Greg Bishop
For the record, Adam told me beforehand that he did not want to talk about Manson at all.
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It would be interesting to have him since he is a big deal on the GCN. You would probably have a huge surge in listener-ship, too bad many of them would be people that buy into his ridiculous theories.
Wow, what a great show!
This show has given me the courage to make myself available as a Paracast guest. I see fairies at the foot of my garden. I have tons of evidence including some (admittedly blurry) photos and some excellent EVPs. You really need to hear the fairie EVPs to believe them: they sound like angels on helium. When I first teased the sounds out of some raw recordings, I could feel the blood drain from my face and I nearly had an out-of-body experience! Here at last was proof positive of the paranormal! I rushed to show my neighbor (name withheld) and he agrees. He has also seen the fairies. So has my other neighbor. I'm not sure I'd believe this stuff myself if it weren't for the corroborating testimony of my neighbors, as well as the vast literature on garden fairies. Sure, there have been some hoaxes, but there is a residual 10% of fairy sightings which remain unexplained.
I have collected some mysterious dust from the site and am currently having it analyzed in a real laboratory. I have also taken and passed at least one polygraph test and am willing to take additional tests. I am currently writing a book which will blow the lid off the whole garden fairy conspiracy, including interesting speculations on what our government knows and why they won't tell us. There is ample evidence that the government has lied to us in the past and that's enough evidence for me to know that they're lying about garden fairies too. I am withholding some information about 2012 which was revealed to me in the fairy EVPs: you'll have to buy the book to find out that blockbuster information!
Besides the Paracast, I am available as a paid speaker for paranormal conferences, exopolitics events and can also lead the singing at tent revivals.
And that sums up the field of paranormal investigation in a nice little package. Not that I'm being hypocritical, here. After all, I am a willing participant in that field.
The problem I have with so called "shared" hallucinations is that it's just not (I have studied a little) a viable theory. It's a "catch all" like "swamp gas" and ball lightening and the planet Venus. Not that I'm taking up for Adam G. I didn't listen to the show. I'm not real big on it from what I've read on the forums about it. It's just that "believers" are gullible but so are "skeptics" whatever "theory" supports the ole worldview is "right" or "scientific"![]()
People take psychedelics and other mind-altering substances as a shortcut to what should, theoretically, be attainable via meditation. I understand the intent and the results from various points and view and personal experiences, but I'd be the last one to suggest that what you see and hear is real. But it does acquaint you with not just the frontiers of reality, but on alternate states, and I'm largely sympathetic with dB's position.
How that relates to what we perceive as the "real world" is another matter entirely. I also realize most of our listeners would probably prefer a more mundane approach.