I'm also concerned that the treatment given Emma by some here (and elsewhere) smells slightly misogynistic as it seems to be mostly the male voice that's the harshest when it comes to criticisms.
Bottom line, I'd suggest the good doctor consider rehab...works for everyone else.
Just sayin...
I've noticed the misogyny too. I didn't want to believe sexism would/could rear its ugly head, but from what I've observed and personally experienced it has. I've been threatened twice now [ in two separate threads] of being banned. Yet I see some posters, of the male gender, on the opposite side of this topic write truly vile and trollish posts with no accountabilty.
Let's do some gender-role reversing. Imagine David Jacobs as 'Davida Jacobs'......a 60-something female History professor who's white-haired, chubby, homely, wears spectacles and has a gruff personality. 'She' also writes controversial books about 'her' small sample of abductees who ,'she' claims, have on-going sexual relations with alien hybrids (who conveniently look just like us). The hybrids need humans to instruct them in sex (and lots of it!) , grocery shopping and apartment living (they love apartments!). 'Davida' gets this information while hypnotizing 'her' abductees. A problem has developed because now the hybrids have IMed and threatened 'Davida Jacobs', as 'she' now knows too much, so 'she' chooses to use unethical practices to throw them off'her' trail.
'Davida Jacobs' has 'he'r longtime colleague in abductionology, an even older woman named 'Buddia Hopkins', who, when not creating modern art, also hypnotizes 'her' abductees and writes books about them. Strangely though, 'Buddia' hasn't come up with adult hybrids that are living with us and threatening 'her', as they do 'her' longtime colleague and friend 'Davida'. The two of them however could be called the high-priestesses of alien abduction and support eachother completely. Some might suggest their relationship is a co-dependent one, within the field of ufology. They even appear on interviews together.
Now a younger and male, very well-spoken and well-written 'Emmet Woods' comes into play. 'He's' been psychologically abused and threatened by 'Davida' (and received a nasty letter from 'Buddia', backing 'Davida' up)and 'Emmet' is not going to take it anymore. 'Emmet' has methodically created 'his' own investigation into 'his' potential abduction experiences and 'his' findings don't necessarily square with what 'Davida' insists is happening to 'him'.
'Emmet' especially won't take 'Davida's' threats, blackmails and horrendous behavior of implanting MPD ideas into 'him' while under longdistance hypnosis. 'Emmet' won't take 'Davida Jacobs' publically lying about 'him' anymore either. 'Emmet' is exposing 'Davida' through taped conversations the two had. And 'Emmet' goes to some forums and discusses the matter, particularly when 'he' is being discussed publically on the forum and on podcasts. 'Emmet' is greeted with a mostly positive reception. The guys in these forums give 'him' a high-five for taking down that old abduction witch 'Davida Jacobs'.
People, that's how I think it would be going here, if the genders were reversed in this matter. I doubt that most of the defenders of David Jacobs would be defending a 'Davida Jacobs'. And, I suspect UFO Watchdog would have put a 'Davida Jacobs' into the Hall of Shame, alongside Linda Mouton Howe ......a long, long time ago.