Might I also add that while you think our minds are so complex and science can explain all of it quite rationally , you are forgetting one crutial point in this...we "typically" only use a very small portion of our brains , and scientists have yet to figure that anomally out. So let's suppose for a moment that a rare few of us actually know how to tap into that area that is normally dormant, oh that's right, we don't have to supose, because those wonderful scientists you are so fond of have done proper scientific studies that shows an area in our brain that we do not normally use lighting up when people meditate and/or visualize images, oh yes and even during "healing" sessions....so take that knowledge into your small quadrant of your brain that normal people use and chew on some new enlightened info for a minute. We will never grow as a race as long as we continue to allow ourselves to be limited in our scope of possibilities. (Btw, Albert Einstein said that). He also said "the intuitive mind is a sacred gift , the logical mind it's faithful servant.We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift"....you are a prime example of this very true and deep statement. Open your mind and listen to your inner voice on ocassion, you may learn something new. Wouldn't that be a wonderful experience?
Furthermore, I have looked at an overwhelming amount of info and what I have found is that science doesn't know and cannot explain everything yet, so when I experience something on more than a mere ocassion or two and then I test it and see it to be true then yes, I tend to not want to clutter my mind with more info from people who "think" they can explain it all away, especially if those people are pyschologists or psychiatrists...they are the least likely for me to listen to . Do you not realize that those very people who are accredited with our mental well being are the number one profession to commit suicide? Why would I read anything they have to say and take it for truth. (However in the past I read a lot of this subject and took courses in college on how the mind works, I know enough now to know "they" do not have a clue as to what is really going on.....YET.)

Furthermore, I have looked at an overwhelming amount of info and what I have found is that science doesn't know and cannot explain everything yet, so when I experience something on more than a mere ocassion or two and then I test it and see it to be true then yes, I tend to not want to clutter my mind with more info from people who "think" they can explain it all away, especially if those people are pyschologists or psychiatrists...they are the least likely for me to listen to . Do you not realize that those very people who are accredited with our mental well being are the number one profession to commit suicide? Why would I read anything they have to say and take it for truth. (However in the past I read a lot of this subject and took courses in college on how the mind works, I know enough now to know "they" do not have a clue as to what is really going on.....YET.)