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sigh the return of the birthers...

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It's pretty pathetic. Your country has worse problems to deal with than this.

It isn't as though Canada hasn't had its own pathetic political nonsense to contend with or that your country doesn't have its own monumental internal problems to deal with is it? Canada has just as much a lunatic political fringe as the United States has doesn't it?
It isn't as though Canada hasn't had its own pathetic political nonsense to contend with or that your country doesn't have its own monumental internal problems to deal with is it? Canada has just as much a lunatic political fringe as the United States has doesn't it?

Nothing that I can compare to birthers. We do have the Maple Syrup lobyists, and the Igloo Warriors. I hate those guys. I keep having to readjust my igloo blocks - so frustrating.

One interesting quote on this issue is from Michelle Obama. She was addressing a group of Americans and said something to the affect of " ... Barack's home Country, Kenya... " She may have meant to have said "ancestral" but it was so off the cuff that I really wonder id she slipped-up and let the cat out of the bag. But then the USA did buy a pig in a poke to begin with.

Nothing that I can compare to birthers. We do have the Maple Syrup lobyists, and the Igloo Warriors. I hate those guys. I keep having to readjust my igloo blocks - so frustrating.

These are, in my opinion, Rick Mercer's not-so-cunning way of ridiculing Americans -- as if Canadians were not as manipulable (and as of last Friday , and after 30 years residence, I am officially one); all it teaches me is that Americans can be as polite, engaging and let's face it supportive as Canadians are considered to be. After all, what are Americans to take from his statements? Perhaps instead of feeling stupid they might conclude that Canadians lie. Mr. Mercer and his employer, the CBC, are biased to wards the Liberal/Socialist/Social Activist (socialist isn't name calling here -- we do officially have them and they are proud of it) and revel in showing-up anyone on the right of centre -- Canadian or American. I don't watch the man -- really; he ain't that funny -- and if he was he would be in Hollywood along with all of the truly talented comedians from the Great White North. I have to go now; the snow paint on my igloo has dried and it needs a second coat.
One interesting quote on this issue is from Michelle Obama. She was addressing students and said something to the affect of " ... Barack's home Country, Kenya... " She may have meant to have said "ancestral" but it was so off the cuff that I really wonder id she slipped-up and let the cat out of the bag. But then the USA did buy a pig in a poke to begin with.

These are, in my opinion, Rick Mercer's not-so-cunning way of ridiculing Americans -- as if Canadians were not as manipulable (and as of last Friday , and after 30 years residence, I am officially one); all it teaches me is that Americans can be as polite, engaging and let's face it supportive as Canadians are considered to be. After all, what are Americans to take from his statements? Perhaps instead of feeling stupid they might conclude that Canadians lie. Mr. Mercer and his employer, the CBC, are biased to wards the Liberal/Socialist/Social Activist (socialist isn't name calling here -- we do officially have them and they are proud of it) and revel in showing-up anyone on the right of centre -- Canadian or American. I don't watch the man -- really; he ain't that funny -- and if he was he would be in Hollywood along with all of the truly talented comedians from the Great White North. I have to go now; the snow paint on my igloo has dried and it needs a second coat.

Do you have a clip of that, or is it just something you heard?

Actually you're wrong - Rick Mercer is REALLY funny. :) Also, if you don't watch him, how can you judge that is isn't that funny?
It's funny how you seem to be implying that being interested in social programs is a bad thing. You don't like having health care? You don't like allowing mothers to stay home with their child for a year? What about having access to education without astronomical tuition fees? How about equal rights for everyone, despite their sexual orientation? I'm pretty proud of the way my province voted during the last general election. You must live in Alberta or something....
I honestly don't know where Barrack was born. I'm going to say the good ole U.S.A. :cool: I honestly haven't followed this with any real scrutiny. But, the one thing I find funny are the true believers and true non-believers in conspiracy. It's almost "knee jerk" Well, actually not almost. :p Point is that people are born in Kenya everyday. So, it's kind of funny to hear "That's not possible." and things like that. We are not talking spacemen/women here. These are very earthly events. But, seriously I highly doubt the republican establishment would stand by and not bring out the big guns if this were true. Of course it could be the ole Skull and Bones Society thing. If so then that "splains it." :cool:
I actually like socialism in small doses. We should care for the poor and feed the hungry. We shouldn't make it a matter of color or sexual preference. It should be economic only. Also, if you are gonna live in public housing then you should either be willing to work or take a drug test to prove you are at least trying to live within society. There are ways for America to solve it's problems without resorting to far right or far left solutions. But, then the wing nut leaders would be out of work and they can't let that happen.
I honestly don't know where Barrack was born. I'm going to say the good ole U.S.A. :cool: I honestly haven't followed this with any real scrutiny. But, the one thing I find funny are the true believers and true non-believers in conspiracy. It's almost "knee jerk" Well, actually not almost. :p Point is that people are born in Kenya everyday. So, it's kind of funny to hear "That's not possible." and things like that. We are not talking spacemen/women here. These are very earthly events. But, seriously I highly doubt the republican establishment would stand by and not bring out the big guns if this were true. Of course it could be the ole Skull and Bones Society thing. If so then that "splains it." :cool:

The guy has a birth certificate that shows he was born in the USA. How can you say that you don't know where he was born? I'm sorry, but it's pretty ridiculous if you think he was born anywhere else.
Listen, Angelo, he can't even spell his name right. :)

Besides, Obama released both the "short form" and "long form" birth certificates. There's also that newspaper item published when he was born in 1961, in a Honolulu paper as I recall. I suppose the conspiracy is that they knew 50 years ago that he'd be president some day. :)

That short form, by the way, is the same sort of birth certificate I've always used, and nobody told me I was really born elsewhere.

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