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October 31 - Adam Gorightly

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I'd love to hear someone get Jones to talk about the strange business of his at one point saying that David Icke was "the turd in the punchbowl" to where he has him on his show as a regular guest. Does he accept the whole incredible scenario that Icke proposes?

I'll lay my cards out and admit to detesting Icke and his work over the years. It's possible Jones is simply compromising in the knowledge that Icke is a big name in the conspiracy world? I was surprised and a little disappointed that Tim Binnall had Icke as a 'finale' show. At the same time, it made me see Icke as being more important to some people than I realised.

Out of idle interest, it's well worth reading this very well researched article by Will Banyan about Icke. He's added an update at the end following a 'rebuttal' by Icke...Paranoia Magazine :: The Conspiracy Reader.
I'll lay my cards out and admit to detesting Icke and his work over the years. It's possible Jones is simply compromising in the knowledge that Icke is a big name in the conspiracy world? I was surprised and a little disappointed that Tim Binnall had Icke as a 'finale' show. At the same time, it made me see Icke as being more important to some people than I realised.

Out of idle interest, it's well worth reading this very well researched article by Will Banyan about Icke. He's added an update at the end following a 'rebuttal' by Icke...Paranoia Magazine :: The Conspiracy Reader.

Anyone who believes anything that Icke discusses is delusional. Same thing with Jones. Both are morons for suggesting their "theories" have anything to offer beyond being elaborate works of fiction. They don't think, they just talk.
Anyone who believes anything that Icke discusses is delusional. Same thing with Jones. Both are morons for suggesting their "theories" have anything to offer beyond being elaborate works of fiction. They don't think, they just talk.

Icke strikes me as someone who had some kind of profound emotional/spiritual/religious type of experience that put him into a strange mindset and then he got into a "fringe" scene and got lost in it. I've never read any of his stuff but I've listened to his pitch now enough, since he is always saying the same thing, to know pretty much what he is about. I'm convinced he isn't using code words to preach anti-antisemitism or anything as mundane as that, he really believes actual lizard people are running the world.

There is a blog that I enjoy called Leaving Jones Town that deconstructs and fact checks the latest Alex Jones rants. It is well worth a read.
Thanks for the blog - I took a quick look and it seems pretty interesting. Of course, people that love Jones and buy into his bullshit will say that's a blog from someone that's a puppet of the NWO.
Thanks for the blog - I took a quick look and it seems pretty interesting. Of course, people that love Jones and buy into his bullshit will say that's a blog from someone that's a puppet of the NWO.

I have listened to a great deal of Alex Jones stuff. Jones is so scatter shot and all inclusive that some of what he says has some truth to it. The majority is scare mongering and over acting however. I can't stress the over acting enough. He's like William Shatner on steroids only with absolutely no talent whatsoever.
I have listened to a great deal of Alex Jones stuff. Jones is so scatter shot and all inclusive that some of what he says has some truth to it. The majority is scare mongering and over acting however. I can't stress the over acting enough. He's like William Shatner on steroids only with absolutely no talent whatsoever.

I can't stomach Alex jones for more than several seconds. Him and the Bermas jackass - both make me violently ill. Although watching Bermas get disassembled by people smarter than him is always entertaining.
Interesting blog. But, I gotta say "much ado bout nothing." (imo) Folks like Alex Jones will always be there. Actually, outside the fringe of the internet (if anything on the internet can really be called fringe these days.) I don't see much interest or harm that Jones is doing. I'd just ignore it and move on. :-) But that's just me I guess. Nobody with all the blogs in the world will ever, EVER change it. There will always be Christians and Muslims trying to "save" your soul. There will always be atheist and skeptics trying to "educate" you away from your superstisiton. There will always be New Agers tring to "enlightned" you. There will always be another "enemy" for the government to send you to kill or be killed by. It just goes on and on and on and on.

Sorry, a little cynical today.
Interesting blog. But, I gotta say "much ado bout nothing." (imo) Folks like Alex Jones will always be there. Actually, outside the fringe of the internet (if anything on the internet can really be called fringe these days.) I don't see much interest or harm that Jones is doing. I'd just ignore it and move on. :-) But that's just me I guess. Nobody with all the blogs in the world will ever, EVER change it. There will always be Christians and Muslims trying to "save" your soul. There will always be atheist and skeptics trying to "educate" you away from your superstisiton. There will always be New Agers tring to "enlightned" you. There will always be another "enemy" for the government to send you to kill or be killed by. It just goes on and on and on and on.

Sorry, a little cynical today.

