Search results

  1. Decker

    Chris O'Brian RIP

    Chris O'Brian, former co-host to The Paracast has just passed away. I was notified this morning. From what as told, he was driving to a hospital because he was having breathing problems. He was involved in a traffic accident and died. If I receive any more information I will pass it on. Chris...
  2. Decker

    David Biedny Has Passed On

    Biedny's DOB was 10/22/1962, he was 61 when he passed. Decker
  3. Decker

    David Biedny Has Passed On

    Good morning Paracasters. After my posting yesterday (May 9th) on Facebook about David Biedny's passing, a friend of mine who was also a friend of Biedny called Biedny's brother. From what this man told me, David's brother told him that David had been in ill health for some time. A friend of...
  4. Decker

    David Biedny Has Passed On

    Good day all. This morning, May 9th, I received a text msg. from my Facebook friend, David Emerson Boyer, that David Biedny passed on earlier this year. That surprised me quite a bit. I knew Biedny, first meeting him around 2006 when he co-hosted along with Gene Steinberg the Paracast. They...
  5. Decker

    Disclosure- Will it ever happen?

    So, to sum up: With the advent of Clementine, it had been over two decades since the Apollo Program had shut down. In the aftermath of the 1968 NASA TR-R-277 anomaly report, the many rumors of what the Apollo astronauts might have observed, verification that the lunar astronauts carried weapons...
  6. Decker

    Disclosure- Will it ever happen?

    This weird, ongoing spy opera reached new heights in 1975, when Swann was notified by an acquaintance that he would shortly receive a phone call from an unidentified source. He was to follow the caller’s instructions “to the letter.” A few weeks later at 3 a.m., Swann did receive this telephone...
  7. Decker

    Disclosure- Will it ever happen?

    During this fiery political year, the Viet Nam war was still raging and anti-war sentiment rife in the American public. Richard Nixon was running again as president against challenger George McGovern. Nixon steamrolled McGovern but more was to come on the political front: the Watergate scandal...
  8. Decker

    Disclosure- Will it ever happen?

    The shortened version had Mitchell meeting Admiral Thomas Wilson who at that time headed up the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). According to Mitchell, Wilson told him he would attempt to follow up with his contacts within the Pentagon, and allegedly his inquiries led to an aviation...
  9. Decker

    Disclosure- Will it ever happen?

    So, what is going on? The most potent human military technology (it is believed) currently available are human nuclear weapons. But even that is questionable, even if nuclear weapons are capable of being a deterrent. The UFO enigma has proved to be able to penetrate nuclear bases with impunity...
  10. Decker

    Disclosure- Will it ever happen?

    Disclosure--A Dangle Just Out of Reach. by Don Ecker Disclosure! The “Great Holy Grail” of the UFO movement. The UFO faithful have been expecting something profound since at least December, 2017. With the announcement of the Nimitz battle group encounters with the “Tic-Tacs,” and then former...
  11. Decker

    Don Ecker Podcasts

    Here is an addendum to my earlier post; DMR starts tonight on the X network at 5 PM Pacific, 8 PM Eastern Time. Go to; See ya on the air ... Decker
  12. Decker

    Don Ecker Podcasts

    Seasons Greetings to all. It has been awhile since I have been doing much online .. life has had its ups and downs for me this past year. Many of you have asked what is going on with DMR. Well, here is the short version. As you may know, I had been doing my show on KGRA since 2017, July of...
  13. Decker

    My Take-Davis-Wilson documents

    Here is where it gets very interesting. “The implication,” my source began, “is if one group of extraterrestrials is here, the chances are there are more. I have no idea why but we seem to be a ramp just off the ET highway. Also there is nothing to suggest that those groups all get...
  14. Decker

    My Take-Davis-Wilson documents

    SPIES, LIES and CORE SECRET FACTORS? A Look at the Eric Davis / Admiral Thomas Wilson Material. By Don Ecker (The following excerpt [in quotes] is taken from To The Moon and Back, With Love by...
  15. Decker

    June 2, 2019 — Don Ecker

    Blowfish, hey ... how are you doing? Great to see you jump in Buddy ... hope all is well with you and yours! Decker
  16. Decker

    June 2, 2019 — Don Ecker

    Thank you Hyperscope, appreciate your note. You are very kind. Decker
  17. Decker

    June 2, 2019 — Don Ecker

    This question of humanity's hidden past has always fascinated me. Current estimates claim homo sapien sapiens have been around for approx. 300,000 years .. give or take. The "fly in the buttermilk" is ... evidence of some kind of intelligence is much OLDER than 300,000 years. In 1993 I received...
  18. Decker

    June 2, 2019 — Don Ecker

    Yes I am very aware of "The Adam and Eve Story" and I am currently following up on it with several sources. I am also reaching out to several people involved in this type of research, currently planning on a round table discussion on my show. Once again, thank you for your interest., Decker
  19. Decker

    June 2, 2019 — Don Ecker

    Nice read out TDSR .. and thank you. Decker
  20. Decker

    Welcome Kevin D. Randle

    Randle retired from the Natl. Guard as a Lt. Colonel Randall. He also holds a PhD. Buff up your data files. Decker