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Are there "spies" among us?

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My sense is Twitter is not as gang-busters as it once was, at least in the US - I get too many teaser e-mails from Twitter trying to get me to post on my ornamental and totally useless account. I really should delete it.

Also - anecdotally - I am surprised more times than not at the number of young people in their 20's who claim to have 'gotten off' the internet. Just the other day I was referencing FaceBook in a conversation and a twenty-something stopped in her tracks saying she had an account but was never on it anymore and could not believe I was on that old fossil. :(

I deleted my Facebook account ages ago. It's become yet another marketing platform, and besides that, if what I've seen portrayed in the media is accurate, I don't like the founder Zuckerborg, and won't support the venture ( not that he gives a damn ).

Not to mention the Facebook CIA Connection and their lousy TOS

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It's a bit of an eye opener for a brit to see all those badges of the agencies Ufology posted . I know some are outright military but assuming most will have some need to research or monitor civilian data ast one time or another , that's a big surveillance capability arrayed against a population only a quarter or a third of China's..
It's a bit of an eye opener for a brit to see all those badges of the agencies Ufology posted . I know some are outright military but assuming most will have some need to research or monitor civilian data ast one time or another , that's a big surveillance capability arrayed against a population only a quarter or a third of China's..

Romania, before it's revolution, had a number of internal spies that was bigger than the CIA. I believe ALL phone calls were monitored and for the time, the sigint capability domestically was fearsome. Look up the stats.
It's a bit of an eye opener for a brit to see all those badges of the agencies Ufology posted . I know some are outright military but assuming most will have some need to research or monitor civilian data ast one time or another , that's a big surveillance capability arrayed against a population only a quarter or a third of China's..
There's even more where those came from. The American bureaucracy just loves fancy seals and acronyms.
I deleted my Facebook account ages ago. It's become yet another marketing platform, and besides that, if what I've seen portrayed in the media is accurate, I don't like the founder Zuckerborg, and won't support the venture ( not that he gives a damn ).

Not to mention the Facebook CIA Connection and their lousy TOS

I recall a casual conversation years ago with an older guy who had apparently done some kind of darkish computer work somewhere in New Mexico. He gave us a good long anti-FB rant about growing personal vulnerability in internet social media. I thought at the time he was a bit kooky. I have since re-evaluated his attitudes.
Romania, before it's revolution, had a number of internal spies that was bigger than the CIA. I believe ALL phone calls were monitored and for the time, the sigint capability domestically was fearsome. Look up the stats.

Not hard to believe. The couple of people I have known (one from Romania, actually) who had lived in Communist regimes had a way of becoming very quiet when the subject of surveillance and control was broached. The impression I got was that there was no way they could explain the experience in a way the "west" would understand. Or perhaps mistrust had been so deeply ingrained in them that they simply preferred not to discuss it.
Personal People Meters - Psychoacoustic Masking for Monitoring your Behavior

OK here's a new flavor for all of you who enjoy a nice fresh conspiracy pie. Less than a week after poking fun at the covert surveillance conspiracy people by using the word "bomb" several times in a post, I get this odd package in the mail from a place called BBM which says it's a ratings agency. The promo says that because I recently participated in a television and radio survey, I've been selected among a small group of people to participate in another one of their ratings programs. Hmm, I've participated in a few phone surveys over the years, so it's possible they got my name off some list, but those lists are supposed to have been anonymous and I don't confirm a lot of the information they ask for, yet this one had my name and address on it.

So being the curious cat I am, I open it up and instead of the old diary of programming they used to want you to fill out, now they want me to wear a smart meter everywhere I go, literally: To quote: "... it's truly important that each member wears his or her personal meter from the morning routine to bedtime, every day, in order to get all your radio listening and television viewing." Excuse me? So then I start wondering how these meters determine what I'm listening to and watching on TV? The leaflet says: "Each member of your household has his or her own personal meter. It picks up a special silent signal broadcast by radio and television stations. You simply wear it or keep it wherever you go."

