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October 31 - Adam Gorightly

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Kevin Daly

Skilled Investigator
First off, my apologies if there's another thread on this episode - I couldn't find one.

From my point of view that episode was a sad waste of time - we didn't even get any mildly entertaining credulous lunacy. Just dementia. I totally missed the part where he said anything more interesting than "Hey, I saw some freaky shit when I was stoned".

Frankly Adam, I don't give a damn.
I totally missed the part where he said anything more interesting than "Hey, I saw some freaky shit when I was stoned.
Not to be rude to Gene or Greg but I couldn't agree more. Your quote summed it up in one sentence.....minus the ads.
Listening to it right now...I can't take this dude seriously. Anthony Sanchez and this guy in the same month. COME ON PARACAST!
From my point of view I really liked the episode. I also liked his podcast that he used to have also.He has a great website too.Nice to hear Greg Bishop co-hosting again.I think Christopher O'Brien and Greg Bishop do an excellent job co-hosting.Keep up the good work Gene!
Wow, what a great show!

This show has given me the courage to make myself available as a Paracast guest. I see fairies at the foot of my garden. I have tons of evidence including some (admittedly blurry) photos and some excellent EVPs. You really need to hear the fairie EVPs to believe them: they sound like angels on helium. When I first teased the sounds out of some raw recordings, I could feel the blood drain from my face and I nearly had an out-of-body experience! Here at last was proof positive of the paranormal! I rushed to show my neighbor (name withheld) and he agrees. He has also seen the fairies. So has my other neighbor. I'm not sure I'd believe this stuff myself if it weren't for the corroborating testimony of my neighbors, as well as the vast literature on garden fairies. Sure, there have been some hoaxes, but there is a residual 10% of fairy sightings which remain unexplained.

I have collected some mysterious dust from the site and am currently having it analyzed in a real laboratory. I have also taken and passed at least one polygraph test and am willing to take additional tests. I am currently writing a book which will blow the lid off the whole garden fairy conspiracy, including interesting speculations on what our government knows and why they won't tell us. There is ample evidence that the government has lied to us in the past and that's enough evidence for me to know that they're lying about garden fairies too. I am withholding some information about 2012 which was revealed to me in the fairy EVPs: you'll have to buy the book to find out that blockbuster information!

Besides the Paracast, I am available as a paid speaker for paranormal conferences, exopolitics events and can also lead the singing at tent revivals.
"What the hell...?"

That was the singular thought repeating in my brain roughly every five minutes during this week's show. To say this guy rambled would insult the very concept of rambling.

Not that I blame the hosts of course, it's clear from listening that it was like pulling teeth for them just to try and prod Adam into even the tiniest bit of follow-up only to be rewarded with something like "Well, yeah" for their efforts.

Awful episode, just awful.
I actually liked it and judging from the comments so far it might have to do something with hearing the guest before on different podcasts.
Wow ... never thought I would hear these kind of comments about Adam Gorightly :D. He's done some very very interesting and entertaining interviews and podcasts in the past. His "Untamed Dimensions" podcast series ... which was in my opinion waaay too short ... come on Adam ... we need more interviews from you ... was fascinating with some really interesting diggings into really strange areas of the para-political and paranormal. Is Tuesday Weld a high priestess of some strange cult?? I still have no idea. I think he's the only one that has tried to chronicle people like James Shelby Downard as well ... a strange and mysterious man ... possibly mad, possibly not.

I think listening to Adam put me in ear/touch/whatever with Greg Bishop ... and probably from there ended up at the paracast ... etc etc etc... He's also done some very interesting work on Manson, Mind Control etc...

So guess I'll have to give this a good old listen and then make up my own mind. But I urge people to check out his "Untamed Dimensions" programmes. They're really interesting and inhabit a strange twilight world between the political, paranormal and conspiracy. From these programmes I learnt that nothing is necessarily as it seems, and you should never take anything or anyone for granted.
Now, at the beginning of this episode did Greg say he had written a book with or about the Navy guy that had lied to him about his background originally? In either case it torpedoes the credibility of the book doesn't it? Or do we always have to forgive liars in this field?

