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A fake plane was added for south tower explosion

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I wish someone would please close this thread. It is extremely disrespectful for the victims and their families to garbage such as this put forth. You can make an argument for a conspiracy about certain details 9/11. But there is no doubt what hit the North and South Tower.

(PilotsFor911Truth.org) - Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) is a device used to send messages to and from an aircraft. Very similar to text messages and email we use today, Air Traffic Control, the airline itself, and other airplanes can communicate with each other via this "texting" system. ACARS was developed in 1978 and is still used today. Similar to cell phone networks, the ACARS network has remote ground stations installed around the world to route messages from ATC, the airline, etc, to the aircraft depending on it's location and vice versa.

ACARS Messages have been provided through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) which demonstrate that the aircraft received messages through ground stations located in Harrisburg, PA, and then later routed through a ground station in Pittsburgh, 20 minutes after the aircraft allegedly impacted the South Tower in New York. How can messages be routed through such remote locations if the aircraft was in NY, not to mention how can messages be routed to an aircraft which allegedly crashed 20 minutes earlier?
Pilots For 9/11 Truth have briefly touched on this subject in 9/11: Intercepted through the excellent research of "Woody Box", who initially discovered such alarming information in the released FOIA documents(1). We now have further information which confirms the aircraft was not in the vicinity of New York City when the attacks occurred.

It Is Conclusive - 9/11 Aircraft Airborne Well After Crash - Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum
Acars Confirmed - 9/11 Aircraft Airborne Long After Crash - Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum
Not sure how a theory is more factual simply because a series of nutjobs buys into it rather than just one.

We all know the debris -- human and otherwise -- was strewn all over sections of NYC. And, we know precisely who did it. What other data is relevant?
Let's not forget those "agents" who "planted" passenger plane debris around the streets surrounding ground 0 -This thead has been a real eye opener for me. I thought watching that magician making the stature of Liberty disappear on live TV was icredible- but planting plane and passenger parts among the streets of NY without the notice of locals, cannot be matched by even the greatest magic.
Dick Oliver described a drone aircraft that is guided electronically to its target without having a pilot. He was on the ground and saw something consistent with the several live shots that recorded the foreign object that floated from the west to behind the towers. The circular object was filmed by nbc, cbs, wb11, and ny1. It had no physical components of a chopper or plane and was much smaller than a helicopter.



Dick Oliver Says Plane Was Remote Control Drone - YouTube
The most credible eyewitnesses did not see a plane hit the south tower, or hear one approaching which would have been obvious, because there wasn't one that did. THERE'S NO HOLE IN TOWER 2, and that smoke and debris seen coming out the rear most likely cannot be produced from any video footage because the impacts were edited.


"And then heard this noise that seemed to come from everywhere but didn't...had no idea what it was and then the south tower just exploded, it just it just, it just blew up. And somebody said that was a plane and I was like, "I was underneath it, I was looking at the tower, I had my camera in my hand, I heard the noise, I never saw the airplane."


7 Have you made any attempt to explain the debris, obviously ID'ed from one of two planes that crashed into the towers? Have you made any attempt to explain why landing gear was found near ground 0 - any attempt to explain the ID'ed remains of passengers found on the ground who happened to be on one of those flights? Have you made any attempts to explain the phone calls made from passengers on those planes just before they crashed into the towers. Any attempts to explain why those who were working in the towers below where the planes crashed, testified they first heard, before watching the plane explode through the tower? I await answers/explanations to the above questions before I enter another post in this rediculous thread. Please don't follow up my questions with so called "orb video" which DOES NOT explain any of the above FACTS.
This is the only live shot with a plausible flight path that exposed the north face and they screwed it up big time. There are a few theories as to why it happened, but I think the fake image came out faster than they thought, and that's what prompted the fade to black, an attempt to hide the blunder. NO HOLE exists where the fake image came through, proving conclusively that WNYW and Chopper 5 aired and created the black plane hoax.

Techmac's digital attempt at computer generated imagery was laughable. Note that it has no right wing and the left wing and engine dislodge right after it gets below the copyright. It convienently zooms in preventing view of the fake image between the towers. WB11 didn't get its fake plane image until 9:27 and the similarities between the two provide a match in stupidity. Only a cgi could have a fake left wing and no right wing.






Once again, the trap is found in engaging in the feigned indignant clap trap. If you ignore the spin it dissolves into thin air. Like aliens on the moon, never mind the ones living among us and telling poor old Billy Meier what a great guy he is and that he can walk on water and stuff, these ideas need to be stopped. The truther indulgence is just another example of how with enough variables in play, you can make any claim you like - reality is always up for grabs. Like Faulkner says, it's not what's real that matters, it's what people agree is real that gets recorded. Please, let's just turn off this turntable or at least recognize that what's on the b-side is worth a better spin.

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