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anti troll suggestions

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Are you talking about the guy who posted in the Meier thread? I wouldn't classify him as a troll, he did make some personal attacks but it wasn't anything horrible or rule breaking imo, other than that he's just a guy who has a different opinion than most of us when it comes to that particular case. You can't classify someone as a troll simply because they don't agree with you. The last guy we had here, the one that this thread was made about, was more along the lines of troll material, though he wasn't very good at it.
i got a feeling its the same guy.
As a newbie myself, I certainly would not liked to be locked out of any particular forum, created for older posters for the purpose of blocking any troll.(an idea mentioned on pg 1) My curiousity of things highly strange require I have access to all forums listed.*smiley*
Not sure if this forum has a similar set of rules but some forums restrict any discussions on religion or politics.

Many forums that regularly have younger visitors also restrict certain language used. From what I have seen this isn't the case here so the door is open much wider and the potential exists for more disagreements. I'll be the first to say that although I'm not a habitual cusser, I can sometimes let out that less than appropriate word, so if I have done that here I apologize to any offended.

If all else fails there is always this-

The Paracast, as I have often said, is an Oasis in one hell of a lot of dreck. The large majority of users often state diverging positions of many topics and discussion and can get ... "lively" BUT ... one thing that is maintained is a respect for each other as users and people. Respect for each other is what is demanded. As long as a poster does not devolve into disrespect toward someone, then the gate is opened. Personal attacks are not allowed and will be dealt with quickly. This is what makes The Paracast forums different than 99% of what else is out there.

I do find this site to be alot more "user friendly" than many other boards out there, whatever the topic. I also find the users to be much more informed, concerning the topics in these forums, than any similiar sites I've been.
Set up the fourms so;
1.new members can not send privates or post on profile fror 1 week.
2.new members messages will not apper unless appoved by a moderator.this will last for 1 week.
3.all private emal contacts are hidden from new members for 1 month.
3.new members may not start a tread for at least a week.
Any one else have any ideas?

Rule #1: Ignore the so-called troll's posts.
1st offense, banish to a little known uninhabited island in the South Pacific with large hungry iguanas patrolling avery inch of the place. 2nd offense, to be left on the western cattle range where known cattle mutilations have taken place dressed in an "Elsie the cow" costume.......ok that might be a little harsh.
1st offense, banish to a little known uninhabited island in the South Pacific with large hungry iguanas patrolling avery inch of the place. 2nd offense, to be left on the western cattle range where known cattle mutilations have taken place dressed in an "Elsie the cow" costume.......ok that might be a little harsh.

Death by "Elsie the cow" costume...eeewwww!
Perhaps we are going about it the wrong way. We (the sane(ish)), agree that trolling is indicative of some kind of mental health problem, or inability to interact/socialise with people in the real world.
So maybe we should create a self-help group for the afflicted. A kind of AA for trolls. 'My name's is X and I'm a troll.....' kind of thing. Trolls Anonymous (and let's face it, they usually are anonymous).

These cowardly, socially inept creeps don't need us calling them socially inept creeps (oops), they need our understanding and compassion. C'mon people, let's give the trolls a break. It must be a tough life planning hit and run attacks from the front line.....you know, the fear, the tension, the unbelievable effort and planning it takes to venture out into cyberspace, do a hit and retreating to the safety of another web address. I know I couldn't handle the unimaginable workload it must take.

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