About the episode...I tuned out after he seemed to refuse to admit his psychedelic UFO experience might have been due to the drugs. Gene tried to get him to concede that it was a possibility but to no avail. Maybe he's had some real experiences, but you have to convey early on to the listener you've got some critical thinking skills.
Now, at the beginning of this episode did Greg say he had written a book with or about the Navy guy that had lied to him about his background originally? In either case it torpedoes the credibility of the book doesn't it? Or do we always have to forgive liars in this field?

About the episode...I tuned out after he seemed to refuse to admit his psychedelic UFO experience might have been due to the drugs. Gene tried to get him to concede that it was a possibility but to no avail. Maybe he's had some real experiences, but you have to convey early on to the listener you've got some critical thinking skills.

Outstanding observation professor! A group of guys frying on acid all seem to magically hallucinate a ufo. In the real world it goes like this.A group of guys on acid.One guy locks himself in his room to be alone to watch Pink Floyd,The Wall,another guy ends up leaving the group and walks off with no particular destination in mind,another guy ends up staring at himself in the mirror for 8 hours,another guy goes to a bar and thinks everyone else at the bar is on frying on acid,another guy tries to eat some food but loses his appetite because the food is crawling with maggots,another guy swears he can smell colors,another guy tries to read the bible or call his x-girlfriend. But 10 times out of 10 they all end up regrouping and having a good time minus the same hallucination. Try coming up with an original observation instead of the old reliable drugs excuse.Good luck!

---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 PM ----------

First off, my apologies if there's another thread on this episode - I couldn't find one.

From my point of view that episode was a sad waste of time - we didn't even get any mildly entertaining credulous lunacy. Just dementia. I totally missed the part where he said anything more interesting than "Hey, I saw some freaky shit when I was stoned".

Frankly Adam, I don't give a damn.

I totally missed that part to! Thats because he never said he or his friends were stoned! They were frying on LSD.A big difference between the two.Okay they all hallucinated a ufo! Thats about as likely as a sober mass hallucination! Frankly Tuesday Weld, I do give a damn!
I really don't give much to the idea that a substance can or does give you a sort of insight into this, then again, I tried a lot short of injecting, but I made up my mind before trying anything on this topic, whatever it is in the end... Altered states of mind, however achieved, can be revealing, dangerous and interesting though. I wouldn't discount it.
Little off subject but there was a 1950's forerunner of the Twilight Zone called One Step Beyond. Found a dvd in the bargain bin at Wal Mart. :-) Anyway, on one show the "host" actually films a trip to South American and show's him taking a drug called Ayahuasca. He has quite a trip and it is how the Shamans in that culture "travel" to meet with the gods and guides. Very interesting show and although not well known it is quite unique in the annals of t.v. land. :-)
It was interesting that Alex Jones was mentioned. It would be interesting to have him on The Paracast and have him taken to task on the fear mongering garbage that he likes to talk about.

Does anyone know if Jones believes anything he talks about or if he just plays a character like Stephen Colbert?
It was interesting that Alex Jones was mentioned. It would be interesting to have him on The Paracast and have him taken to task on the fear mongering garbage that he likes to talk about.

Does anyone know if Jones believes anything he talks about or if he just plays a character like Stephen Colbert?

Alex Jones has the flagship show on our network, GCN. We'd have a ball with him on, but we don't take him seriously, of course.
Alex Jones has the flagship show on our network, GCN. We'd have a ball with him on, but we don't take him seriously, of course.

It would be interesting to have him since he is a big deal on the GCN. You would probably have a huge surge in listener-ship, too bad many of them would be people that buy into his ridiculous theories.
I'd love to hear someone get Jones to talk about the strange business of his at one point saying that David Icke was "the turd in the punchbowl" to where he has him on his show as a regular guest. Does he accept the whole incredible scenario that Icke proposes?
My style is different from Gene's; I'm more conversational. I wanted to say more and ask other questions and didn't get a chance, but still liked doing the show.

If you were bored, sorry. Listen to Adam's show, and others he's been on like mine and Don's a couple of weeks ago.

That One Step Beyond episode was linked at ufomystic a couple of years back, and went viral on boing boing 19 days later.