Paranormal Adept
I hate to call on you on this, Gene, but I have to totally disagree with you here.
First off, I suggest looking at the info posted by Schuyler in this thread;
I think most of us agree he is one of our most intelligent/best posters and he sure is not a Neo-Con/FOX NEWS supporter.
I think your post shows and example of a BIGGER problem for all of us. That is at times what a partisan view can do to our judgement. In saying that I by no means do not realize I can do this and every man/woman does it.
What I see in your post there is suggesting the counter to GW/CC is from the Neo-Cons/FOX group and not looking at it in a broader scope. I have been on the record of repping Neo-Cons and FOX for being the liar they are. A bunch fo Trotskyites who took over the Republican party and caused massive amounts of damage to our country for the 8-years of Bush/Cheney. I agree with you there.
What I disagee with is simply turing the point into a partisan issue. I also agree that it's partisan the other way from the fooled right on their reasons for their stances on GW/CC. They are not looking at the topic in a rational manner either.
The problem is the counter to the GW/CC is coming from a core of people who disagree with both parties in large. Without the WWE like poltics that go from left vs. right. That is missed by a lot of people on both sides and the whole time the issue is never looked at in a proper manner.
The whole "Climategate" thing is pretty serious. There are e-mails admitting to fraud. There are e-mails that admit to trying to get people fired who disagree with their view. There are e-mails from people who are funded by US taxpayers for research that are admitting to criminal acts. That is an issue that goes beyond what the left and right are doing with the topic.
It is clear as day, regardless of the debate on science, that there is a set concept for SOLUTIONS to the GW/CC issue. That is taxation via carbon footprints and cap and trade. That sends a RED FLAG up to me right away when you get away from the science and the left/right banter. The fact that the SOLUTIONS are taxes should be more of an issue IMO.
Nothing personal Gene, I just think you are looking at this from the wrong context by doing so in a partisan manner. I hate Neo-Cons/FOX as much as you do. I just refuse to suggest that the controlled left is any better on this issue when they make it about a partisan politcs, do not cover the info about the "Climategate" situation, do not cover that the proposed solutions are taxes, and use pretty vile term such as "deniers" in a manner to describe people who counter their view. Please check out Schuyler's info as it is very useful IMO.
I've read some of the information Schuyler provided and i think it makes sense.I worry, because basically the data is coming from 50 recognised and respected scientists from different corners of the world. There is no majority. we have opposing views, and i think we have to listen to all sides and then have a cohesive message before adopting rules and regulations. Changes in the climate have been happening long before man. Ice ages for example where never caused by man polluting the atmosphere or nature. Industrial pollution as far the history goes is fairly new' couple of hundred years or so.
So the real question is, is this a natural process that the Earth is going through like it has before in the past, or are we indeed as humans polluting the atmosphere.I read an article the other day from one scientist who had opposing view' he said the data was showing a decline rather than a surge.And the emails showed they had been fiddling with the data that was coming in. That show's for me, a real weakness in the argument.
I think the weather is changing and i think we do need to figure out are we causing it. The melting of the polar caps, why is it happening? I am layman to the whole subject, But does that mean the seas are getting warmer there, so melting is occurring or is the sun getting through the ozone layer more and effecting that region of the world due to us polluting.
There is more precipitation happening lately in my country. The records are showing it. So it this cause of Global warming or Global cooling. I'm unsure, because records are created by us and checking data of rainfall through history to see if is this just a natural occurrence would be impossible to verify.
As for the 9/11 attacks, I'm going to stick to my opinion that it was planned, and carried out by Islamic terrorists.I'm still open to the possibility of people with the United States and elsewhere who had intelligence backgrounds where well aware of those attacks where going to happen. And, I'm also open to possibility that members of the White House staff had such knowledge and wanted it to happen.
Bush and his fellow Scum in my opinion are what people are calling the hidden government. Don't take my word for it. It just my opinion. There is some real mysteries about what the family is into, and some of the people they are connected with behind the scenes, well that needs to be looked at more closely. Bush family is connected with the CIA and the Military industrial complex. Two wars happened during the Bush reign, one occurred in the 1990's and the other in later in 2003. Bush and his fellows counterparts are out there in the open and getting elected. What is behind them, not elected, pushing the agenda is what was the most frightening part, and where i believe the conspiracy is regards to who really is in charge.
The power and real power lies in Government, and having a people like Cheney, Bush, who i believe are connected with the so called "Hidden government" (get them elected and who will oppose what we do then). I think if you do research and look behind the face and see through the mask. The aims, ambitions and intentions of the so called Hidden government arrived not in shadowy form, but through the political arena in the 1980's and 1990's with Reagan and both Bushes getting elected.
Kennedy was killed by more than one man. So it is a conspiracy of avoiding the truth. The evidence points to there being other shooter or shooters. This is serious matter for a superpower and a modern society who believes in democracy and freedom. If the CIA Killed Kennedy, they killed him with no authority other than from themselves. If it was to get Johnson elected and help start a war. There is your hidden government right there.
Murky people, not elected, making decisions in so called democracy. If true, that is what America stands for since the 1960's. I've an opinion America has been taken over by people from within the hidden Government. Mainly since the 1960's has America really gone downhill. It has never fully recovered since Kennedy and the reasons are obvious.
The American system is run behind the scenes by a greedy, war graving, money mad elite. They have no regards to soldiers who fight for America. They are Just a tool for them to use. It a pity the majority of the American people have no seen past the lies told.There was never "WMD" in Iraq. The agenda for war happened along time ago, and Israel was wanting a war with Iraq, and America obligated for a number of reasons. Oil was the main reason and having a democracy that was puppet state for the Americans would hopefully in their eyes, delusional really trickle down and other Arabs sates would follow suit.You need a clear understanding of that Region and of their histories and obviously they where clueless to any of that before they invaded. No strategy or planning before you invade a country is a simple no Brainer.