Search results

  1. paraschtick

    Marley Woods Unknown Creature

    My god I must be ill ... I agree with you Lance :D. I'm starting to despair that even the supposed top researchers can't come up with the goods. I say "the goods". I actually mean "any goods". I was expecting something a bit more from Ted than some grainy pictures and some strands of...
  2. paraschtick

    The Show They Did Not Want You To Hear****

    From the Veterans Today website: So I think I'm probably not the only one to hold the view that thinking otherwise is just a wee bit silly. Iran is being turned (if not already in some minds) into the new...
  3. paraschtick

    UFO Spin in the U.K.

    I have my problems with Clarke. He came out a few years ago when that British pilot Richard Bowyer who saw the mile wide UFO over Guernsey and said that it was actually a trawler which Bowyer misidentified. Yeass ... experienced pilots are always misidentifying trawlers many feet below them as...
  4. paraschtick

    Stan Romanek's "Equations:" Good or bad math?

    Looking at the equations, some of them look dodgy. Some look to be differential equations (I think ... my maths is terribly rusty) but aren't but one of them is right and its at the beginning of the 6th line: k = (the square root of k) squared ... hmmm ... thats profound!!!:cool: ps...
  5. paraschtick

    Does the Past Exist Yet?

    Yep ... you're not wrong about that :D. I wonder though do these theories take into consideration dark energy/matter?? ... [actually I think in m-brane theory its dark energy/matter that is responsible for the attraction of the two universes ... if I remember rightly. Might have to read up a...
  6. paraschtick

    Petition to get a crater on Mars named after Mac Tonnies

    Mac Tonnies?? You don't know who Mac was??? :rolleyes: Blimey ... umm well check out the paracast archives for his interviews. There is also at least one interview with him at Greg Bishop's Radio Misterioso website: He was one of the brightest thinkers in the...
  7. paraschtick

    Did Ancient Egyptians Possess Advanced Technologies?

    Its completely mad I grant you ... but there is a tree from which you can make stuff that makes your headaches go away :rolleyes:. The natural world is full of things that make you woah. If it is true then it would be an easy solution to the whole problem of how on earth did they get those...
  8. paraschtick

    Does the Past Exist Yet?

    Slim Shady, that is probably M-brane theory you might be thinking about??? Two universes side by side that come together and collide which causes the Big Bang, and then which move apart again until the built in attraction between them pulls them into together again and the whole cycle continues...
  9. paraschtick

    Did Ancient Egyptians Possess Advanced Technologies?

    I've posted this before in these here forums, but there are stories from South America that the South Americans may have used a plant to "dissolve" rock. They would then mould the rock which was now like a sort of putty and let gravity do its job [got a really bad head cold here so excuse my...
  10. paraschtick

    Does the Past Exist Yet?

    Now it does ... now it does ... now it does ... now it does :D Puerile but still funny. Who needs all this metaphysical mallarky anyway??? :cool: Bestest wishes underschtick
  11. paraschtick

    Dick Criswell needs vetting

    Well I never. Somebody replied to something I posted a couple of years back ... and ... which I don't remember posting (I've got an awful memory at the moment) ... typical :D. Anyway, I was schticknz then before my account got deleted in mysterious circumstances. I was new to digging around...
  12. paraschtick

    Don't be a Di*k

    To me most "skeptics" are just fundamentalists. They're the other side of the coin to the out and out believers. I prefer to be the "edge" side of the coin. Oh and it was Adam Savage by the way I think you'll find :cool:
  13. paraschtick

    The Show They Did Not Want You To Hear****

    Something like that. I started listening but as soon as Don brought up the utter crap, and I'm sorry, Don but it is UTTER CRAP about the Iranians setting off a atomic bomb or whatever I stopped listening. Warrgh ... it makes me so angry that sensible, down to earth people buy into this total...
  14. paraschtick

    magnetic research/propulsion

    Magnets I think are the closest things to magic we have in our strange little world. However, its not well known that Maxwell's equations and theories about Electromagnetism were, lets say, simplified for the masses by Heaviside ... so what people learn today about electromagnetism isn't the...
  15. paraschtick

    Petition to get a crater on Mars named after Mac Tonnies

    Brilliant idea. Just joined the Facebook page ... hope many more join. As I said in a comment on the page, Mac deserves it ... :)
  16. paraschtick

    Best Rock Band and Worst

    Nope since I was at university and heard these bands first singles on John Peel on Radio One in the UK (I now live in NZ), and thought they were terrible then ... hehe. Mind you I thought Nirvana were pretty awful too (still do infact), and were just ripping off the Pixies. Their first single...
  17. paraschtick

    Best Rock Band and Worst

    Oh my god ... three terrible bands that I'd forgotten about :cool:. Pavement were just a Fall wannabe band. Dinosaur Jr ... were just ... horrible. And Sebadoh ... what the flamin eck is a Sebadoh when its at. Now The Happy Flowers. They were a band not to mess with. Check this out, and...
  18. paraschtick

    Best Rock Band and Worst

    Yeah I was ... about 20 years ago :D and that only seems like yesterday. Did anyone see a certain couple from Sonic Youth on the Gilmore Girls a few years back. God that must have upped their cool status. But remember folks that Sparks were on that too ... and Yo La Tengo ... and others I might...
  19. paraschtick

    How Brilliant Computer Scientists Solved the Bermuda Triangle Mystery

    And how would bubbles of methane affect compasses. Thats one of the weird things about certain Bermuda Triangle stories ... the way the compass goes berserk. I can't see how methane could affect something like that. Any ideas folks??
  20. paraschtick

    Radio Misterioso on Mothman and stuff...

    Thank god ... I'm not mad after all. I've heard Andy Colvin a number of times chatting with Vyzygoth on his Grassy Knoll programme (and his other progs), and I've never understood a word he was saying. Its like he talks for hours and there's nothing there. He uses words but somehow they don't...