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Aaron Kaplan show

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Questions for Aaron Kaplan

This episode was fun in a different kind of way, it was entertaining as hell! I think Kaplan should try to get his own TV show and/or movie....like one Dallas Gilbert.

"Dal, you've got the DNA of a sheep!"

The guy was either trolling or one of the most amateur (I'm trying my best to be kind here) paracast guests I've ever heard. He was blatantly hiding his sources which were obviously B.S. websites..."its too involved to record my sources". Are you kidding me!?!?!?!

"Hold on this will blow your mind.... its all about D-N-A!" BAHAHAHAHAHA! That was incredible!
Questions for Aaron Kaplan

Finally got to listen to the show, fantastic!

I was confused until i realized "Kaplan" was just an assumed name, then it hit me.

I was really glad to hear Father Guido Sarducci making public appearances again ;)

weirdly, that was a great funny show. I suggest a game to play for listeners like a printable bingo/house card system for theories that encompass a whole manner of things and when guests try to shoe horn stuff in there eg; underground bases [CHECK], moon bases [CHECK], Annunaki [CHECK], Monkey test pilots[CHECK] col corso[CHECK], house! Then you could have a leaderboard, like the fastest time a guest brings "Nazis" into the whole scheme.
I think the type of guests that Aaron and the Crystal Skull guy represent should have a sacred place on the Paracast. We should treat them like patron saints of weirdness. They come on, say all sorts of wonderful and confounding things, we gasp, grab our heads, and jabber like monkeys. What's not to love about it? I think these types of episodes sprinkled among more reasonable guests and serious researchers is a good thing. This type of thing is after all a large part of the scene. That these folks can come on the Paracast, speak their peace and be challenged both on-air and in the forum is a public service or sorts. Maybe. Well ... ok probably not.
If anything, this show drove me to join the Paracast forum! I heard this Joker on Red Ice Radio several months back...more of the same unsubstantiated claims all hinging on Admiral Bird's Operation Highjump. I have been intrigued by Highjump for a while, but Kaplan’s rambling, connect-the-dots made me stop listening within a half hour. I hung on longer this show, if only to see of Gene of Chris came completely unglued with Kaplan’s use of “I found it on the internet” as a primary source! The Paracast is the Gold Standard…I might suggest a screening call prior to the show to keep Bozo’s like this from tarnishing that standard.
I have manged to find much of the stuff Kaplan talked about (Highjump, the Rosenbergs, etc) on the Internet. But in every case the website was of dubious reliability. In particular, the Rosenberg's remark about 'warships of space' is never actually traced back to a trial transcript or any official document.
I am unfamiliar with the forum format so I hope I am making this comment in the right place.

I want to express my disappointment with the recent interview of Mr. Aaron Kaplan. The man seemed to be confabulating or was making it up as he went along. As hosts (Gene and Chris) you were considerate and civil. However, I do question why you put someone like this on in the first place. Surely you must do a preliminary interview with any potential guest to decide if they are credible. How could you talk with this man longer than 5 or 10 minutes and not realize his stories didn't hang together.
They must have switched science teachers between the time Gene and Kaplan were in school.
I don't want to age myself, but I was there at least for some of the time he was. I never knew him, however. So maybe we just had different science teachers. Then again, he did get himself an engineering degree, but there's no counting for gullibility. :)
My first post after being a fan for a long time. This show was very entertaining and believe it or not, very informative. This was just one man's point of view and yes he's stretching things a bit to far, but this show to me was great. This will be my third time listening tonight. I thought Gene and Chris had just the right demeanor for this guest. keep up the great work guys!
May I just put in a word about the enigmatic Mr. Kaplan? I am not a citizen of the USA, so perhaps this is too broad a generalization, but the name "Aaron Kaplan" suggests to me a mainstream USA citizen who is probably Jewish. Yet this guy sounds to me as though he hails from Mexico, or thereabouts. And English is clearly not his first language - listen in particular to the sentence where he obviously wants to say the word "million" but can't remember what it is in English.

There is no way that this man went to an English-speaking high-school and later got a degree at an English-speaking university in a technical subject. He comes across as somebody who speaks English pretty well, but certainly not as well as he should if that's his real background, and he does seem to stumble quite a bit over technical terms (other than those you can vaguely pick up from reading flying saucer books aimed at stupid people). He falls flat on his face almost immediately by claiming to have attended the same long-ago UFO club meetings that one of our beloved hosts in fact did attend (oh, bad luck, Aaron!). Claiming that he went to the same high school as that host, but in a different year, is equally unsubstantiated. And he simply doesn't sound like somebody who went to that school.

I'm not knocking persons of any race here - he just sounds to me like somebody who, at high-school age, primarily spoke Spanish, and would therefore have struggled very badly in a school where everybody else primarily spoke English. So either his qualifications are real, but he gained them in another country, and his prior educational history is a convenient lie aimed at getting him on this particular show, or the whole thing's a great big fib.

I should add that scientific terms are the kind of words that are pretty much the same in any language. Somebody with a real scientific education who speaks poor English should probably sound more fluent in highly technical discussions than he does in ordinary conversation, whereas a random citizen of any non-English-speaking country would be more confused in a technical discussion than in everyday conversation. Aaron Kaplan sounds a lot like the latter as opposed to the former.

