Review more literature and you will find evidence vaccines may indeed cause autism and worse. It is possible the long term effects of vaccinations will weed out the less intelligent of our species.I have had the flu shot only once and that was to avoid bringing home diseases to the new born babe in our home. Having my first child made me listen to the rhetoric of innoculation. But then i quickly reverted to my old ways and old attitudes which have always been, whatever doesn't kill you makes your antibodies stronger.
Working in a school setting is like being bathed in germs every day so I feel each year, like Wade, I get a minor illness and move on. It's rare that I get knocked down for more than a couple of days, if at all. I'm banking on the natural anti-bodies I've made.
I know, from reviewing the literature that vaccines do not cause autism, and that a lot of disease has been eradicated by vaccines so my kids have all the big ones to avoid sudden death now, as we see those teens who get meningitis drop two days later, or to prevent those adult disasters who never got measles or mumps while young. My kids have never gotten a flu shot though.
There's a strange random prediction game that comes with the flu shot as they guess which strains will dominate next year and this can be wrong, and then herd innocukation is bogus. I'm concerned about reactions like exo_doc describes as these tell me that this vaccine is still in development or unique personal bio-chemistry is having unpredictable reactions - that is a normal event. Sometimes, it's good to let new vaccines ripple through the population for 5-10 years to see all the impacts before doing what should be logical, protecting yourself against known disease with the best medical option.