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A world without religion...

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Skilled Investigator
For everyone that thinks our problems and war would be solved if we could just get rid of god and religion i believe these shows will detail how such a thing not possible.

Part I


Part II

i hope we can enjoy these, i hate bickering about religion... its not religion its people that ruin things... such as how people hate america... well in that case i guess all americans are bad right? id sure like to think im not bad, that i would be willing to go that extra mile for someone in need.

anyway hate me or love im here to stay :P lol

please don't be to mean to me if you don't agree with what i say i do hate fighting on such topics.
Well, I agree that it's not religion--it's radicalism and zeolotry. And, while there probably was a time that getting rid of religion could have headed off a bunch of wars, not it's the business of the good ol' military industrial complex to keep it going indefinitely. In other words, radical capitalists of a sort.
i don't think you have to worry about people on this board being mean.

You might be more concerned with the possibility of a creator who could stick a lit firecracker up your arse for the rest of eternity.
thanks for being cool guys, it just seemed that i was running into quit a few posts about people blaming religion... although i am religious i am VERY open minded cause i do seek truth, so i just like throwing my 2 cents out there. Plus those episodes are priceless ;)
"my god's dick is bigger than your god's dick" mentality is what seems to start trouble.
If people want to believe in the invisible pink unicorn, then that's fine by me.

But I don't want to be blown up for refusing to join their belief system and I don't want laws brought in preventing me from suggesting that they might be wrong in their beliefs.

Unfortunately, this is exactly the situation.

"its not religion its people that ruin things"
- yeah and guns don't kill people, it's people that kill people...

IMO, a world without religion would be "heaven" (pun intended).
yes get rid of religion... then we can develop different sects of science and we can war over that ;) people just need to stop getting so pissed off cause people believe one way or another and all work towards the common goal of better knowledge, like star trek :)
It's stupidity, and thinking that I'm right but you're wrong and need to conform that leads to problems, simply put. It just so happens that there's a lot of that thinking going on in religion. Spirituality is fine, religion and dogma is useless.
On a related note, a recent Point of Inquiry interview here:


touches on the same point, i.e. it's not religion that's bad per se, but certain aspects of human nature which may be drawn to or arise within religious practice. I recommend the interview, Chris Hedges is an interesting guy.
yeah its when you start pushing your beliefs on people with an iron clad grip is when its wrong. believe what you want but have the maturity and respect to allow others the choice to NOT believe in what you believe. its kind of like creative thinking in a group... think allowed, no hate and through the group some amazing idea may unfold :)

"Come on people now, smile on your brother
Everybody get together, try to love one another right now"
How about a fresh, NEW religion, oh, I don't know, something along the lines of...

In the name of the Biedny,
The Steinberg
and the
Holy Ritzmann,

(Now there's a God who can do some serious smiting!)
banning said:
yeah its when you start pushing your beliefs on people with an iron clad grip is when its wrong. believe what you want but have the maturity and respect to allow others the choice to NOT believe in what you believe. its kind of like creative thinking in a group... think allowed, no hate and through the group some amazing idea may unfold :)

"Come on people now, smile on your brother
Everybody get together, try to love one another right now"

The problem is that we have a large percentage of the population in the USA that truly believes in a wrathful vengeful god. And these people (usually called fundamentalists) believe that this god will destroy everyone if everyone is not FORCED to bow down to the rules and regulations of that group. The Bible is full of this stuff, about how nations were destroyed because god became pissed off because someone ate fish on Sunday (just kidding).

So you see, we have a major belief problem in the USA. People who believe in a literalist Bible interpretation see god as a psychotic but loving entity (sort of a bi-polar superbeing who is often off his meds) and who will send Katrina if gays are allowed to have civil rights, or if women are not subservient to men, and if all sorts of other barbaric and ancient rules are not followed. Therefore, these people can NOT leave the rest of us alone. They feel it is their imperative to FORCE everyone to "be good" (as they define it) or god will smite everyone with a hurricane, tornado, economic crash, plague, or the hordes of China landing on our beaches. It is a very fear based religion based on a cold patriarchal father who is just itching for a rationale to reach for the strap and take the kids (us) out behind the wood shed for a good beating.

This is a very childish view of god, but welcome to the USA 2008, part of the dumbing down process. Nothing will change this, unless in some way the entire fundamentalist "born again" Christian cult is discredited. Unfortunately, this seems to be the fastest growing aspect of religion, because it doesn't take much actual brain power and gives you the software to insert into your brain. You believe a few simple tenets that usually narrow down to "Do what we say and you are saved, while everyone else will burn in hell". This appeals to the herd instinct in humankind. It feels good to be part of some sort of "in crowd", and to dis the rest of the world. God help us survive this period. I've always felt that if we have facism in this country, the symbol for it will be a Christian Cross, rather than a swatstika (spelling?).
Fastwalker said:
I've always felt that if we have facism in this country, the symbol for it will be a Christian Cross, rather than a swatstika (spelling?).

The swastika is an ancient religious symbol and is still in use today (but not in the Western world for obvious reasons)...

Wikipedia article
of course remember fundamentalism happens all over the world... its not just the usa where psycho fundamentalist christians give religion a bad name. its a shame when that the phrase "a few bad apples ruin the bunch"
banning said:
of course remember fundamentalism happens all over the world... its not just the usa where psycho fundamentalist christians give religion a bad name. its a shame when that the phrase "a few bad apples ruin the bunch"

As one mainline "quiet" Christian scholar put it "All the bellaring in Christianity comes from the SHALLOW end of the pool". ::)

Think about it. How many selfless people just following the example of Jesus Christ (which does not require being a Christian per se) are in the news? Instead, it is the bigmouths like Pat Robertson and his ilke, or strange splinter groups that believe in polygamy and marrying off their 13 year old daughters to 50 year old men.

I repeat myself, but often when someone is very hateful towards a god, they are only reacting to their own concepts. I think a true SOURCE of all that is would be so beyond all these petty rules and regulations. I said to one of these fundie types "So a god that created supposedly billions of galaxies gets upset if I go to bed with someone of my own sex OR the opposite sex (unless we have a piece of paper showing we are married?)" The fundie said "Yes, sir!" I realized then that to a fundie, the word "ineffable" has no meaning.
yeah i am christian and the whole gay, bi thing perplexes me... im not sure exactly where in the bible it says you can't be gay or whatever... idk, i dont really care haha but at the same time im curious (as to where it says it not if im gay or not :P). of course then you got to worry about when reading the bible is if the translation is correct... and if it is correct then you have to take it to the next level and interpret it the way THEY would have interpreted it all those years ago.

this article is exactly what im talking about...

he goes through and interprets the 3rd commandment "You shall not take the Lord your God’s name in vain" as how people back then would have understood it... not how we would understand due to our culture today.
banning said:
yeah i am christian and the whole gay, bi thing perplexes me... im not sure exactly where in the bible it says you can't be gay or whatever...

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Actually, just read all of Leviticus it's a hoot! Basically anything you can think of that's even remotely entertaining or self-serving in any way is, by the LAW OF GOD, something for which you should be PUT TO DEATH.