I notice you also live in New Zealand. You know her personally perhaps? Curious that you only joined us during the middle of this discussion.
Hey there, Gene. I live in New Zealand too!

In Christchurch ... south island, half way down on the east coast. Pretty grim here at the moment. Lots of drizzle ... still isn't that cold though considering we're going into winter. Whats this got to do with anything. Nothing except to show I know where I am and aren't spinning a yarn of any kind.
But ... I have never met Emma ... or codex for any matter. I have been in e-mail contact with Emma but wouldn't know here if I had bumped into her in the street. Still I am a supporter of her (does it show?) though since I believe that she is telling the truth, and not trying to become some sort of celebrity in any way. The e-mail conversations I have had with here show to me she is incredibly reluctant in doing what she is doing (she has had her mind tampered with, remember).
I only began supporting her when people started attacking her as "bat-shit insane" (remember that, pop pickers??

). I was seeing a vulnerable woman trying to get some redress for what she saw as abuse, and going on her evidence (the audio files ... which in my opinion have
not been tampered with except for the edits that Emma has admitted making herself) I believe that what she was saying, and is still saying, is the truth.
However, I've stated this all before ... but I will keep defending her since I keep seeing the odd insinuation that she is mentally disturbed, untrustworthy, crying out for attention, sympathy etc.. Sorry but that does not wash with me, and it is distracting people away from the fact that Dr Jacobs has been carrying out not only illegal hypnosis sessions with people, but has possibly been using their minds as some sort of playground.
[Remember people ... for the record ... Dr Jacobs was the one who broke the law. He is the one who put ideas of Multiple personality disorder in Emma's mind. That is unethical on so many levels ...]