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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Spying on the Roswell Slides
Nick Redfern, February 13, 2015

Well, the various articles I have recently written here at Mysterious Universe, on what have become known as the “Roswell Slides”, have resulted in a lot of questions coming my way. One of them has surfaced more than any other. It basically goes like this: Do I think that the key players in the saga of the slides are “being watched”? You know: by the dreaded “them.” Or, to get straight to the point: “the government”?

It is indeed an interesting question. I should stress that I have no data – at all – suggesting that such surveillance is going on. But, I can speak of something very strange that happened in the summer of 2014, and which has at least a bearing on this matter of someone snooping around.

It goes like this: last summer one of the “Dream Team” members investigating the slides, Tony Bragalia, was hacked. The hacker was someone using a safemail account and the name of “A Glass Darkly.” It turns out that AGD got into Bragalia’s emails and god knows where else, too.

On top of that, my emails and those of Rich Reynolds – of The UFO Conjecture(s) blog – were also compromised. Whether that was because we were directly hacked, or because we had email exchanges with Tony B, and which may simply have allowed AGD to read our emails via Tony’s In-Box, I don’t know. But, what I am in a position to say is that the hacker was real, his actions were real, and he did access Tony Bragalia’s email account.

As a result, and hardly surprisingly, the FBI was contacted on matters relative to this. I am not sure where that all stands right now. But no matter, because another push is being made to have the world of law-enforcement (specifically those people whose work covers cyber-security) take a renewed look at this entire situation, which is filled with intrigue and high-strangeness.

It became very clear from AGD’s words (he actually inserted himself into my and Rich’s emailed conversations by replying…) that he was interested in the Roswell slides. What AGD did in his quest for the truth of the slides was to 100 percent cross the line in terms of what is acceptable or legal. He chose to voyeuristically snoop through our emails (and possibly through files and folders too), in search of anything and everything relevant to the slides. I’m sure AGD was hoping that one of us, or all of us, had copies of the slides on our laptops, tablets etc. We did not, however – none of us.

As for who AGD was/is, that’s the bigger question which requires answering. Some people have said that they suspect it’s actually all the work of the Dream Team itself. In other words, there was/is no real hacker using the alias of A Glass Darkly.

In this scenario, the Dream Team concocted and stage-managed the entire caper to add to the ever-growing interest in the slides, and to generate yet more publicity. I have to say I completely reject this theory, for the very simple fact that the FBI was contacted. No-one on the Dream Team would be so stupid as to create a non-existent hacker and then try and get the FBI involved in an investigation relevant to that same non-existent hacker.

I also rule out the idea that this was the work of “the government.” The idea that any agency – of any government in the world – would need to create a safemail account to access the emails of three people (me, Reynolds, and Bragalia) is ridiculous. Such hacking could have been achieved quite easily, and without the need to hide behind a safemail account – or behind any email account.

My personal opinion? The hacking was done by someone in the UFO research community; someone who was overly eager to be the first with the most. Of course, now, and as of a couple of days ago, you can see one of the images right here. What it shows, I don’t know. Many who have looked at it are underwhelmed. From what I see too, I can’t say I’m particularly excited either.

In a couple of months from now, we may have more answers regarding what the slides show. I doubt those revelations will have a bearing on who A Glass Darkly was, however. But, I’m hoping that certain things which are in motion – right now – may provide us with the real identity of AGD. Stay tuned. Whatever the Roswell slides show (or don’t show) the story – and the curious, behind-the-scenes things, like the AGD-hacking saga – is going to run and run."

Spying on the Roswell Slides | Mysterious Universe
I wonder if this is what rushed the research, not to mention Reynolds onslaught of posts calling the Team out for withholding the slides.
I just noticed a possibly significant biographical detail concerning Bernerd Ray in the last sentence of this paragraph by Anthony Bragalia (posted at Kevin Randall's site recently):

"This author made the discovery that the husband, Bernerd A. Ray, was an Oil Exploration Geologist working the fields in New Mexico and the Permian Basin (which includes the Roswell region) in the 1940s for a company that would later become part of Texaco. In 1947 he was the President of the Texas chapter of the American Institute of Petroleum Geologists, which also at that time ‘folded in’ the State of New Mexico. After 1947, Bernerd became a ‘ghost’ in his profession and did not publish nor appear to be active with the Institute ever again."

A Different Perspective: Roswell Slides: An Update

How is such statement important?
I wonder if this is what rushed the research, not to mention Reynolds onslaught of posts calling the Team out for withholding the slides.

I would say just the opposite. The hacker probably go tired of the secrecy and likely wanted to get the slides and leak them to the public. Many groups like anonymous have similar views such as this. I would venture to say that the hacker's perception was that the dream team were hoarding this for themselves. I read in one comment on a blog where someone was arguing with Anthony Bragalia and wrote that "If it was up to you (Bragalia) the slides would never see the light of day."(paraphrased)
I clarified that comment but it's been lost in the pages in this thread.

Roswell research is dead despite whether or not there is any truth to the case.