That doesn't really explain how it works does it? So reading further it says: "The meter is equipped with internal cellular phone components. This technology allows your meter to send your TV viewing and radio listening information to BBM's main computer each day." I'm thinking, WTF? Fat chance they have of getting me to wear this thing. But I'm still wondering how exactly it knows what I'm doing. So digging a little further I find out that the "special silent signal" is an audio signal embedded in television and radio broadcasts that uses the principle of psychoacoustic masking to make the signal imperceptible to the listener. The device picks up this signal wherever it's located.

OK. So let's simplify this a bit. This company wants everyone in our residence to wear a device all day long that records audio signals and sends them back to a remote computer via a cell phone signal. This means that right now TVs and radios all over the place are emitting these masked signals, but we can't hear them. However these devices can. How hard would it be for the people who make your digital cable box or cell phone, or car radio to automatically pick up these signals and transmit them back to BBM ( or whomever else wants to intercept it ) as well? The answer is not hard at all. Your cell phones could easily be doing it right now. Let's also not forget how easy it would be to pair this info up with GPS data to know exactly where you are at all times.

The thing is. I don't use a cell phone. So I get this in the mail instead, and if I go along with the gag, all day long, it's possible that they can hear and record everything that's going on and track my movements whether I'm near a TV or radio or not. Now if I were a UFO guy with a pyramid shaped tinfoil hat, I might be temped to think this was more than sheer coincidence wouldn't I? Nah ... it's just to determine ratings right? Did I mention I my rate of hang-up calls has also increased along with the sheer coincidences of black helicopters? Ah ... it's a whacky wonderful world ;) .
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The thing is. I don't use a cell phone. So I get this in the mail instead, and if I go along with the gag, all day long, it's possible that they can hear and record everything that's going on and track my movements whether I'm near a TV or radio or not. Now if I were a UFO guy with a pyramid shaped tinfoil hat, I might be temped to think this was more than sheer coincidence wouldn't I? Nah ... it's just to determine ratings right? Did I mention I my rate of hang-up calls has also increased along with the sheer coincidences of black helicopters? Ah ... it's a whacky wonderful world ;) .

I know what you are suggesting - and if it is so, might it all be automatic? I mean, there is a program/software that is doing all this - sends out the instruction for the mailing, etc. What do you think? Or do you see this as actual people making evaluations?

What did the devise look like? Did they send you enough 'units' for each of your family members? What did you do with it/them?
I know what you are suggesting - and if it is so, might it all be automatic? I mean, there is a program/software that is doing all this - sends out the instruction for the mailing, etc. What do you think? Or do you see this as actual people making evaluations? What did the devise look like? Did they send you enough 'units' for each of your family members? What did you do with it/them?

The picture of the device looks like a pager and it probably does exactly what they say it does. It can probably also do a lot more if someone wanted it to. Consider this: Development of the device was assisted by Martin Marietta, a military contractor associated with Lockheed Martin, and it was Martin Marietta's idea to employ the principle of psychoacoustics to mask the embedded code signal, an approach described in U.S. Patent No. 5,450,490. They were so eager to participate that they signed away all rights to the technology. It turns out that psychoacoustics has been studied by the military for quite some time. Now what possible use could hiding a code inside an audio broadcast possibly have for the military? See SIGINT ...

Ultrasonic QR Codes

Could that ringing in your ears be more than just hearing damage? Some people claim sensitivity to ultrasonic frequencies. This company wants to use ultrasonic sound to transmit QR codes directly to your cell phone: SonicNotify: The inaudible QR codes your smartphone can hear
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Personal People Meters - Psychoacoustic Masking for Monitoring your Behavior

OK here's a new flavor for all of you who enjoy a nice fresh conspiracy pie. Less than a week after poking fun at the covert surveillance conspiracy people by using the word "bomb" several times in a post, I get this odd package in the mail from a place called BBM which says it's a ratings agency. The promo says that because I recently participated in a television and radio survey, I've been selected among a small group of people to participate in another one of their ratings programs. Hmm, I've participated in a few phone surveys over the years, so it's possible they got my name off some list, but those lists are supposed to have been anonymous and I don't confirm a lot of the information they ask for, yet this one had my name and address on it.

Yer' creepin' me out again, man.