Paranormally Disenchanted
I'd assume, as a rule, military people can take it better than civilians and this sort of stoicism is a key criterion for allowing some in on the secret.
Have you looked at the military suicide rate recently?
Also, where is the bleed through, the trickle down, the indications of commercialization or that the technology has been militarized. Why are we having troops die in helicopters if we have ARVs to scoot around in? It makes no military or economic sense. Removing the "captured alien tech" or secret space program aspect you are still left with the problem of explaining how the United States is simultaneously waging a War on Terror (on numerous fronts), a War on Drugs, and a secret high-tech cat and mouse game (if not war) with aliens while in the midst of economic turmoil? We can't solve basic problems like health care or public education but we (people in general) can figure out how to fund, hide, and manage a parallel military and intelligence effort that is combating aliens?
Where's the evidence of it?