There's numerous persons who have researched Roswell but there's only 4 big public faces. Those would be Stanton Friedman, Kevin Randle, Donald Schmitt and Thomas Carey. Only Don and Tom are really active in the public in the present. All four of these have been discredited. Stanton got lost in the MJ12 stuff. Don and Tom are trying to pass off a picture of what appears to be a mummified child as that of being a Roswell alien, and Kevin, well, Kevin is tricky. Kevin gives the impression of distancing himself but he makes comments that clearly shows support for Don and Tom.

So basically in the end Roswell research is only as good as the researchers and the big 4 are no longer credible. Since nobody else is stepping forward and since such persons would have to start over from scratch, not to mention the majority of witnesses are dead, Roswell research is over. It's done.

to be fair, Stanton has came on the paracast and said multiple times that he believes 99% of the MJ documents are indeed false- and that it's his belief that only the one and original document may be authentic. Problem is, for Stanton, he gets lumped in on all the faux docs being released regarding the MJ12. Do I believe Stantons stance that even one of the documents are genuine? I remain on the fence with the truth to that.
the Powers that be behind the ufo disinfo, if there is such a group, need to do little work keeping a lid on all this propaganda when we have so many in house fighting among researchers releasing old slides that could easily contain museum glassed curiousity, which only serves to create in house fighting among the authenticity of said slides. Even if it's the real deal, the ego's involved in frothing at the mouth only serve the ptb's agenda in the public forum by making light of mummified remains.
We need the likes of Bigalow to step up and say, "Yes, these images, in my opinion, depict creatures from a diff plain of existence, and perhaps, just maybe, that deliberately crashed that vehicle in the the sands of New Mexico to further out advance of technology and re realize that if we work together as a global effort they may help us get closer and on the same page of of out visitors realizing space travel and expolore is a million time more educational that who of what the Jenners and Kardashians are wearing tonight.
Spying on the Roswell Slides
Nick Redfern, February 13, 2015

Well, the various articles I have recently written here at Mysterious Universe, on what have become known as the “Roswell Slides”, have resulted in a lot of questions coming my way. One of them has surfaced more than any other. It basically goes like this: Do I think that the key players in the saga of the slides are “being watched”? You know: by the dreaded “them.” Or, to get straight to the point: “the government”?

It is indeed an interesting question. I should stress that I have no data – at all – suggesting that such surveillance is going on. But, I can speak of something very strange that happened in the summer of 2014, and which has at least a bearing on this matter of someone snooping around.

It goes like this: last summer one of the “Dream Team” members investigating the slides, Tony Bragalia, was hacked. The hacker was someone using a safemail account and the name of “A Glass Darkly.” It turns out that AGD got into Bragalia’s emails and god knows where else, too.

On top of that, my emails and those of Rich Reynolds – of The UFO Conjecture(s) blog – were also compromised. Whether that was because we were directly hacked, or because we had email exchanges with Tony B, and which may simply have allowed AGD to read our emails via Tony’s In-Box, I don’t know. But, what I am in a position to say is that the hacker was real, his actions were real, and he did access Tony Bragalia’s email account.

As a result, and hardly surprisingly, the FBI was contacted on matters relative to this. I am not sure where that all stands right now. But no matter, because another push is being made to have the world of law-enforcement (specifically those people whose work covers cyber-security) take a renewed look at this entire situation, which is filled with intrigue and high-strangeness.

It became very clear from AGD’s words (he actually inserted himself into my and Rich’s emailed conversations by replying…) that he was interested in the Roswell slides. What AGD did in his quest for the truth of the slides was to 100 percent cross the line in terms of what is acceptable or legal. He chose to voyeuristically snoop through our emails (and possibly through files and folders too), in search of anything and everything relevant to the slides. I’m sure AGD was hoping that one of us, or all of us, had copies of the slides on our laptops, tablets etc. We did not, however – none of us.

As for who AGD was/is, that’s the bigger question which requires answering. Some people have said that they suspect it’s actually all the work of the Dream Team itself. In other words, there was/is no real hacker using the alias of A Glass Darkly.

In this scenario, the Dream Team concocted and stage-managed the entire caper to add to the ever-growing interest in the slides, and to generate yet more publicity. I have to say I completely reject this theory, for the very simple fact that the FBI was contacted. No-one on the Dream Team would be so stupid as to create a non-existent hacker and then try and get the FBI involved in an investigation relevant to that same non-existent hacker.

I also rule out the idea that this was the work of “the government.” The idea that any agency – of any government in the world – would need to create a safemail account to access the emails of three people (me, Reynolds, and Bragalia) is ridiculous. Such hacking could have been achieved quite easily, and without the need to hide behind a safemail account – or behind any email account.

My personal opinion? The hacking was done by someone in the UFO research community; someone who was overly eager to be the first with the most. Of course, now, and as of a couple of days ago, you can see one of the images right here. What it shows, I don’t know. Many who have looked at it are underwhelmed. From what I see too, I can’t say I’m particularly excited either.

