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That is a possibility. What I experienced last night was so unsettling I couldn't sleep. I don't know what is inside of them. My intuitive sense is that this is something far stranger than robotic craft. My eyes are going out of focus.
These Montana winters kick my ass! Didn't bother me when I was younger.Wow. It sounds like it was pretty profound experience. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
While I am skeptical about the conclusions we all make about these sorts of events, I am not skeptical about the fact that people experience them.
I intend to try to be more observant and actually look up more this summer among other things. My desire to experience something myself to give me something to work with directly is bubbling up again.
Thanks for that Kim.
Alien abductions are an interesting topic for me because I have experienced the sensation. One of the things that drives my interest in the paranormal is trying to understand why people with such similar experiences can interpret it in such different ways. I have had several vivid abduction experiences, but instead of attributing them to actual aliens, I have been able to establish that they are without a doubt sleep paralysis. I know this because my wife has been there to snap me out of it a few times, and she's pretty sure she didn't see any aliens. I have had some discussions with people that think their similar experiences had to be aliens and they refuse to see it as a sleep disorder. People will approach things from different angles, and we have to understand that.
I prefer to go with the explanation that seems the most logical.
I have had some discussions with people that think their similar experiences had to be aliens and they refuse to see it as a sleep disorder. People will approach things from different angles, and we have to understand that.
I prefer to go with the explanation that seems the most logical.
I was saying for my particular experience, and ones that are similar, I personally think that the vast majority can be sleep paralysis.
Voyager's are quite different and I really have no issue with just saying that I don't know what it can be. That's all we really can say for sure.
With all due respect I don't have a problem with you being skeptical about things. I get so disgusted listening to people babble total bullshit. A person's senses become inundated with nonsense, and somtimes, you just have to filter out the nutrients and discard the rest. The people in this forum are interested in UFOs and I have tried to provide some insight.I was saying for my particular experience, and ones that are similar, I personally think that the vast majority can be sleep paralysis.
Voyager's are quite different and I really have no issue with just saying that I don't know what it can be. That's all we really can say for sure.
Mike - did you feel that you were bodily paralysed before you saw the grey? To me, because I've had it, that might be sleep paralysis? I had an 'abduction' thing in which I 'knew' there were aliens behind me and I was convinced I was supposed to be knocked out - along with about another 100 males, all 20's and single. Don't know how I knew these things but they seemed self-evident. In an instant it felt like they were interested in reproduction. I did not see any type of alien at all directly but I heard something behind me being active. I was pretending to be still asleep and did not try to see anything. I wonder what I would have seen had I had the nerve to look behind me. It was so real at the time, and now, that trying to sneak a peak seemed to risky. Nothing about the experience actually seemed dream-like and even though I side with my experience just being my brain, I can imagine that had it been a notch or two more 'direct' I could easily join the ranks of people who are convinced they have been abducted.
I think Budd Hopkins and John Mack both said that even if there is no truth to an ET aspect of the abduction phenomena, it is still a subject very worthy of study - the sheer volume of people reporting weird experiences utterly out of the norm is weird enough.
I can empathise with how real a sleep paralysis experience is and really there is no way for the person having it to tell truth from reality with any surety because if something feels as real as real, then what is real?
I think there are UFO's in that there are non-human or non-terrestrial pilots in some of them. To me it follows they may be interested in our intelligent species on earth. So for me, abductions and experimentation would follow on naturally from thinking 'they' are here. So even though my 'experience' may be nothing more than sleep paralysis along with having seen the x-files, I do not discount that it happens.
I know this - sleep paralysis can be terrifying alone, without any bloody greys showing up!
Voyager - did you see the film from Ireland of two white spheres appearing to coordinate their movements on a horizontal plane up in the sky, whilst acting as if they were at opposite ends of a shortening wire between them, whilst rotating about an apparent fixed point in space? The 'dance' as I call it was too precise to be aircraft etc, so barring a fraud, could those spheres be like the ones you are seeing?
As you say, your experience is ongoing - I'm sure you've thought of it but maybe you should tie a camera to your wrist so you don't miss any in the future!
I have been noticing of late that quite a few 'experiencers' of UFO sightings claim there can be a large part of 'volunteering' to have sightings - as if, if you want to see them, you can. Arthur C. Clarke thought that almost anyone who takes notice of the sky around them will eventually see something like a UFO. It is mostly cloudly where I live which may explain the very low count of sightings in my part of Scotland. If I google 'Aberdeen, Scotland' with 'UFO'.....well either UFOs give my city a bodyswerve or it's too hard to see the damn things.
If I lived maybe in a large flat area with lots of sunny days, I may do a Ray Stanford in systematically trying to capture images of these objects. Sweet F.A point doing it here though.![]()
[/FONT]Care to speculate on what the synergistic effect of mind melding with these creatures would be?
Understand this is not an academic question for me, my answer is not hypothetical
I'm very disappointed. I had expected Mike to come back with some spectacular feedback.![]()
Its pure speculation, but if they have a hive mind then a mind meld as you put it might be difficult for us to handle at first, mentally navigating this new paradigm might take some time to master.
A bit like someone learning to use a computer/internet for the first time.
You would need to learn what apps, do what and then the parameters of those apps
there are similarities as well as differences among them