agnostics and the truth is you have to look farther than pat robertson or suicide bombers. Many honest "idividuals" use their religion along with science and common sense to relate to the world. IT's the loud and proud "kooks" that get all the attention.
Now, I may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time.) But, I think the "church" as in Christian fellowships will eventually accept gay people (some very progressives do) and I think religion will "evolve" or die. But, I think it will evolve. Sorry, but to me the idea that we just simply crawled out of the myth of the primordial soup is as silly as talking snakes. But, even if we did I don't think "we" resemble that anymore than a mocking bird resembles a T-Rex.
A poster here who I find to be intelligent even though he is an atheist and I'm not made a good point. At which point did a "soul" get involved with evolution? Truth is I don't know. Maybe "soul" is all there really is. Maybe the myth is matter was first. It's not a popular thing to say but we really don't know (sorry but we really don't) what was before the big bang. I honestly can say I don't know if we are spirit or animal or even if it matters spiritually speaking. I just know that "I am" and I always have been me.
The problem with the paranormal is it is frustrating. It doesn't fit into a test tube. It's easy to dismiss out of hand. But, some of us have these "experiences" that we can't explain away. I have a very intelligent friend who simply "put it away" for now. Why? Because he is a scientist and it just doesn't fit his worldview. He will (or maybe he already has)take it out and look again someday. Maybe, we are using the wrong tools. I don't know. I just know that what we know is still very little compared to what is there. Anyway, I don't like to get into snippy name calling stuff. I know your scientist can beat up my scientist. Your god can beat up my god. But honestly, when did this forum "de-volve" into this? I thought it was for the "exchange" of ideas and that "human expereince" at least on a forum like this would be legitimate. I don't know how some of you even listen to the "drivel" on the show. It certainly won't hold up to your stats and test tubes. Oh well, at least your here to save the silly few from ourselves.
---------- Post added at 05:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------
What could be debated, however, is how those changes are interpreted—whether or not they had a genetic basis and not a "plastic response to the environment," said Hendry, who was not associated with the study.
"All of this might be evolution," Hendry said. "The logical next step would be to confirm the genetic basis for these changes."
Now that is Science. We study and confirm and don't make blanket "we know for sure statements." But thanks for the link it's interesting. I still have no (and have never had) problems with biological evolution. As I've said before I take it on faith. I trust that we at least know that much. It's the ones who take it on themselves to confuse "fact" which is we seem to have evolution with the "misrepresentation" that it somehow belittles the human spirit. It's the "I Am" imo that enables us to be scientist or a doctor or an ice cream maker. But, then again I am getting very Holistic as I get older.