Kim - all the points in your signature still do not address (for me) the fundamental question about Christianity, namely whether Jesus (I believe there was such a jew who was a reformer and that's all) is actually a given 'son of god' and therefore a supernatural being or not. It can only be one way or the other. One way has the whole of Christianity based on a fact and the other way has it based on a lie (the Godly status and origin of Jesus of Nazareth).
All the scholarly study of Biblical texts ever undertaken will never provide a clue as to the answer to my question above. Of course I realise that religious people don't usually talk about evidence and truth but more of faith. As long as that distinction is clear, I am fine with people's faith. Because no-one alive today was there with Jesus. How many words in the Bible (N.T) were written by people with first hand experience of the 'miracles' which lets face it, are the things most likely to make people believe someone is a supernatural born-of-a-virgin son of God?
Kim, I have respect for the fact that you put your points across and that you do not to pretend to know the absolute truth.
But in your signature, say lets take number 12. You basically state Jesus' miracles, healings and exorcisms as if they were a proved fact. But nobody can say that unless they were there and even then they could have been fooled. It goes on right now all round the world. People all over India travel about performing miracles which have been systematically debunked. It is beyond hearsay of the 100th degree now (Bible). Please, even if these things are your beliefs, which you are most entitled to have, can we keep what is 'faith' and provable fact separate please?
For instance, Mike has far more reason to think an ET was in his house than you do for believing anything in the Bible to be true. It happened to him. Nothing biblical happened to you (unless you are holding out on us?
) and whilst it may be unlikely in your mind (and maybe mine) that an ET was in Mike's house, the fact is he has a memory of something. For you, you seem to put more credence on a book of many authors written a long time ago in the Middle East when we were far less scientifically savvy and able to spot fakery etc against first hand accounts from someone none of us, thus far, have any reason to believe is lying.
Just some thoughts Kim.
All the scholarly study of Biblical texts ever undertaken will never provide a clue as to the answer to my question above. Of course I realise that religious people don't usually talk about evidence and truth but more of faith. As long as that distinction is clear, I am fine with people's faith. Because no-one alive today was there with Jesus. How many words in the Bible (N.T) were written by people with first hand experience of the 'miracles' which lets face it, are the things most likely to make people believe someone is a supernatural born-of-a-virgin son of God?
Kim, I have respect for the fact that you put your points across and that you do not to pretend to know the absolute truth.
But in your signature, say lets take number 12. You basically state Jesus' miracles, healings and exorcisms as if they were a proved fact. But nobody can say that unless they were there and even then they could have been fooled. It goes on right now all round the world. People all over India travel about performing miracles which have been systematically debunked. It is beyond hearsay of the 100th degree now (Bible). Please, even if these things are your beliefs, which you are most entitled to have, can we keep what is 'faith' and provable fact separate please?
For instance, Mike has far more reason to think an ET was in his house than you do for believing anything in the Bible to be true. It happened to him. Nothing biblical happened to you (unless you are holding out on us?

Just some thoughts Kim.