Christopher Dunn's thought-provoking new book presents compelling evidence that leaves little doubt.
Worth watching. Promo video only hints at the evidence. Christopher Dunn and David Childress have worked and traveled together off and on for years.
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Sounds like an advanced technology to me. Or, at the very least, a level of technology not recognized by academia and "modern" science.I think I saw an article a few years back whereby they proved that many of the structures and blocks were made from a kind of concrete and were cast in place... gonna have to find the article now.... it took microscopic examination of the stone to resolve that it was caste from concrete... Somehow this all just slipped by the New Agers....
I think I saw an article a few years back whereby they proved that many of the structures and blocks were made from a kind of concrete and were cast in place... gonna have to find the article now.... it took microscopic examination of the stone to resolve that it was caste from concrete... Somehow this all just slipped by the New Agers....
Here we are:
Discovery Channel :: News - Archaeology :: Were the Pyramids Made With Concrete?
I've posted this before in these here forums, but there are stories from South America that the South Americans may have used a plant to "dissolve" rock. They would then mould the rock which was now like a sort of putty and let gravity do its job [got a really bad head cold here so excuse my rough English ...]. It gives a really good solution to how they could build structures with slabs of rock so close together that you can only get a razor blade or some such between the "bricks". If there was a trading route between Ancient Egypt say and South America ... which is entirely feasible, then the plant could have made its way to Ancient Egypt.
Noone has as yet identified the plant but there is at least one story quoted by a Victorian explorer who was shown a bottle full of a plant "solution" which he accidentally knocked over on a stone ... and which turned to a putty whilst he watched it.
The whole pantheon the Egyptians built, is really elaborate.How the Pyramids where built...I'm still thinking a lot of slave labor.
I think that the Ancient Egyptians were extraordinary engineers, far ahead of us, not in physical/material engineering but in symbolic/spiritual engineering. Of course for most of my contemporary fellow humans the very topic is just superstitious belief since the invention of the pocket calculator has definitely shown that the universe is only the play of matter and rational determinism. My view is that this aspect is only one side of the coin, the other side being spirit or symbolic meaning and that it actually rules equally the unfolding of events in "reality" and enormous amounts of energy. I really do not wish to even start a debate on this, even less convince anyone. I am just stating this to give context to what I think was the true genius of AEs. There is a monumental thesis by R.A. Schwaller, Le temple de l'homme (The temple of man), that I couldn't recommend more to anybody interested in anthropology and/or symbolism. It makes the case for a concious and powerful engineering of the above mentioned other side of the universe's coin by AEs. It is as I said monumental and very esoteric, one book for the whole year kind of thing.
For those who only have a passing interest in Egyptology I recommend the excellent synthesis of Schwaller's work by John Anthony West, Serpent in the Sky, apparently downloadable for free here.
I think that even the purely rationalists/materialists (left-sided-hemi-brained) could at least appreciate it's fantastic poetical content.
I've posted this before in these here forums, but there are stories from South America that the South Americans may have used a plant to "dissolve" rock. _TBS.mp3 ]
A magical plant that could dissolve rock. The combined power of the oceans and winds...aeolian erosion...takes centuries to wear away rock. How large would the plant be to dissolve a simple 4'x4'x4' block? How much area would it take to grow enough plants to dissolve the many tons of rock featured in the world's greatest monuments and megaliths? ...
The chemist in me is thinking "how is this possible?"....Rock is not just one substance or compound. This plant stuff must have been very corrosive.....and what did they store it in? Surely anything that they stored it i would dissolve?....I am wearing my skeptical expression here, slightly older person!![]()
Its completely mad I grant you ... but there is a tree from which you can make stuff that makes your headaches go away. The natural world is full of things that make you woah. If it is true then it would be an easy solution to the whole problem of how on earth did they get those flamin big bricks so close together. There are stones/rocks/bricks/whatever in some of the places in South America which look like they have scorings on them ... as if they were like clay at some point and have then hardened in place. So there is some evidence to show that they indeed may have been soft at one point in their history.
And sometimes allegory is allegory but sometimes allegory may actually be real history. I can't believe that all ancient civilisations talked in allegory all the bloody time. God ... they would have never got anything done![]()