Here's my thing. I am 55 years old (It was tough to realize I'm getting old and I just need to say it to confront it.)

Ahem, But anyway to move on. (Old Foghat song playing in my aging brain as I type this.)

Anyway, a long time ago I saw my "white crow" so NO I don't follow link after link and conversation after conversation debating the existience of God or the reality of spiritual experinece. When, I see somebody say "Hey, I have a link to a scientist that proves that all dreams or the result of canned corn or to much h20 then no I don't bother to read them." It would be fruitless. Silly even. So, the argument back and forth and link after link after link? No, I don't. Know what? I don't follow link after link of people that tell me God put the dinosaurs in the ground to fool the sinners.

I don't follow link after link of people telling me that the space brothers are going to zap us from the planet if we don't love the tress and take care of the spotted owl. I don't follow link after link of Pat Robertson talking about how Buddism is demonic (he can prove it ya know if you will follow his links.)

I don't follow link after link of Richard Dawkins childish rants about religion and anger about a "god" he doesn't even believe exists. So, no simply following link after evagelistic link is silly and will make your head hurt.
That being said I will follow a link to a study that debates the NDE and states different brain functions and the possibilities of just what the experience might be. I will follow a link to Rupert Sheldrake talking about ESP and then Richard Wiseman giving his counter arguments. But, I won't follow a link that says "Here's proof there is no life after death" Here's proof there's no life on other planets. "Here's proof there's no such thing as ESP." Those are not scientific links of discussion. Those are a mindset and a world view and those are like ass holes, everybody has one.

The fact is I have my own life experience and I'm telling you "For Me" there is no question that I have had and continue on occasion to have phrophetic dreams and moments when I know. For me it indeed has gone beyond "brain chemistry" Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But, for me to follow link after link to people saying there is no way that ___________ exists or is possible is like somebody who has loved their mother or kissed their girl or prayed for their child at birth while he/she struggled to breath. Then tell them that prayer and hope are stupid. Even those of us who have lost loved ones but still have hope in things and people that can't be placed in a test tube. Some things are self evident. So, yes there is a time to look at research. But, there is also a time to turn the volume down and continue on your personal journey. That's where I am right now. Truth is that everybody (EVERYBODY) heaps teachers to their own ears.