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Are there "spies" among us?

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I don't think trolls are paid. People forget that 13-year olds can be chatting on sites. Some of what I read has the literacy of a pubescent teen imo - when it really gets bad.
People also forget how many adults these days also seem to have the maturity and literacy of a 13 year old. The stunted growth seems to have something to with being restricted to a 140 character maximum input box, and the rest of the time sitting in front of a game console.
People also forget how many adults these days also seem to have the maturity and literacy of a 13 year old. The stunted growth seems to have something to with being restricted to a 140 character maximum input box, and the rest of the time sitting in front of a game console.

Hey, I resemble that remark!:p Well, besides the Twitter part, fuck Twitter.

Seriously though, it is possible to enjoy a good game and have other interests. If I had to place the blame anywhere it would be squarely on the doorstep of our educational system, which was already in the process of going to shit when I was in school. Just my two cents.
Hey, I resemble that remark!:p Well, besides the Twitter part, fuck Twitter.

Seriously though, it is possible to enjoy a good game and have other interests. If I had to place the blame anywhere it would be squarely on the doorstep of our educational system, which was already in the process of going to shit when I was in school. Just my two cents.

Ohhhhhh, don't get me started! :mad: Education is 90% self-education......but like I say, don''t get me started. :rolleyes:
Ohhhhhh, don't get me started! :mad: Education is 90% self-education......but like I say, don''t get me started. :rolleyes:

I agree, to a point anyway, however, if you don't have parents, family or teachers that attempt to interest you in things beyond the latest video game or television show, is it any wonder that these kids never develop a solid interest in more intellectual pursuits?
Are UFO/Paranormal sites monitored today? Probably to some extent. We know for absolute fact it has happened in the past. Bill Moore admitted to this in July, 1989 at the MUFON symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada. At that point he was one of the most prominent UFO researchers around. He committed professional suicide at that event. I broke a story on Dr. Bruce Maccabee in UFO Magazine and on my original radio show, UFOs Tonite!, Maccabee "briefing" CIA officers on "UFO matters and people" in Langley. Is it still going on now? Probably to some extent. Will we ever know again for sure? Hmm, doubt it.

I think they do more than monitor. They may have people in some of the more active or bigger online forums, who promote what the government wants us to believe: either argue directly that UFOs are nonsense or accomplish the same thing by supporting nutty stories.;)
This has been speculated about for years. I wish there was solid proof this happens.
No doubt there are people monitoring websites. Not just paranormal/ufo topics, but everything under the sun. Go look at any political website. There are plenty of trolls to be found. These people are name-callers and add nothing to any discussion. I am sure that many of them are paid by who-knows-who to muddy the water. What can be done about it? Very little I imagine.

I find this very true. As an example I suspect (but cannot prove) there are extreme left wing haters following any link from Drudge. They spout extremely raciest comments on any article that allows replies in an attempt to make conservatives look bad. One good example of their dirty tricks is here.
Well, I still think that it is (sadly) human nature to ridicule and smear anything that goes after ones particular belief-system or 'fandom'. I have to deal with this crap every day, being a fan of Borussia Dortmund, you either deal with it, or quit this interesting internet experiment. I'm a fighter, so I won't quit even when I'm smeared in crap people throw at me, but I don't think lesser of people who don't want to do that. Well, that was half a rant, didn't mean it to be one. As always, hi NSA.
Are there spies among us? Well there are only about 10 people who post here on a regular basis, so it shouldn't be too hard to ID him or her. Decker has a military and police background ... so I think he's our #1 suspect ( but then again I could be just saying that to throw suspicion off myself ) ;) . Also anyone with a Facebook account should immediately become a suspect, as well as anyone with a Mac instead of a normal PC.
It's true with most forums. Dozens and dozens may post on occasion, but when you add it all up, there's a small core of regulars who are here almost all the time.
Okay ufology, when I signed you up to be my snitch, you agreed to keep your mouth shut! No paycheck for you. (No freaken' soup either!)


I'm no spy ... Just look at my avatar ... There's not even a remote resemblance to any official agency ...

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Nice one, Ufology! :) Even if there is one, he or she should have grasped the concept of this forum by now, which is clearly putting bombs in shoes of little kids.
OMG you used the word "bomb" in a sentence. Now we've probably caused the keyword filter to start taking statistics. But from what I hear, even if you used the word "bomb" it shouldn't trigger any kind of bomb alert unless the word "bomb" is used at least three times in the same sentence, so we're still safe, at least from any threat of surveillance just for using the word "bomb". Excuse me now while I go outside and check for black helicopters.
Well, I'm not a spy. Just sayin'. :p

Even though I did work at one of those government laboratories a few years back - which I have decided never to name or admit to because - after all - this is the internet and people make all kinds of crazy claims. Brandishing those kind of bona fides always looks suspicious to me, anyway, because honestly, when you work for places like that you don't really know much of anything at all. It's the nature of the beast. (I didn't have a high clearance, and even if I did, would not mean anything).
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People also forget how many adults these days also seem to have the maturity and literacy of a 13 year old. The stunted growth seems to have something to with being restricted to a 140 character maximum input box, and the rest of the time sitting in front of a game console.

Thank you. I have hated twitter from the start. A century from now they'll look at how we made ourselves dumb and Wall-E esque.

At least in 1984 the people were steered into stupidity by domineering forces. What's our excuse?

There probably are folks paid to do that. Unlimited resources + control freak paranoid government and all. Perhaps just in case someone actually one day does stumble onto something they don't want being in the public domain.

That being said, they probably have a terribly boring and unimportant job. It's not like the paranormal community is going to rise up and be a threat or anything. We're riddled with infighting and are primarily keyboard warriors. We also are still very much in the dark when it comes to actually having a concrete answer on much of anything.
Thank you. I have hated twitter from the start. A century from now they'll look at how we made ourselves dumb and Wall-E esque.

At least in 1984 the people were steered into stupidity by domineering forces. What's our excuse?

My sense is Twitter is not as gang-busters as it once was, at least in the US - I get too many teaser e-mails from Twitter trying to get me to post on my ornamental and totally useless account. I really should delete it.

Also - anecdotally - I am surprised more times than not at the number of young people in their 20's who claim to have 'gotten off' the internet. Just the other day I was referencing FaceBook in a conversation and a twenty-something stopped in her tracks saying she had an account but was never on it anymore and could not believe I was on that old fossil. :(