Curious Cat
I'd love to hear someone get Jones to talk about the strange business of his at one point saying that David Icke was "the turd in the punchbowl" to where he has him on his show as a regular guest. Does he accept the whole incredible scenario that Icke proposes?
I'll lay my cards out and admit to detesting Icke and his work over the years. It's possible Jones is simply compromising in the knowledge that Icke is a big name in the conspiracy world? I was surprised and a little disappointed that Tim Binnall had Icke as a 'finale' show. At the same time, it made me see Icke as being more important to some people than I realised.
Out of idle interest, it's well worth reading this very well researched article by Will Banyan about Icke. He's added an update at the end following a 'rebuttal' by Icke...Paranoia Magazine :: The Conspiracy Reader.