In a couple of months from now, we may have more answers regarding what the slides show. I doubt those revelations will have a bearing on who A Glass Darkly was, however. But, I’m hoping that certain things which are in motion – right now – may provide us with the real identity of AGD. Stay tuned. Whatever the Roswell slides show (or don’t show) the story – and the curious, behind-the-scenes things, like the AGD-hacking saga – is going to run and run."

Spying on the Roswell Slides | Mysterious Universe

Paul Kimball has suggested that "the call is coming from within the house", meaning that someone on the Dream Team is responsible for the hacking and has been tricking the other members in the hopes that it would stir up publicity.
At this point it seems all about ginning up publicity. They could have taken the Apple approach and kept it under wraps till they really had something to announce, and then tout it in some reasonable fashion. A sideshow doesn't help the credibility of this thing.
At this point it seems all about ginning up publicity. They could have taken the Apple approach and kept it under wraps till they really had something to announce, and then tout it in some reasonable fashion. A sideshow doesn't help the credibility of this thing.

That would be Carey's problem. Most of the members have been relatively quiet on it but Carey has blabbed about it in nearly every single interview, trying to dangle that carrot by saying "We have the smoking gun! But I can't talk about it."
Such are the ongoing rhythms of Ufology. It is a decades long soap opera without any love interests, unless you count Aura Rhanes. These are the Days of Our Alien Lives, along with extended commercial breaks and premium price seating & streaming.
Nick Redfern may not have been hacked. I listened to his story and it sounds remarkably like "BC (blind carbon copy). Most people are familiar with CC (carbon copy), when emailing. The difference is that when BC is used another person is sent a copy but the other recipients aren't aware of such and think they are the only recipients. So if the person who was BC'd then emailed Nick it would cause Nick to think that person had hacked his email.

If this is just a case of BCing then the person Nick was communicating with is in on it. That would mean that Paul Kimball is correct and that this "hacking" most likely originates within the Dream Team and one or more members of the Dream Team are responsible.
If this is just a case of BCing then the person Nick was communicating with is in on it. That would mean that Paul Kimball is correct and that this "hacking" most likely originates within the Dream Team and one or more members of the Dream Team are responsible.

Did Nick Redfern's reasoning slip past you?

"In this scenario, the Dream Team concocted and stage-managed the entire caper to add to the ever-growing interest in the slides, and to generate yet more publicity. I have to say I completely reject this theory, for the very simple fact that the FBI was contacted. No-one on the Dream Team would be so stupid as to create a non-existent hacker and then try and get the FBI involved in an investigation relevant to that same non-existent hacker."
Did Nick Redfern's reasoning slip past you?

"In this scenario, the Dream Team concocted and stage-managed the entire caper to add to the ever-growing interest in the slides, and to generate yet more publicity. I have to say I completely reject this theory, for the very simple fact that the FBI was contacted. No-one on the Dream Team would be so stupid as to create a non-existent hacker and then try and get the FBI involved in an investigation relevant to that same non-existent hacker."

That's just Nick's opinion. It's not fact. Also, it's not been established if Nick even knows what BCing is. If Nick didn't know about BC-ing then it would give the impression that someone was accessing his emails. It would also imply that whoever Nick was communicating with was in on it.
Have to add that the least attractive trait of the skeptibunkers is their knee-jerk tendency to imagine the worst possible, most degraded, motives and behaviors on the part of the dream team ufo researchers . . . without ever presenting a shred of evidence to support their imaginings.
Have to add that the least attractive trait of the skeptibunkers is their knee-jerk tendency to imagine the worst possible, most degraded, motives and behaviors on the part of the dream team ufo researchers . . . without ever presenting a shred of evidence to support their imaginings.

LOL, try again. That's the SIMPLEST explanation. Never dismiss the mundane in favor of the extraordinary.
That's just Nick's opinion. It's not fact. Also, it's not been established if Nick even knows what BCing is. If Nick didn't know about BC-ing then it would give the impression that someone was accessing his emails. It would also imply that whoever Nick was communicating with was in on it.

You're being serious?
You're being serious?

Yes. Because what Nick described as "hacking" sounds just like BCing, as in the person he was emailing was also sending another person copies via BC, making Nick think he was the only recipient. Then when said person emailed Nick it could have easily made Nick think this person had hacked his emails because he "knew too much". That's a very simple possibility that one shouldn't outright reject as silly or unreasonable.
The point remains: you and your comrades always choose to imagine the worst about those you oppose. And I don't see that behavior coming back at you from the researchers.
The point remains: you and your comrades always choose to imagine the worst about those you oppose. And I don't see that behavior coming back at you from the researchers.


Everyone mostly agrees that it wasn't the government that hacked them. Only the far extreme of True Believers would argue for that. Most are thinking it was someone in the UFO community. However, the simplest answer is that's it's someone on the Dream Team, including Adam and his people. It doesn't have to be everyone in on it. All it takes is one or two, I would say two, of the members to be behind this, tricking the other members and using it to stir up publicity. If I'm right and Nick wasn't aware of what BC is and this is a case of BC, then we have two people who are in on it, the person whom Nick was openly communicating with and the person that person was BCing the emails to. So I would really like to know who Nick was communicating with.

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