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12-6-2009 show

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We know that MSNBC has a lot of left-wing commentary. No bones about it. Fox News uses the "fair and balanced" label for marketing purposes only. Yes, they bring on the other side, but quite often the host will marginalize them or, worse, interrupt them when they make a key point so that the conservative or Republican side gets better treatment. Fair and balanced BS I suppose.

Oh they are all guilty of that one. Ever watch Hardball with Chris Matthews? :p

Either way it will always comes down to this in the end:


"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

Oh they are all guilty of that one. Ever watch Hardball with Chris Matthews? :p

Either way it will always comes down to this in the end:


"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"


Oh hell, being a military vet, I can't let that moron Chris Matthews pass. Recall this past week or so, blathering about Obama's speech at West Point Matthews (being the FUCKING MORON he is) referred to West Point being Obama's enemy camp. Yeah, right ... the Commander in Chief appearing at West Point ... the enemy camp. Made my ass very tired.

Now back to the rest of my life .......

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Possibly, but I'm not confident that Fox News can be depended upon to reveal the truth.
i agree.

try and find a scientist that will debate AGW. nearly impossible. if you do find one he will say "the consensus is in and the debate is over", that is the only "science" the bring to the table. this is a conspiracy.

one reason they can not debate is the lack of data. they say that they lost it. they have NO data to prove AGW. it doesnt matter because their science is a belief system anyway.
talk about a conspiracy...

In a report titled The First Global Revolution (1991) published by the Club of Rome, a globalist think tank whose members have included Kissinger, David Rockefeller and Al Gore, we find the following statement:

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
If scientists are using shortcuts or fudging evidence, they should be called on it. But I think that Media Matters, though a progressive organization, has demonstrated that at least a good portion of that ClimateGate stuff results from selective quoting or deliberate misinterpretation of what's being said in those emails. If you're going to indict global warming research, might as well indict all methods of research in other areas. This is how those things are done, for better or worse.

The CRUtape Letters™, an Alternative Explanation.
Comprehensive network analysis shows Climategate likely to be a leak Watts Up With That?
I just find it kind of odd that our fellow citizens will disbelieve the government at the drop of a hat. Everything they say is wrong. Everything is a vast conspiracy. But when you get to global warming, which the government is pushing as true, everyone says, "Oh, yeah. That must be true."

It's like a kid who now knows Santa Claus is not real. The stork isn't real. He's angry that he's been lied to all these years. So you ask him about the Easter Bunny, and THAT he still believes.
I would like to see another conspiracy show concerning ClimateGate and the whole Global Cooling, i mean...Global Warming oops... Climate Change conspiracy. ClimateGate is far more conspiratorial than Gold or CGI movies.

I like ALL Paracast shows, but this was a bit of a yawner for me. The last 7 minutes were the best.

I agree. I think it is possible that the science is correct but these people need to be transparent and explain their science to the general public if they want trillions of dollars from the general public. They can't just filter their views through a sympathetic media and shout down people who want to ask some questions.
ClimateGate equals:

  1. People hack into a computer and steal a bunch of emails.
  2. The neocon talk show hosts and Fox News distort the contents of the emails by selective quoting out of context and broadcast fake reports about their meaning.
Check this out:

Quick Fact: Kilmeade asks if warming is a | Media Matters for America

End of story, though I'd think charges should be filed against the people who stole the private emails. Would you like it if they did that to you?

Possibly the most partisan comment I've seen on this board and a shock to see it come from you Gene who I really respect.

I really doubt you cared about who or how the information was coming out when it was negative on Bush. This is about TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on unsubstantiated claims and we can't ask questions? Well beneath you Gene, well beneath you.
if global warming is a hoax, or the result of misguided scientific testing, I do want to know about it. All the major countries on the planet are making key decisions about the environment as a result.

But I do not depend on Fox News to be anything but flame throwers against viewpoints that don't fit the traditional neocon point of view. That's not news. It's opinion, and if they want to be that, they should drop this fair and balanced crap.
And Gene, trashing Fox news and then saying "Media Matters" is a solid source is beneath you as well.
They do more good than bad, even though they have a specific agenda. If you look at areas where Fox News has been exposed as taking quotes out of context, using old videos as new ones to convey a misleading viewpoint, and outright misrepresentation of the news, you have to be concerned.

I go by the stories Media Matters publishes, the research they are doing. In recent cases, Fox has begun to retract, so Media Matters can't be wrong a lot of the time.
If scientists are using shortcuts or fudging evidence, they should be called on it. But I think that Media Matters, though a progressive organization, has demonstrated that at least a good portion of that ClimateGate stuff results from selective quoting or deliberate misinterpretation of what's being said in those emails. If you're going to indict global warming research, might as well indict all methods of research in other areas. This is how those things are done, for better or worse.

Making allegations and telling opponents that they must prove you wrong is NOT science.
Did we really need to hear from people smearing people concerned about the unsustainable expansion of government in this country as "teabaggers" on the Paracast?

Erm ... there seems to be an unfortunate mix-up of phrases here.

I think the use of Wikipedia is okay for such a basic explanation.

teabagging : Wikimedia Error

"Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth[1] or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea."

Shome mishtake shurely?

Surely the phrase is 'carpetbagger' : Wikimedia Error

"In modern usage in the United States, the term is sometimes used derisively to refer to a politician who runs for public office in an area in which he or she is not originally from and/or has only lived for a very short time."

Maybe not, though:D
Cover what specifically? ClimateGate? Yes they are, actually.

non partisan? Congratulations on being part of a very small minority who thinks the networks aren't biased and biased towards Democrats. It's like me as a conservative claiming Fox isn't biased. It's intellectually dishonest. Just because you agree with their bias doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Making allegations and telling opponents that they must prove you wrong is NOT science.
The evidence for global warming is out there. So I ask again: If there's evidence it's all fake -- other than the opinions of a few neocon flamethrowers and their minions -- let's have it out now. As I said, many of the major world powers are going to invest trillions into saving the environment. If this is truly junk science, something has to be done.

If it's just the result of knee-jerk skepticism from people who have other agendas, such as not wanting to pay the clean up bills, we can forget about it.

I am not against testing one's assumptions. But it has to be a scientific process, not played out on the air to keep the ratings up on a 24-hour news channel.
non partisan? Congratulations on being part of a very small minority who thinks the networks aren't biased and biased towards Democrats. It's like me as a conservative claiming Fox isn't biased. It's intellectually dishonest. Just because you agree with their bias doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Sorry, but I think your comments are misplaced. Most of the media is owned by a small number of corporate conglomerates that care about nothing but making money. But some, such as Clear Channel and News Corporation, have a known conservative bent.

The so-called liberal media is a myth. Over 90% of radio talk show hosts are conservatives, not liberals. Not because of the potential audiences, but because the networks they work for are owned and/or managed by conservative leaning executives.