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3/25/2012 - Brendon O'Brien - Brilliant, Bigoted or just plain Whacky?

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Its Post hoc ergo propter hoc, That is a logical fallacy

My existance is proof of my existance, nothing more.

It is no more evidence for god than it is evidence for santa claus (although i did once sit on his knee, and even got the bike i asked for)

Im sure the muslims would make the same claim that my existance is evidence allah is the one true god and mohamad is his prophet, they'd be as wrong as you pickles


a (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof

There is no proof god exists, none.

Not a single shred of evidence that can be tested.

You are confusing faith with proof.

Many orthodox people speak as though it were the business of sceptics to disprove received dogmas rather than of dogmatists to prove them. This is, of course, a mistake. If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time. It is customary to suppose that, if a belief is widespread, there must be something reasonable about it. I do not think this view can be held by anyone who has studied history. Practically all the beliefs of savages are absurd. In early civilizations there may be as much as one percent for which there is something to be said. In our own day.... But at this point I must be careful. We all know that there are absurd beliefs in Soviet Russia. If we are Protestants, we know that there are absurd beliefs among Catholics. If we are Catholics, we know that there are absurd beliefs among Protestants. If we are Conservatives, we are amazed by the superstitions to be found in the Labour Party. If we are Socialists, we are aghast at the credulity of Conservatives. I do not know, dear reader, what your beliefs may be, but whatever they may be, you must concede that nine-tenths of the beliefs of nine-tenths of mankind are totally irrational. The beliefs in question are, of course, those which you do not hold. I cannot, therefore, think it presumptuous to doubt something which has long been held to be true, especially when this opinion has only prevailed in certain geographical regions, as is the case with all theological opinions.

My conclusion is that there is no reason to believe any of the dogmas of traditional theology and, further, that there is no reason to wish that they were true. Man, in so far as he is not subject to natural forces, is free to work out his own destiny. The responsibility is his, and so is the opportunity.
From Bertrand Russell, "Is There a God?" (1952), in The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 11: Last Philosophical Testament, 1943-68, ed. John G. Slater and Peter Köllner (London: Routledge, 1997), pp.

Exactly my existance is no more evidence that god is real than it is evidence Russells teapot is real, or evidence that the invisible pink unicorn or flying spaghetti monster is real, or evidence that any, ANY of the thousands of other gods are real
Godchecker.com - Your Guide To The Gods

I am so disappointed that in the 21st century people could even make comments like that in any semblance of seriousness.
Its sad and pathetic that ignorance , superstition and dogma, can in some cases trump logic, reason and the scientific method.

It can only be described as intellectual retardation, Logic reason and science are the best ways to look at, measure and understand our reality.
Anything else is just primitive superstition, Xstianity one of the worst offenders

Indeed, the primitive notion of the sacrifice of the innocent for the guilty is abhorrent to the modern sensibility
semantics it more or less means the same thing and we all know what was meant by it Trained so no panic :)

And considering a recent close encounter of my own which I will not talk about on the open forum I tend to swing to the nuts and bolts end of the argument now.. sure looked solid to me. Can I prove it.. nope .. but can anyone prove any of this stuff? ... please insert answer here -----> <-------------
"And considering a recent close encounter of my own which I will not talk about on the open forum?" People get ragged off because I will not upload photos and enter into a full blown discourse.
semantics it more or less means the same thing and we all know what was meant by it Trained so no panic :)

And considering a recent close encounter of my own which I will not talk about on the open forum I tend to swing to the nuts and bolts end of the argument now.. sure looked solid to me. Can I prove it.. nope .. but can anyone prove any of this stuff? ... please insert answer here -----> <-------------
"And considering a recent close encounter of my own which I will not talk about on the open forum?" People get ragged-off because I will not upload pictures and enter into a full blown discourse. Why are you reluctant to talk about your sighting in an open forum? I saw a florescent orange farting ostrich flying backwards in the sky. Don't you believe me?
"And considering a recent close encounter of my own which I will not talk about on the open forum?" People get ragged off because I will not upload photos and enter into a full blown discourse.

"And considering a recent close encounter of my own which I will not talk about on the open forum?" People get ragged-off because I will not upload pictures and enter into a full blown discourse. Why are you reluctant to talk about your sighting in an open forum? I saw a florescent orange farting ostrich flying backwards in the sky. Don't you believe me?

Not really interested in the forum grilling man.. and I am still trying to get my head around the whole thing..
You post your stuff when you want to Voyager for I will not pressure you into doing so.
Not really interested in the forum grilling man.. and I am still trying to get my head around the whole thing..
You post your stuff when you want to Voyager for I will not pressure you into doing so.
Gotcha! I was just curious. It was horribly cold here today. Hard telling when the sky will be clear again. I'm still trying to figure everything out on the camcorder. Sony practices deceptive advertising. They say 10 power optical zoom. Only if the steady shot feature is turned off. It still zooms but I am not sure how much. A lot depends on how close they are. In April that sphere traveled over my house at an altitude of about 100 feet. I'm still pissed off that I didn't have my camera upstairs. I have never seen any of the big ships here. I have seen them where I used to live. I plan on returning there in July.
I downloaded the interview and realized who was the Guest...and immediately binned it.

Jesus was olive skinned. {to keep in line with the ever evolving misdirection of this thread on stupid religious BS}
Catholics believe in transubstantiation which is the magick transformation of bread and wine into the actual body and blood of christ. No symbolism here guys, this is in 3d actuality, a fragging mass magic cannibalistic rite. Thats some ffed up shiz and pretty hypocritical of a church that looks down on others practising magick.

lol at mike's pictures.
It IS pretty irrational isnt it, the son of god falls out of a married virgin (poor joe, no honeymoon for him then) who in turn, uses magic to turn water into wine (the neatest party trick ever) and thousands of years after nailing him to a plank (well he was a carpenter, and you know what they say, he who lives by the hammer dies by the hammer) they are still eating his flesh..... and drinking his blood.......

And by doing so you secure yourself a seat in an imaginary place with imaginary angels playing imaginary harps forever........

An ET sociologist could only conclude many of this species are insane.

They take their young into a purpose built building and show them some poor bastard with nails holding him to a plank and say this is a "good" thing, now step up to the buffet and chow down on his flesh and blood.........

And the prevailing sentiment being the sacrifice of the innocent for the guilty is gooooooooood.

Why using this theme we could fix our prison system in less than a week, just kill off the same number of innocent citizens as we have inmates, thus cleansing them of their crimes, and let them move into the homes of those just killed
"As tempting as brainwashing my girlfriend into misogynistic slavery sounded......."

I say we nail this cretin to a plank and see if he comes back to life after a good spear thrusting.

I AM Doctor JESUS, Kiss my ring oh my disciples

Ive got the look, maybe i should start my own cult.........

Heres one one me hand feeding a dove wearing white robes


Clearly i am the son of god, the messiah as prophesised
"As tempting as brainwashing my girlfriend into misogynistic slavery sounded......."

I say we nail this cretin to a plank and see if he comes back to life after a good spear thrusting.

Hell yeah why not...

Nice scarf by the way .. All hail Doctor Jesus