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are vaccines safe?

are vaccines safe?

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
a thread to discuss the merits of vaccinations. please if you make a statement about vaccines pro or con back up the statement with scientific data! and NO name calling or personal attacks please!
Ive added a 3rd option that i think covers all the bases.

What do the experts say?
Immunisation programs prevent millions of deaths worldwide each year.

Vaccine safety monitoring — what experts call vaccine pharmacovigilance — as well as many other checks and balances before and after vaccines registration, ensure that vaccines have a minimal risk of causing harm.

Who's missing out on vaccinations?

Debate around immunisation focuses on 'vaccine refusers' but experts say we cannot ignore the other reasons children miss out on vaccines.
Almost all vaccine side effects are mild and short lived.

Common reactions such as low grade fever or pain at the injection occur in about one in every 10 children and go away within a day or two.

Such reactions are evidence of our immune response to vaccines and a small trade-off for protection against serious diseases.

In most cases, we can't predict which person will be the one in a million to have a potentially more serious reaction after a vaccine.
I know certain peoples children have had some really bad reactions to some vaccinations mainly the Measles Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR) here in the UK, the side effects have included autism to physical fits of shaking uncontrollably and there seems no cause part for recently having the vaccination, also teen girls here in the uk receive a vaccine for Cervival cancer (HPV) Human Papiloma Virus and there have been numerous cases of Teen girls being Paralysed and non stop shaking due to this vaccine. also you cab receive a "FLU JAB" every year but again there is nothing but bad "jubies" surrounding this vaccine as well patients are off for weeks at a time after this jab, that you have to take annually.

Now I'm fully aware of the implications of not getting vaccinated but i understand that it could be a high risk to peoples children and i think its down to the open minded individuals and common sense, there are a lot of people who will judge very harshly, i have a close friend that does not vaccinate her kids and i for one have no problem with that she has done her research and looked at the "Pros and Cons" for the vaccination program over here in the UK.

Again i believe its common sense and a learned mind you can do massive research on the internet these days just sift through "the garbage" to get your end state.
Does the MMR vaccine cause autism?
Medical conditions with unknown causes have been incorrectly linked to particular vaccines. The most prominent example is the claimed link between the MMR vaccine and autism—a disease whose first clinical signs commonly occur in the second year of life, at a time when MMR vaccine is usually given. The original suggestion that the MMR vaccine might be linked to autism was made in 1998, when a research group proposed that the attenuated (live) measles virus in the vaccine infected the intestine. The leader of the research group claimed this led to inflammation that resulted in lower absorption of nutrients needed for normal brain development, the outcome being developmental disorders such as autism.

Many comprehensive studies subsequently ruled out this suggested link by showing conclusively that rates of autism are the same among children who have and have not been vaccinated. Ultimately, the original report was shown to be fraudulent, and was retracted by the medical journal that published it.

Similarly, any link between thiomersal, which was previously used in minute quantities as a preservative in vaccines, and autism has also been excluded (see Question 2) 77.

In some cases, these kinds of reactions may be caused by the vaccine. But in other situations, the symptoms may be unrelated, occurring by chance at the same time as the vaccination. For this reason, scientists refer to these kinds of symptoms as adverse events following immunisation to indicate that events that follow vaccination may not be caused by the vaccine.

One unique study from Finland addressed this issue 74. Researchers analysed common symptoms in 581 pairs of twins after one twin received the MMR vaccine and the other was given a dummy vaccine (a placebo). Between one and six days after the injection, the number of adverse events in the twin who received the MMR vaccine was almost identical to those in the twin who received placebo 74 (see Figure 4.1). Between seven and 12 days after the injection, the vaccinated group had a measurable increase in symptoms that are known to be associated with administration of the attenuated measles vaccine, such as fever, irritability and rash. On the other hand, no difference between the two groups could be detected over that period in the frequency of cough and cold-like symptoms—which occur commonly with or without vaccination. Moreover, even some of the symptoms known to occur after MMR vaccine were also seen in the group who received placebo, but at a lower rate.

In summary, this valuable study showed that many common symptoms that occur after a vaccine is given are not caused by the vaccine, but occur by chance at that time.
Good info. I just wanna add that in my family:
1. My father almost died from whooping cough as a young child.
2. My great aunt had polio as a child. She had terrible scars on her legs and lingering after-effects even as an adult.
3. My grandmother died of a tetanus infection, and trust me, that is something you never want to suffer. I was told by relatives who knew that they could hear her screams throughout the hospital where she was being treated.
Good info. I just wanna add that in my family:
1. My father almost died from whooping cough as a young child.
2. My great aunt had polio as a child. She had terrible scars on her legs and lingering after-effects even as an adult.
3. My grandmother died of a tetanus infection, and trust me, that is something you never want to suffer. I was told by relatives who knew that they could hear her screams throughout the hospital where she was being treated.

Yeah we had polio in my family 3 generations back. Multiple family members.(my Mother got polio)
Haven't had a single incidence of it since.
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So even though I'm definitely pro-vaccine, I personally know of someone whose child died after being vaccinated. I do feel the CDC has gotten a little callous in determining that a certain amount of deaths are acceptable, and I personally feel they could have done more. And the CDC got tagged pretty hard for not declaring conflicts of interests like they are mandated to by law (some of which involved doctors making vaccines mandatory for which they hold the patent).
If you are parent, I think you have a right be concerned and extra-vigilant, but it doesn't excuse the anti-vaccination sentiment that is currently at play.
When I was a kid my mother (a nurse) took me to a measles party and a mumps party to intentionally infect me. She knew about the real "herd immunity" where a person receives life long immunity from contracting measles or mumps.
Vaccinations last 2-10 years at best then you need a booster. Then for a couple weeks to as long as a couple months you can possibly infect others via shedding of the virus.
The polio vaccine did not stop polio. It was on a severe decline before the vaccine was introduced. Then sadly the vaccine actually spread polio further because it contained a live virus as an ingredient.
It's also highly likely that DDT was the actual culprit in the "polio" epidemic.

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Want to know what this topic is about?
Do yourself a favor and sign up to watch this extremely interesting series then we can all be on the same page. Some here rely on only listening to the fox that guards the hen house.

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This video is a great primer to get started learning facts. It's also a great introduction to the great Dr Andrew Wakefield that has been terribly misrepresented. A few members here believe they know his story and they don't. (at about 30 minutes in)

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This is awesome that they are offering this again for free. Please consider watching the whole 9 day series if you want to be informed about vaccines.

The short primer video at the above link should spark a little interest at least for the parents here. Do NOT trust your doctor, research both sides of this topic.

I need to repeat that nearly every anti vaxxer was at one time very much a pro vaxxer.
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You know what's really sad? The most pro vaccine people here won't even look at anything different from their views. That is not scientific thinking on their part. They will just smugly call someone a nut and ignore facts.

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