@Randall. You might at a stretch agree that a single cell warnowiid has an eye, that that eye can differentiate its environment spatially and temporally and that the cell can respond differentially to environmental cues. But you conclude that there is no evidence of qualitative experience. Well.. there’s never going to be ‘evidence’: is there ‘evidence’ that anyone, other than yourself, has QE!? No
Actually, there are two issues there. The first is that if your point about the absence of evidence for qualitative experiences ( QEs ) in humans other than ourselves is true ( which I will contend below that it's not ) then it would be a leap of faith to assume that other organisms ( including single cells ) have any "what it's like" type QEs. This means that by your own logic, your initial premise may be wrong, in which case the rest sort of falls apart. This leaves us with the question of determining how we can tell if anyone or any
thing is having a QE, which brings us to the second issue.
The second issue is that as mentioned above, it is not true that there is no evidence that others besides ourselves have QEs. There is lots of evidence. It is routinely provided by people communicating "what it's like" to have particular experiences. One might be tempted to argue that such information is not evidence, but that would only conform to a cherry-picked definition for the word "evidence" that is synonymous with "proof".
That then leaves us with the question of what constitutes proof. Proof is simply evidence that is sufficient to justify belief in a claim. Some people require more or less or different kinds of evidence than others before they consider a claim to be proven. So let's compare the evidence: In the case of human to human communication about QEs, the evidence is so overwhelming that only the most stubborn of skeptics would argue that they, and
only they, are having QEs.
On the other hand, there is much less evidence for such communication in less complex organisms, and virtually none for single celled creatures. By the time we get down to the level of cells, their communication appears to be strictly mechanistic. In other words, there is no communication of any type of QE. Or if there is any communication of QE, then it cannot be distinguished from the rules of physics and biochemistry.
The behavioral response of these cells is qualified by spatial and temporal particulars. How does the cell apply those differentials if in some sense differentials are not qualified... by some value attribution! (even if only inherited)?
As stated above, at the cellular level, the "behavioral response" of cells appears to be purely mechanistic. There is no evidence for any QE. However I'm sure the panpsychists would take issue with that position.
I argue in my paper that the physiology of a plant demonstrates, through heliotropism, the attribution of value to sun light. Light is more than radiation and energy to such plants. There is a value to heliotropism. Such inherited value ascription (which entails ‘qualitative assimilation’ in my parlance) is foundational (ie necessary) to the evolution of QE capability.
Heliotropism appears to me to be an entirely mechanistic response that is of no consequential difference than the ability of a solar panel to orient itself toward the Sun. Again, one would have to make a leap of faith to assume that either a solar panel or a plant are having any sort of QE. However that doesn't necessarily mean that there is no value in making the assumption for the sake of argument ( exploration ), that one or the other or both of them are having some sort of QE.
Also, none of this means that you're not necessarily onto
something. When we get down to the cellular level, and start looking at the chemistry, Stuart Hameroff has been putting a lot of effort into pinning consciousness in some way on microtubules within the structure of the brain. So it may be the case that these microstructures, which can be considered "chemical" are either directly responsible for, or in some way mediate the phenomenon of QE.