Miah - I would be thrilled if you ended up finding Mr. Ferris. As I think I mentioned on the episode, my address was 27 Patton Drive, Somerset, NY. The Ferris house was directly across the street from us. That would make the Ferris' what, 25, 26 or 28 Patton Drive. The year was 1972 or 73.
As I've already mentioned, I've only become proactive on this stuff since we started The Paracast, and have made some inquiries into finding the Caracas paper/s with the front page article. It's been made clear that I would either have to show up in person, or find someone willing to take the time and effort to do it on my behalf. We did indeed have at least one of the papers from the next day, but it got lost at some point during one of the moves. That's the nature of reality, folks, and we've spoken about this with Jeff Ritzmann who, BTW, is also someone with extreme episodes and a lack of hard physical proof (for the most part). Do I think that Jeff is telling the truth about what he's seen and interacted with? Yes, I do indeed believe him, after having spent time with him and his family. I do not think for a moment that he is lying/fabricating a damned thing. Those of you who might doubt him are welcome to your own opinions, but in MY opinion, he's telling the truth. Can I prove it? No. Can HE prove it? Nope.
The VAST majority of paranormal events lack hard evidence, which is obviously deeply frustrating to the experiencers, but that's part and parcel of the nature of the topic. And for those of you who say that we are relentless in demanding hard evidence of our guests who report paranormal experiences, I don't think you're listening very carefully. When someone like Goldberg comes on the show and claims that he has the answers about the nature of the future, has had numerous interactions with time travelers, claims to be able to teach anyone how to contact said time travelers, you better believe that we're gonna demand hard proof. On the other hand, show me how many direct experiencers have been on the show and who we've raked over the coals. Go ahead.
And as the idea that UFO sightings receive a vast amount of media attention - and especially during the 70s - I think that's incorrect, and a large part of it is due to the fact that most people would be hesitant to go on the record with a sighting, and most papers are reluctant to run stories about said sightings. When my father called the local paper, they practically laughed him off the phone. Or am I lying about this? What exactly do I have to gain by making this up? Do folks think that if something can't be verified on the net, that makes it false? Do you think ALL human knowledge, history and wisdom is a mouse click away? Think again.
The thing that REALLY irks me is when faceless people on the internet claim that I'm hallucinating and lying, as well as my family and friends who have been brave enough to come on this show, on the record, and verify my statements about the experiences I've shared. I don't like being called a liar, and will tell anyone accusing me of such, that they should go screw themselves. I am cohosting a show about paranormal topics because of my own personal interest and experiences in the realm. That's how this show came to be - I am NOT making these experiences up in order to feed the show, which is what I think some of you might suspect. All I have to go on is my personal integrity, and my word. Those of you who have reasons to doubt me, I'm sad about that, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I am not going to play into your sense of entitlement and drop my life in order to jump like a monkey for you, hop a plane to Venezuela and come back with a printout of a page from a paper 30 years ago, you'll just claim that I used my significant desktop publishing skills to fabricate the thing. When I can get a copy of that front page, this'll be the first place I post it, make no mistake, but your demands are meaningless to me. Get over it. Verum, some of the abusive shit you've posted here makes me want to ban your ass, but I've not done so. That said, I'm getting tired of it, so you're on notice. If you claim that I'm a lonely, sad, psychotic person, it's abusive and will NOT be tolerated. Back your own statements up, or go find somewhere else to troll. I don't owe you a damned thing, certainly not a drop of respect. People like you are the reason I hesitated to go public with this stuff for so long, so do me a favor, go watch someone chase a ball.