Schticknz, perhaps “complete” would be a more useful term than “perfect” in describing God - and YOU are the experience of “It” (as your waking identity) exploring in great detail, just a small, specific part of Its completeness. Your will is your personal guide.
An essential aspect of consciousness, but not directly discussed on the show, is that consciousness must be conscious of SOMETHING in order to BE consciousness. And in the absence of anything else to be conscious of, SELF-consciousness would have to be it’s first and most elemental nature - allowing all else to proceed from there - since self-consciousness is One thing assuming two simultaneous vantage points: the observer and the observed.
The Big Question: Are you the central character in a dream of your own making, or just an insignificant figure in someone else’s? Newtonian physics would suggest the latter view, Quantum, the former.
But if you are a “self,” a major clue to the source of your world is probably found by looking within, since that’s where the source of ANY perception would have to stem from.
As radical as the idea may sound, consider that your “senses” may not actually be perceiving a world “out there,” but constructing one (to include your so-called physical body as the lens).
You already know you have this ability to make worlds and “other” characters, because you do it all the time in the sleep state.
And if that’s the means for making a world in ANY case, perhaps it is ultimately the ONLY means. After all, if the “substance” of consciousness could be called light, would it not follow that all its subsequent evolutions and variations would also be but manifestations of that only thing: light?
Where the hell did it all come from in the first place, you ask?
I propose a simple theory:
“nothingness,” in a perfectly ABSOLUTE sense, (I’m not talking about empty space, which is a thing) and therefore being completely self-negating as a state, must, by default, EXCLUDE and result in the appearance of it’s opposite, “everything.” Seemingly from nowhere, and yet inevitably unavoidable. Ok, just a theory, and it sounds like a play on words, but think about it.
The question has been raised on the Paracast that maybe the appearance of UFOs, and other weird phenomena, is to make us think. That purpose is probably no differently inherent, though, than in ANY of our experience, when one considers that our interpretation of anything always rests on who and what we think we are at any given time.
So maybe in the opportunity a perception offers us to see ourselves differently, lies its meaning, and our connection to it.