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Free episodes:

The reason why I've felt that the Paracast is difficult to monetize is that it is not always a consistent show in terms of quality of audio, content and the specific format that does not diversify enough to get that kind of paying customer. I think about M.U.'s enormous success in monetization and see the difference on those levels.

Suggestions for payment, with a qualifier: I have really enjoyed this show since i started listening many years ago and of the four paranormal podcasts i listen to it's the only show I listen to every week. It's the only show whose back catalogue I have completed. It's the only forum i give time to outside of forums i run. So my criticisms should be read in great appreciation of the fact that you make nothing on the show as it stands.
  • Insure that the audio quality is always bang on, especially during guest interviews.
  • Guest interviews have to be solid - both in selection of guest, show structure and quality of discussion to be used in strategic conjunction with the question bank. Sometimes you immediately introduce bank questions or as they fit into the discussion; other times Gene drives the opening sequence to establish a specific historic context; other times it feels like the whole show is on the fly. There isn't always a guaranteed plan as to how it's going to unfold, or excessive chunks of the show get devoted to history as opposed to diving into the meat of the matter. Not always do new listeners need such a fully flushed out history. More co-ordinated consistent structures are needed according to the specific guest - more directional scripting might help.
  • Many times the real exciting discussion arrives in the last two segments. I could see paying for an extension to engaging discussions that opens up those times where the discussion is exceptional.
  • Bonus extensions could include paracast member reviews or some type of informed, extended analysis around the interview that just happened. This might be done in concert with the chat room concept, so many members can participate in the post show review and analysis.
  • Bonus extensions could be focus pieces around unique historic cases and what they may provide by way of providing more shape to what is mostly fuzzy right now. This might include setting the record straight with cases that need better clarity, final words or new questions.
  • An extra episode a week which may or may not be part of a more extended series of connected parts of a whole i.e. a three part series on the history of Ray Palmer, or a five part series on the history and analysis of the abduction phenomena. Again, members could be allowed to play a role in such multi-part series including the opportunity to curate certain sequences i.e. my top few UFO cases and why I think so allowing for extended monthly programming of bonus episodes and working on engaging and democratizing the UFO & paranormal discussion. That would be a good step forward, as would definitive curatorial reviews of either specifc cases or types of phenomena.
  • Less self-deprecating time wasting moments are needed. The show is a good, quality show. I see no reason to specifically downplay the show or address specific criticisms all the time. It makes the show seem second class, so why bother?
An ad-free version has minimal appeal to me but spelling out specific consistent bonus content, meeting quality issues and an approach that engages the community would be my monetization qualifiers.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Audio quality is not always within our control. It depends on whether the guest has a good mic with a Skype connection, a landline phone, or is saddled with a cell phone with a poor connection. We have to cope with what we get if we want a specific guest.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Audio quality is not always within our control. It depends on whether the guest has a good mic with a Skype connection, a landline phone, or is saddled with a cell phone with a poor connection. We have to cope with what we get if we want a specific guest.
I could see that in rare cases of critical guests in very remote locations or regions of the world, but I think if what they have to say is important enough to be on the air then the onus is on them to provide clean audio for recording purposes. Otherwise they may not be an appropriate choice for your show in order to meet consistent standards.

Shows that monetize also provide access to higher bit rates and really exceptional audio that may include a range of audio elements in the show to help provide more interesting aural textures to the overall show.
It's not as easy as you think.

But we can still provide somewhat clearer audio, even the original stereo mix at a higher bit rate. That would help improve the clarity in marginal situations.
As it stands, I have the ability to search for keywords/ names and listen to all the past episodes for free. These two features keep me busy in between new episodes. Please do not restrict the back catalog or charge for access to old episodes. :)
As it stands, I have the ability to search for keywords/ names and listen to all the past episodes for free. These two features keep me busy in between new episodes. Please do not restrict the back catalog or charge for access to old episodes. :)
I'd start downloading your favourite guests now as if i was going to monetize the site the first thing I would do is let listeners know what the standards of membership will be on such and such a date and that the back catalogue will be closing on that day so you make it something you can sell.

I too love having the back catalogue to roam through as there is some exceptional Ufological history logged through this show, but that kind of added value can't stay free forever, or can it, Gene?
It's a thought, one we are considering, which is whether to put the back catalog behind the paywall.

We will treat this, however, as Apple does. No DRM, but anyone caught violating the copyright and distributing the premium content will lose their memberships.
It's a thought, one we are considering, which is whether to put the back catalog behind the paywall.

We will treat this, however, as Apple does. No DRM, but anyone caught violating the copyright and distributing the premium content will lose their memberships.
Sorry. I don't know what DRM means. But now I'm scared you're going to seal up the past episodes. It's not that I don't think they're worth paying for, it's just that I don't have the money.
We haven't decided how to handle back catalog yet, but feel free to rush to download your favorite episodes anyway. Part of the issue is that iTunes doesn't display all of the ones in the feed or content file anyway.

DRM is for Digital Rights Management. What it means is that, if applied, you would technically not be able to give it to someone else and play it. Consider the early online music tracks that were tied to a small number of devices. We would never do such a thing. We have to trust people to do the right thing.
I also hope the back catalogue remains available- at least until I can dig up the $50.
Gene, will there be a payment address available where one could send in a money order?
It'll be available as an Account Upgrade in your user preferences/control panel. It's already there if you want to see how it's set up, and you can subscribe now, but don't expect to see any "pro" content for a while.
I have to work out something. I don't see how I can do that within the structure except manually. So it would require an annual subscription sent to us, and I would personally grant the member the new privilege. How many of you need to send a check rather than use PayPal or a credit card?
I have to work out something. I don't see how I can do that within the structure except manually. So it would require an annual subscription sent to us, and I would personally grant the member the new privilege. How many of you need to send a check rather than use PayPal or a credit card?
Thanks Gene. I will keep an eye out for such an option, or get back to you at a later time.
I think the main focus of a premium section would be distributing extra content, which is sort of how that system is set up. I'll have to see how it integrates. This is still early in the game, and I haven't figured out the implications yet. But I hear what you say about the forums. GCN has a forum too, and I told them I want to have them link here.
I think this is the best radio show out there and I'm a real podcast junkie. Gene and Chris deserve the highest praise for their insight, research, quality guests and presenting style.

I'd be happy to pay $39.99 p.a. just to get rid of the ads and support the show. However, I do feel that a premium and a free forum will be to the detriment of the overall quality of the phenomenal discussions played out here.
I quite like listening to the ads during the Paracast breaks. Here in the U.K, commercial radio has ads for Car insurance, Supermarkets, cosmetics etc so the 'BUY GOLD", "STOCK UP WITH FREEZE DRIED FOOD", "THE END OF EVERYTHING IS COMING..!!!!!" type ads are a refreshing and amusing change..
"6. Expanded availability of back episodes. This would mean that we'd move shows over a year old into the premium area."

If premium services are offered, will non premium members still have access to shows over a year old?

I like the idea of being able to ask guests questions, but will they have time to respond to everyone?