New profile posts

Hey Don welcome back! When will fridays show be up on the website, or Stitcher? It is Mark from Wilmington NC . The midnight start time on the east coast got me again!
Why, oh why, did you change your forum name? Ufology and you are almost synonymous!
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I changed my screen name because I felt that it would work better when referring to my Question Bank questions, and also when something I might post on the forum becomes a point of contention e.g.

"Someone dared to post a picture of Jacques Vallée with a pie in the face!"
"Sacrilege! Who did that?"
"You know. The Usual Suspect"

lol ... you know all the trouble I get in around here ;-)
Hi Gene! I tried to respond to our original thread from last year but I must have done something wrong. I've upgraded to plus for another year. Thanks so much for all you do!
Gene, I was listening to you and Chris discuss audio equipment. Something I wonder about is whether anyone is manufacturing loudspeaker drivers to the levels of quality that, for instance, JBL was in the 60's and 70's?
Gene Steinberg
Gene Steinberg
I think audio technology has equalized, as computer modeling is used to optimize drivers. So if anything, what you could get then can still be obtained, only it's a lot cheaper now. The era of high-end audio is mostly history except for some very exotic and expensive products.
I picked up a pair of JBL 4311B Control Monitors for 50 bucks. Needless to say that put a smile on my face. I hooked them up to an old Pioneer receiver/amp with the slide rule tuning, and added a set of Yamaha NS670s for the rear. All vintage 70s stuff, and for listening to my classic rock collection, it sounds better than stuff in the consumer stores these days that cost much more.
I'm not quite sure why anybody could be confused with Bigfoot ? Col. Steve Austin exposed that one in the 70's.
We've got to embrace the adverts if we're not a plus member. For example I've now got that six million miles an hour disclaimer for my ringtone.
Hello Mr Schnitzelburger :) That made me laugh out loud, you're really funny :)
Good afternoon, How do the new members get their copies of the: Stalking the Tricksters
Gene Steinberg
Gene Steinberg
We are currently offering it to anyone who orders a five-year subscription to The Paracast+ (plus "Secrets of the Mysterious Valley"). If you ordered your subscription for one-year ahead of the new offer, which debuted a few weeks ago, let me know.
Denis Tremblay
Denis Tremblay
Thanks Gene, I started by subscription (1 year) only last week...So I assume that I am a bit late for that offer. Regardless, thanks for the reply.
Gene Steinberg
Gene Steinberg
Not a problem. I'll check into this and get it straightened out.