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Zecharia Sitchin has died

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Paragilmorian guy
Courtesy of Ufo Mystic via Cryptomundo, and Sitchin's own website, it has been announced that Zecharia Sitchin, icon of the Annunaki/Nibiru hypothesis has died at the age of 90.

You can read more here:



And for the official announcement, here:


What on earth will happen now the source of all their stories and nonsense has died?? :cool: Still our respects go out to the family. If nothing else, Sitchin was kind of unique.

Nothing. Like the olympics, there's always someone there to pick up the torch and run with it. Hell, in this case they'll be fighting over it.

Oh definitely, Capn. They'll be killing each other to be top dog now. Tsarion, Maxwell, Icke maybe (actually I think he's quite a nice guy although totally mad) ... anyone going to start any bets??? :cool:
He seemed like a nice man. I have read all his books and it was a very interesting story. I even tried to learn to transliterate Cuneiform because of him. As an aside, that is much harder than it sounds. I bought in all about 8 books and 4 workbooks and never really understood it. Anywho, after getting into it more I started reading about the contradictions, misinterpretations, inconsistencies, bad astronomy, and what appear to be fabrications of supporting stories and was soon largely disinterested. Though I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that a small part of me really wanted him to be right.
Though I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that a small part of me really wanted him to be right.

You want him to be right about a rogue planet with a perpendicular orbit that wreaks havoc on the earth every 3600 years? That's a little morbid, isn't it?

Or did you just mean the Annunaki part?

Personally, I've never had issue with the core premise of the "ancient astronaughts theory" as an explanation to the world's various religious beliefs. It makes a helluva lot more sense than actual gods for one thing and it's vastly preferable to some sort of in-built psychosis that plagues our species by creating this need for us to believe in such things for another.
You want him to be right about a rogue planet with a perpendicular orbit that wreaks havoc on the earth every 3600 years? That's a little morbid, isn't it?

Or did you just mean the Annunaki part?

Personally, I've never had issue with the core premise of the "ancient astronaughts theory" as an explanation to the world's various religious beliefs. It makes a helluva lot more sense that actual gods for one thing and it's vastly preferable to some sort of in-built psychosis that plagues our species by creating this need for us to believe in such things for another.

haha, just the Annunaki part.
I could never buy into it because it really didn't make that much sense to me. Why would a group that was so technologically advanced find it necessary or even desirable to create a race of biologically engineered slaves when machines of some sort would have been a considerably more manageable? I corresponded with C.A. Honey briefly years ago and he was totally bought into it. He claimed to have met humans from the wayward planet.
No disrepect to Mr. Sitchin. He was a very interesting person. I just couldn't (so far) get into his books. But, I do think had he written them as "speculitive Scifi" he may have had some Best Sellers on the New York Times fiction list.
I hope that the "tributes" and special programs that will no doubt be generated honoring the man will take the opportunity to examine some of the counter arguments regarding his theories.
It doesn't matter if he was right or wrong what is important is Mr Zecharia Sitchin had the free will to ask questions! on human history which is part of freedom of speech which is a pillar of western democracy:)
:):)In spite of the imposition of unsupported and overstretched interpretation of texts to support his radical hypotheses, like von Daniken, he did help open up a fascinating line of speculation that could lead to some genuine insights into the history of our development as a species. He made me think in new ways, and for that I honor his contributions. Live on and prosper Mr. Sitchen....
It doesn't matter if he was right or wrong what is important is Mr Zecharia Sitchin had the free will to ask questions! on human history which is part of freedom of speech which is a pillar of western democracy:)

Thats true democracy for you I guess: the ability to talk complete and utter nonsense and get away with it lol ... we are doomed, I tell you ... doomed :D

ps I've not read his books. The covers always put me off ... and the newsprint ... and the hypothesis ... and ok ... because I could never spell his name correctly ... BUT ... what I did understand of his work or thought I understood didn't seem to make sense for a hi-tech civilisation. You've got this race of people who are in advance of us. So in advance they can travel through space ... though I'm not entirely sure that they were that good at it. Anyhow ... you've got this race who can go from planet to planet. Unfortunately their atmosphere is buggered so they need to dig for gold on our planet so they can use the gold to repair their atmosphere. Umm ... just an idea ... umm ... why didn't they just move here??? If they were around several million years ago or whatever, man would have been easy to nudge out of the way ... so why not just take this planet for themselves??? Anyone??? :D Seems just a wee bit complicated for lil' ol' paraschtick.
Thats true democracy for you I guess: the ability to talk complete and utter nonsense and get away with it lol ... we are doomed, I tell you ... doomed :D

Not really, not so long as we excercise our freedoms to shout down such utter nonsense and bury it with great heaping bucketfuls of logic. Like you just did:

why didn't they just move here??? If they were around several million years ago or whatever, man would have been easy to nudge out of the way ... so why not just take this planet for themselves???

See? It's just that easy.
I never could spell his name either. :-)

Remeber Battlefield Earth? Horrible movie but Travolta played his heart out. But, I digress.

Anyway, I remember thinking "Why would an advanced alien race come here and enslave mankind." Use hooks and straps and slave labor for mining yet be able to traverse space? :-)
I never could spell his name either. :-)

Remeber Battlefield Earth? Horrible movie but Travolta played his heart out. But, I digress.

Anyway, I remember thinking "Why would an advanced alien race come here and enslave mankind." Use hooks and straps and slave labor for mining yet be able to traverse space? :-)

Ummm ... wasn't Battlefield Earth, Hubbard?? ... the Scientology guy whose name rhymes with cupboard??? But, I digress. There are so many wrong things with his hypothesis I'm sure someone could write a 13 volume set on it. Why not just use big laser sonic blaster cannon heat death ray johnnies to do the mining. Blast the places you want to mine from space. So it would kill off a tonne of species. So what?? if you're after something to save your own planet. You would do anything to save your home. I mean they traversed space to find somewhere to mine. Blowing vast holes in an alien world that you don't give a toss about from space would be a no brainer :D.

Or am I just giving all this just a little too much thought??? :D
'Battlefield Earth' was indeed L. Ron Hubbard's creation. ;)

Mr. Sitchin,

never knew nor met the man, he sure left a mark though.

Sitchin promoted theories based on bogus translations and ignoring the work of people who have actually studied the languages and cultures in question.
He did not deserve the idolisation he receives.

He was, in short a crackpot.
Requiescat in pace.
How do you know? Did you do the research?

Well I've not read his books but just going on his reputation, the site www.sitchiniswrong.com , articles I've read talking about what he espoused and his followers, I'd probably go with the crackpot epithet too ... but what do I know? I've always had problems spelling his name ... I always thought there should be an "h" on the end. Ahh well nevermind :D.

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