I've been a loyal listener of The Paracast since its inception, and a member of the forum since 2006. So, I didn't just sign up. Nor did I sign up and start doing all that is alleged. I believe in civil discussion and debate, and I think I tried hard to engage in it over the course of several threads on religion, which, as I've said many times before, were really about Judaism and Christianity, and about Christian and Jews.
My memory is that the first thread had to do with Jesus's life here on earth, the historical Jesus. And that's what I stuck to, and addressed other aspects of Judaism and Christianity as they appeared in threads. I think a fundamental falsity here is that I was pushing my Christianity. During the course of those threads, I would try and try to stay on the historical aspects of Judaism and Christianity, and yes, I can be pedantic, but I was dealing with such a flurry of overwhelming "views" of the history of those two faiths, and of history in general, that I had to present evidence of what really happened in history, and I think I had a right to correct some very glaring and specific errors in history that were being flung about.
But just saying that leaves me open to the Kim-knows-it-all charge. But, there are facts of history, and it's that simple sometimes, or rather, it's that complex oftentimes. But by that time, the "discussion" had deteriorated to yes, name calling and invective by a small core group of members who were out to vilify Judaism/Old Testament and Christianity/New Testament. And this wasn't limited to Judaism and Christianity of antiquity. It very, very quickly became an active derision in very harsh terms of current Judaism and Christianity, and of the overwhelming and very specific acts that were being committed in modern times by members of those faiths in very harsh language, often in vulgar and profane terms that alleged, well, I had a list of them, but I deleted them.
Was I frustrated? Yes. The threads were overwhelmingly dominated by cut and paste and videos that were quite inflammatory. I should have known it was a losing battle sooner, and later learned that some posters were very practiced veterans of this method of "discussion." So, I resorted to the only thing I had: my very real knowledge of history. Yes, I got quite frustrated, and I at times was sarcastic, chiding, lecturing, pointing out the intellectual dishonesty of this method of discourse, and it was very overwhelming. And at times I would use facetiousness and humor and subtlety in my posts, but that didn't work, either. So, yes, I should have quit far earlier, but I kept thinking, wait, why should I succumb to this vitriol, why shouldn't I continue to present facts? So, I persevered.
Am I guilty of pedanticism, chiding, facetiousness, sarcasm at times, frustration, repetition, and lecturing? Yes. But I DID, indisputably, stick to EVIDENCE and FACTS of history in those threads, and when repeated inquiries about the specifics of my "creator god" came up, I'd avoid them. I did later in the discussion present some of my actual spiritual beliefs, but pointed out that there was no empirical evidence of those.
In other threads more recently on other topics I stuck also to facts and evidence, whether on consciousness, ancient architectural wonders, intelligent extraterrestrials, etc. I never categorically insisted that there were no intelligent extraterrestrials, but I offered evidence why I thought there probably were not. Now, I'm sure if my posts are culled for out of context quotes, I can be made to appear any way someone wants me to appear.
I've recommended a lot of books I've read on many topics.
I'm not saying I can't be insufferable sometimes. But, really, consider the provocation. I think in the onslaught of it all I conducted myself rather well in demeanor and in presentation of evidence.
But I'm darned if I do, darned if I don't. A very recent example is the thread on nuclear power plants. The thread had been dominated by horror stories of the crisis in Japan, very accurately so, but it shifted quite markedly to a blanket condemnation of American nuclear plants and condemnation in some rather candid terms, shall we say, of the people running them, who were misplacing fuel rods, and on and on.
I committed a horrific mistake when I entered that thread very late in its lifespan: I actually said that I had sons with advanced degrees in engineering from prestigious universities (ok, there was some fatherly pride there, but it was also to buttress my points, and why can I not present evidence, why am I being so vilified for putting forth evidence on many topics in this forum?). One of them has worked for years in fossil fuel and nuclear plants, and I ran past him some of the things said on that thread concerning American plants. I presented that evidence, perhaps too pedantically, but the way that thread was going it sounded to me like any members living near American nuclear plants should run screaming out of their houses and buy potassium iodide. Uh, oh, the reception I received for quoting an actual nuclear systems engineer who had also trained military personnel, uh oh, mistake, Kim.
My Christianity was thrown in my face, but that was nothing new, and ironic since I had never pushed that per se at all. One member, as I remember, who had not posted in that thread, came in just to taunt. And then my profession as a teacher was ridiculed. This happened in other threads, too. And all for presenting evidence contrary to the prevailing opinion: and this is true of many topics on this forum. There is a core small group who cannot stand being presented with contrary evidence, evidence that is actually backed up. And ironically, I notice that the "pack" referred to often doesn't hesitate to go after each other when not engaged in a communal "circle jerk" regarding me. Those last two phrases I quote from an eminent scholar (truly, he is!) who got in the middle of this thread and has received some real flak, and I am sorry for that for him. He is an esteemed person with a big heart indeed.
So, I see I have written another masters thesis, but I came into this thread because, really, why was it started in the first place? I don't know, it just seems rather bizarre. And I came in because a great guy was catching flak because of me.
And regarding the paranormal: why would I have joined the forum in 2006 and posted about forty something posts in all those years since then and what, a couple of months ago I come in and think I have something to offer on the Jesus thread, and those couple of months in all those long years prove what an awful presence I've been here? That I just signed up and came in to create havoc and misery for those used to having civil discussions? That's some stretch there.
I know, I'm going to catch holy heck for writing this, but I am not angry, I've said many times that the taunts and vitriol don't bother me any more. They shocked me at first, yes, but then I realized the this is par for the course here sometimes. Kim