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May 10, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Richard Dolan

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Maussan has just tweeted to me, saying he will never make a public apology for having presented what he still believes was real. "I'm sorry for Don, he lacked courage."

And you know what, I truly believe he is being sincere. I don't think this is a cop-out because he was caught red-handed.

It's something that worries me, I must confess. The corrosive nature of this field. You stay in it too long, you start to lose perspective. I fear it could happen to me --hell, maybe it already has, and I would be the last to notice!
Maussan has just tweeted to me, saying he will never make a public apology for having presented what he still believes was real. "I'm sorry for Don, he lacked courage."

And you know what, I truly believe he is being sincere. I don't think this is a cop-out because he was caught red-handed.

It's something that worries me, I must confess. The corrosive nature of this field. You stay in it too long, you start to lose perspective. I fear it could happen to me --hell, maybe it already has, and I would be the last to notice!
Don't worry, so long as your memory lives here some poor bugger will always be around to kick you in the ass or somewhere more sensitive as soon as you start showing signs of a blossoming ego or going right off the rails.
Maussan has just tweeted to me, saying he will never make a public apology for having presented what he still believes was real. "I'm sorry for Don, he lacked courage."

And you know what, I truly believe he is being sincere. I don't think this is a cop-out because he was caught red-handed.

It's something that worries me, I must confess. The corrosive nature of this field. You stay in it too long, you start to lose perspective. I fear it could happen to me --hell, maybe it already has, and I would be the last to notice!

So you're essentially saying that he really is delusional.
Maussan has just tweeted to me, saying he will never make a public apology for having presented what he still believes was real. "I'm sorry for Don, he lacked courage."

And you know what, I truly believe he is being sincere. I don't think this is a cop-out because he was caught red-handed.

It's something that worries me, I must confess. The corrosive nature of this field. You stay in it too long, you start to lose perspective. I fear it could happen to me --hell, maybe it already has, and I would be the last to notice!
This isn't surprising at all. Over the years Maussan has accepted numerous ufo hoaxes as being real. He can't bring himself to ever be wrong now.
Maussan has just tweeted to me, saying he will never make a public apology for having presented what he still believes was real. "I'm sorry for Don, he lacked courage."

And you know what, I truly believe he is being sincere. I don't think this is a cop-out because he was caught red-handed.

It's something that worries me, I must confess. The corrosive nature of this field. You stay in it too long, you start to lose perspective. I fear it could happen to me --hell, maybe it already has, and I would be the last to notice!

Somebody should send that man a plane ticket to Cortez Colorado
Clouds what critical thinking? What is with you guys? If he admits anything he's in further deep shit legally and a quarter of a million dollars can cloud anyone's thinking. Why are you giving any of these con men any credit? They just robbed the Bank and you are talking like they are college professors that got a calculation wrong on a Black Board... ! "genuine enthusiasm in the subject of conning 7,000 people out of their money" is what he's got and has exhibited.
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Batmmann- If a person went and spent their mortgage payment or kid's college tuition on this event, I can't say I feel much sorry for that person. If I had a lot of money to be pissin away I may have made the trek just because I could afford to "be taken" -Who honestly thought some major reveal was going to take place? Maussan name alone, attached to the event, and a google search should have been enough for even a fool not to part with his money.
So by the same token, If you bought a Lexus on the Internet and you didn't do your research, you sent the guy the money and also paid to have it delivered and then when it arrived it turned out to be a 1970 rusted out Pinto with no engine you would just shrug your shoulders and take the beating? You are wrong. These people were sold something they weren't delivered. It doesn't mater it it was a Lexus, a camel or proof of aliens under the law. Your attitude will not save these Clowns in litigation. The consumers were promised and paid for something real and were hoodwinked, conned, and defrauded. As far as I am concerned and as far as the Law will be concerned if the Feds get involved, these guys are Criminals and would be convicted civilly and criminally. It's no different than any other Con, Scam, scheme illegal under the law, claiming a victim is stupid does not negate the crime nor the prosecution of it.
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You can't prove in court that it was fraud. Any two-bit attorney could easily argue that his clients were just too stupid to see the truth and that they're all incompetent investigators. It'd be much easier to prove that than criminal intent to defraud and deceive.

Plus, the event happened in Mexico and thus would be subject to Mexican law, would it not?

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