The problem is Tyder, that a whole lot of people listen to him on the radio and they buy his garbage.
I understand Angel. I just don't think "he's" the problem. It's human nature. But, since my job deals with human nature and I've seen enough to last a lifetime just this morning I really shouldn't even be posting. At least not until I get home and unwind. :-)

I love the "human race." It's the people I can't stand! :-)
I understand Angel. I just don't think "he's" the problem. It's human nature.

True, but how many times would you have liked for someone to have said, "Hey, don't step in that!" I think its vital and I really appreciate the fact-checkers and the rationalists who are willing to call attention to the fact that the emperor's new clothes are well ... thin.
That's a really good point Phil. However, several years ago, I used to buy into a lot of that crap and I changed my mind. Maybe they're hope for them too?
Of course. There will always be people like Jones and people will want to believe what they want to hear and who is telling it to them. (Enter Adolph Hitler). Not that i'm equating Jones with Hitler. The German people listened to Hitler and then gave him the green light for his 1939 European Tour. They might have had second thoughts when the Russians came steamrolling on into Berlin later on in the tour.
The point is that these people already had in their minds what they wanted to express and Hitler exploited it. Jones feels the mood of the people and tries to tap into that. Most people these days are more wary of his type and he thereby dabbles mainly around the fringe.
So there is hope .I think lessons learned from previous wars and dictators have made most people more aware of the dangers of listening too hard to what people like (Jones) says. But beware. In all his rhetoric there is an element of truth and that's the hook.
Outstanding observation professor! A group of guys frying on acid all seem to magically hallucinate a ufo.

(sigh) I don't know about your group trips, but I've had enough to talk about them and suggestion can definitely go a long way to making people feel they're having the same experience. Besides, you must concede the possibility of the acid's effects behind the reason behind experience. This is not unreasonable. One does not need to be a "professor" to see this.

On a slightly unrelated note, I think the stuff they took back then (in the 70s he said, right?) must have been a lot stronger. The stuff in the 90s never once made me hallucinate though I got the familiar "visuals" as we called them. I got gypped by being in the wrong generation.
I've listened to Adam Gorightly a good number of times and he has always been a very interesting and knowledgeable interview, but not this time. I think this "shotgun" approach to "weird stuff" was way too general to be interesting to this audience and did not show Adam to be the interesting person, I know him to be.

Guests like Adam need questions that take us down a specific road in a somewhat structured/organized way. Adam is way into the history of ritual magic and the personalities and organizations that surround it like: Alastair Crowley, Thelema, Golden Dawn...etc. These are bizarre topics in and of themselves and probably quite new to the UFO crowd...yet when he talked about doing ritual magic, there was very little discussion of it other than some cursory asides.

Adam is likewise VERY knowledgeable about The Manson Family, The Process Church (Jim Jones), and the whole mythos around the CIA's involvement with MK Ultra etc... Not even touched on. I could see an hour on the purported history of the CIA manipulation of Jim Jones, and Charles Manson alone!

This show seemed an inch deep and a mile wide, and made Adam appear as a sort of uninteresting person...a wrong conclusion, I assure you.
You opened so many doors, he didn't know which one you wanted him to enter...and there isn't enough time to enter them all. I'm not trying to be hyper critical, I just think some guidance and planning from the hosts can go a long way in making a better show.

If you had Neil Degrass Tyson on your show, you wouldn't question him by saying "so Neil, tell me about the universe...could there be a worse ramblecast than that? You would have to ask specific and narrow questions and they would have to build sequentially on each other to get anywhere meaningful in a short time period.

You can't cover the entire universe in 2 hours, nor should you blame the guest for not being sure what you or your audience might really want to hear.

...well I guess you could blame the guest, but that would be pretty bad form.
You can't cover the entire universe in 2 hours, nor should you blame the guest for not being sure what you or your audience might really want to hear.

Once again, we can't tell the guest how to behave or what to say. We just open the doors, or close them if need be, and see how it all works out. :)

Are you suggesting that asking random open ended questions about a topic would be just as effective as asking a coherent line of questioning that leads to some sort of "conclusion"? That's what it seems like you are saying.

If so, I'd have to say..."I disagree".

Are you suggesting that asking random open ended questions about a topic would be just as effective as asking a coherent line of questioning that leads to some sort of "conclusion"? That's what it seems like you are saying.

If so, I'd have to say..."I disagree".

The line of questioning depends on the responses. You want to actually follow up a discussion, rather than just change the topic. But if that's where it has to be, that's where you go.

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