Invest in technology? Yes. BECOME technology? No thanks.
This is a CULT movie pushed out by people whom IMO I speak out against. I have no question about that at all.
*sarcasm* right *sarcasm*
No it's just some guy who believes in similar system, in this case one without money to control anyone.
There's nothing wrong with a obsession with science and technology and nothing wrong with a human trying to enhance their body and or mind with technology (if done intelligently on the willing); science is finding what is proven and can be proven unlike religion. An obsession with religion or gods that can't be proven now there's something clearly wrong with that.
Don't mistake this as me saying the pursuit of truth of a god, aliens, ghosts other things that are difficult to find evidence of is bad;
I'm talking about obsession with believing and worshiping myth and unproven things as if it's fact.