Don't get me wrong - I am in no way suggesting that there is anything inferior about anybody whose first language doesn't happen to be English. I am merely questioning why this fellow appears to be claiming to be of a nationality which I don't think he is. Is there by any chance an obscure Latin American fringe UFOlogist who gained very brief semi-prominence a year or two ago with a theory so embarrassingly bananas that he could never live it down? Because "Aaron Kaplan" sounds to me very like somebody who has made a mistake so awful that he has to pretend to be a citizen of another country in order to have another crack of the whip. Any ideas as to who he really is?

PS - I for one would never stoop to representing myself as someone I am not. The fact that I am a fictional character invented by a celebrity who is now indubitably dead is beside the point. Buy my album anyway - I'm sure I'll get royalties somehow.
Actually, I thought he sounded German. He came to this country as a child, and some people just never lose the accent. Ask the former Governator. :)

And, no, I didn't bother to ask him about his teachers, but I wouldn't doubt his credentials if we didn't share any. I can't remember their names anyway.
USA accents are more complicated than UK ones - after all, it's a much bigger country. I am merely suggesting that whatever country this chap comes from (and if it is in fact Germany, maybe his accent's plausible - I have only heard him speak on your own somewhat distorted link-up, and he sounded vaguely Mexican to me), he just doesn't come across as being highly technically educated in the English language. I've got a modest degree of education in that area myself, and he really does sound as though he speaks ordinary English pretty well, but he falls down on obscure technical terms that somebody with real qualifications should know.

And as for going to the same school as you - well, I have very little knowledge of the people in the years above and below me, and if I think about those two or three years distant from me, I haven't a clue. It's the oldest trick in the book! Indeed, with our somewhat arcane UK education system, official old school ties from exclusive colleges used to be one of the main weapons in the arsenal of any con-man, before the class system pretty much disintegrated (though if you can manage it, there's still a certain kudos to be had from technically being a bishop - just ask Sean Manchester!). If I claimed out of the blue to be some random pupil at your school, though not in your year, would you check it all that thoroughly? Of course not. Most people wouldn't. That would just make you paranoid, wouldn't it?

This guy is suspiciously close to you in a plausible way that you almost certainly won't check, and once he's on the air, it's all about trying to come up with plausible excuses as to why you can't check his alleged sources, or totally fictitious sources that might just pass muster if you don't make a fuss right there and then (starship references in the Rosenberg trial, for example). It's classic smoke and mirrors stuff, and on most paranormal radio shows, it would have worked, because they just don't care. This is all about selling books, isn't it?

OK, if on a good audio connection he sounds German to you, maybe his name really is Aaron Kaplan. I must admit to having a mental picture throughout the interview of Mario Brega's character in The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, who was inexplicably called Wallace. But every single thing about him seems incredibly dodgy, to the point where I believe nothing he says about himself other than the fact that he's almost certainly male. If he turns out to be a secret Zulu with a bizarre lesbian Jesuit agenda, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

That's the trouble with this entire field. Anyone can say anything under the blanket excuse of "government cover-ups", so beyond a certain level of implausibility, anyone who cannot prove conclusively that they are who they say they are is probably another of John Grace's and Tim "I am Mr. UFO! - look at me! - look at me!" Beckley's sockpuppets, except that at least Valdemar Valereian and Commander X know their subject, so one level down. Which is one level up from Skooby Doo, if even that.

All I'm saying really is that there has to be some basic standard of credibility which guests have to conform to. I've met random blokes in the pub who could have put on a better show than Aaron Kaplan, without believing any of it for a second. I could probably do it myself, if I could keep a straight face (unlikely). And if you give me a couple of weeks I could bash out a book at least as good as his. Three weeks and it might even be better. No, scratch that - one week, if I actually cared. But if I find myself automatically doubting the nationality of a guest, not because I have a big problem about certain nationalities, but just because he's telling such feeble lies about everything that I automatically assume he's even lying about his own race, presumable to escape from a previous lie...

Well, you see what I mean. don't you? There comes a point where it just gets silly.
I never told him what school I went to. I just happened to pick up information about his background from his site. But the real issue here is the credibility of his claims. That's where he fails. I'm not really interested in whether his background may also be faked, since it's no longer relevant if you have no reason to seriously consider his claims. I have better things to do.
OK, fair enough, he really went to school with you - he says so on his own website so it must be true. But if I say to you that although I am currently hiding behind the name of E. L. Wisty, a fictional mentally ill conspiracy theorist created by Peter Cook, who is dead, but nevertheless I know all manner of bizarre things that might be of interest to you, what is your first question?

A) Does what E. L. Wisty says more or less fit in with other existing conspiracy theories?

B) Who is this E. L. Wisty guy really, and why should I believe him?

If your answer is A, then I can probably provide you with a show any time you're seriously stuck for material. By the way, does money change hands at all? if so (assuming that it's in my direction) I'll do one any time you like. And if your answer is B, what was Aaron Kaplan doing on your show in the first place?