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It all depends on how the FAA decides to regulate unmanned aerial vehicles. I have to wonder how they're going to prevent people from ordering from another persons address, waiting for this thing to show up, then stealing it and selling it for parts. I still think it's a cool idea, and who wouldn't want the option to get your stuff in 30 minutes?
Of course, you still have the UPS or Federal Express trucks dropping off packages without a signature. Those packages can be stolen.
Of course, you still have the UPS or Federal Express trucks dropping off packages without a signature. Those packages can be stolen.

True, but it's a little more difficult to coordinate, unless you know someone who is getting a package or you follow the UPS truck around, with this you can use a proxy to order something on Amazon for 1$, get it shipped to an address that isn't yours and then jack the drone and resell it. Although, looking at the drone they're using in the video, it doesn't look like it would be that expensive to manufacture, so maybe they already took that into consideration.
If you see me walking around suburban neighborhoods with a big ass net, I am totally going fishing ... I'm just lost is all
We have a friend that has been very successful in the drone business for a few years now. He sells services to a variety of different government and corporate entities. I can see their usefulness but frankly I do not want to live in an urban area where these things might be flying around on a regular basis. The creep factor is high but I am sure there will be crashes, injuries etc. at some point if Amazon has it's way.
Safety concerns will ground this scheme. Do you want a drone carrying who knows what crashing into your four year old playing in the backyard?
Even if the technique were proven to be near-perfect, there would always be ambulance chasing lawyers snipping at its heels for some business.
Safety concerns will ground this scheme. Do you want a drone carrying who knows what crashing into your four year old playing in the backyard?

I feel exactly the same, will we all need to wear hard hats in the street?
I don't fancy getting clobbered by a drone and its cargo.
seriously though in a case of malfunction the combination of height and weight could potentially be lethal.
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I sense that this is becoming the famous ( or infamous ) toilet paper thread !

Bush Junior - OTP:

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