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Aaron Kaplan show

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Regarding his accent, he says he was raised in Israel until age fourteen. That jibes with how he sounded to me. As for his high school, there's no reason to doubt his story. Its just a regular high school in NYC. (I mean its not Brooklyn Tech or anything...Sorry Gene.;)) The same goes for his other credentials. There are plenty of educated crackpots around. Its not feasible or sensible for a radio show to do an exhaustive background check on every guest.
Oh dear, I seem to have stirred something up. I will henceforth abandon all claims to be able to interpret Aaron Kaplan's accent, because on the somewhat distorted version I have just listened to, he sounds kind of Central American. Then again, especially when anybody laughs, (which for some reason happens quite often) they could all be Icelanders for all I know. I am just saying that he doesn't sound like the sort of person who had the highly technical English language education that he claims. If I claimed to have gained any kind of academic qualifications at all in Lisbon, you would expect me to be able to respond to questions on my speciality in fluent Portugese.

Though in reply to wwkirk's comment "There are plenty of educated crackpots around. Its not feasible or sensible for a radio show to do an exhaustive background check on every guest", yes, actually, it is. Seriously, I'm educated, I'm intelligent, and if the moderators send me a PM (and offer me money), I'll put together a show that will knock the socks of plenty of people. Will they do so? Almost certainly not. They have their standards to keep up. Somebody like me who admits from the get-go that I'm making it up is completely beyond the pale. Obviously.

Then again, if background checks are irrelevant, how would you know it isn't me telling lies? I tell you this with absolute certainty. If the mods on this forum share your attitude, the next guest with no background checks at all will be me, under a different but equally fictitious name. I will talk absolute rubbish which you cannot disprove because you don't know who I am. If they share your attitude, why would they not do this? I'm nobody, so I'm cheap. And if they don't care who I am, why spend the extra money on a Somebody?

Be careful what you wish for, wwkirk. You might just get it.
Oh dear, I seem to have stirred something up. I will henceforth abandon all claims to be able to interpret Aaron Kaplan's accent, because on the somewhat distorted version I have just listened to, he sounds kind of Central American. Then again, especially when anybody laughs, (which for some reason happens quite often) they could all be Icelanders for all I know. I am just saying that he doesn't sound like the sort of person who had the highly technical English language education that he claims. If I claimed to have gained any kind of academic qualifications at all in Lisbon, you would expect me to be able to respond to questions on my speciality in fluent Portugese.

Though in reply to wwkirk's comment "There are plenty of educated crackpots around. Its not feasible or sensible for a radio show to do an exhaustive background check on every guest", yes, actually, it is. Seriously, I'm educated, I'm intelligent, and if the moderators send me a PM (and offer me money), I'll put together a show that will knock the socks of plenty of people. Will they do so? Almost certainly not. They have their standards to keep up. Somebody like me who admits from the get-go that I'm making it up is completely beyond the pale. Obviously.

Then again, if background checks are irrelevant, how would you know it isn't me telling lies? I tell you this with absolute certainty. If the mods on this forum share your attitude, the next guest with no background checks at all will be me, under a different but equally fictitious name. I will talk absolute rubbish which you cannot disprove because you don't know who I am. If they share your attitude, why would they not do this? I'm nobody, so I'm cheap. And if they don't care who I am, why spend the extra money on a Somebody?

Be careful what you wish for, wwkirk. You might just get it.

Unless I'm mistaken, the guests on the Paracast are not paid.
Oh dear. In that case, the next guest on the Paracast who is obviously telling lies will not be me. Unless of course I'm willing to do it it for the sheer kudos. Or they're lying about not having to pay people like me to pretend not to be people like me.

It's all rather confusing really...
Actually, I thought he sounded German. He came to this country as a child, and some people just never lose the accent. Ask the former Governator. :)

And, no, I didn't bother to ask him about his teachers, but I wouldn't doubt his credentials if we didn't share any. I can't remember their names anyway.

Gene, as a german citizen, he didn't sound german at all. I'm with E. L. Wisty here from the first few seconds he spoke.

You were paid as well, Wisty? What was the rate ? Trying to get a better deal here.
And, from his bio:
Aaron Kaplan attended and graduated from Samuel James Tilden High School in Brooklyn, New York, on June of 1964. He continued his education and graduated from the College of Aeronautics, class of September of 1967, near La-GUARDIA Airport, Flushing, New York. He was employed for over thirty-five years in the Aerospace/Aircraft Industry civilian and military projects. Work performed on all types of aircraft, including designing major parts for Jet Engines, including the rights to a patent received from Pratt and Whitney, Jet Engines Mfg. in Hartford, Connecticut. He has also been employed by such other companies such as Fairchild Republic, Grumman Aircraft, Sikorsky Helicopters. He also worked for EDO Corp., involving submarines, and Electro Visual Engineering, involving flight simulators (the newest 3-D type). He also has a great deal of knowledge of the Hebrew language—reading, writing, and speaking. This is due to one main reason: he was raised in Israel as a youngster from the age of two to fourteen. He was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1946. He also used to fly private aircraft and drove racecars at the racetrack. He believes that he is pretty well rounded to do this type of research—analyzing and arriving at the correct conclusion.

So maybe he wasn't born in Berlin, Germany, even though he says he was. But I wasn't there, nor did I ask him for his long form birth certificate. :)
I haven't given the matter any thought at all until those new posts arrived. The show had a good audience count, but maybe it's just another case of rubber neckers on the highway watching a train wreck. :D
I doubt there is much traffic coming his way aside from the interview here really. It was an entertaining episode, doubt we'll see him interviewed again on here (or for that matter anywhere) I guess. :)
We got good traffic out of it. He has been interviewed elsewhere, according to his site. Clearly you cannot expose anyone in this field as a know-nothing or wannabe without it having any more than a temporary impact. I fear Philip Imbrogno will be back before long. :(
I think everyone with their mind interested into this subject and not into ufo 'cults' knows what to think about this guys alleged stories.

That I seriously doubt, Gene (Imbrogno). I genuinely liked Phil's books up to a point, but lesson learned. I think he won't show up in this field anytime soon anymore.

By the way, are you familiar with http://www.paranormalradionetwork.org/ ? I'll be civil and say listening to any of it felt like stepping in dog waste.